Weeks of August 17th, 24th and 31st
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Week of August 31st, 2001


A SLAP-UP tasting of good Scottish chuck and a huge battle at the end. What more can anyone want? Thousands of locals and tourists young and old, flocked to Culzean Castle last weekend for the annual Carrick 800 battle re-enactment.


Gardenrose Class of 2001. Cairn Class of 2001. St. Cuthbert's Class of 2001.


Bishop Maurice Taylor has made what is likely to be his last pastoral visit to Maybole as Bishop of Galloway. Bishop Maurice Taylor presented new Testaments to this group of first communicants at Our Lady and St. Cuthbert's Church.
TOP TRIPLES...Gordon Nelson, Anne Brown and Graeme Campbell won Maybole's invitation triples ... The Maybole branch of the Arthritis research Campaign holds its annual afternoon tea ...

NET RESULTS. Using the Internet and sending e-mails is easy - when you know how! And weekly evening classes will be held in Maybole to guide people through the correct procedures.

Maybole Town Hall is the venue at 6:30pm today (Thursday) for a circus and laughter show with the Sandow Clowns. A new production promises all the fun of the circus on stage with non-stop slapstick ....

Maybole's OIR's next meeting will be held on Monday, September 10....

Line dancing classes will resume on Friday, September 7, in Maybole Town Hall at 2:15 pm.

Week of August 24th, 2001

Dancing queen Eilidh really is ship-shape. Built in Scotland - from hard work and talent. Society has new chairwoman. Maybole Historical Society has a new chair following the resignation of James Brown....
South Ayrshire is officially 'Open'. South Ayrshire countryside is :fully open for business" following the removal of all foot and mouth restrictions. Kids get the cold shoulder. School leavers at Carrick Academy have been given a massive snub by the local business community.

Week of August 17th, 2001

Plans unveiled for Maybole Homes. This is the future of housing in  Maybole. Spectacular plans for 23 new houses were outlined to members of the town's community council... Computer Nights fully Booked. Massive response to May-Tag sessions. Maybole folk are responding in big numbers to an appeal to make more residents computer literate.
Carrick Colts 13s triumphed in the recent Tass tournament, winning all their section matches against Prestayr Thistle Colts ... Do you remember the faces? If you were at primary school around 1960, some of these faces may look familiar.
Lucky 30 enjoy the playtime. A five-week junior play-scheme in Maybole proved to be a great success. Post colour picture focus on a super summer event in Maybole.
Janice runs to help her pal. Superfit landlady Janice McKellar lines up in the Glasgow Half Marathon on Sunday. Creche-ing out...toddlers were looked after by creche leaders Lyndsay Jess and Fiona Currie.
Remember, remember 14th of November! Maybole Community Association is planning a fireworks display in November - Two years on, almost the entire world has 'hit' www.maybole.org.