2009 -
Saturday, October 31, 2009 was a once in a
lifetime experience for pupils of all four Maybole schools.
They took part in a world premiere of “The Boyhood of Burns”
written by John Cairney, the man who played Robert Burns for
many years all over the world. There were five different
pupils playing the young Burns. The actor, raconteur, writer
and Burns scholar was excited about the project and a few
days later wrote: “The Maybole experience is still
reverberating inside me, the memory of those young faces
allied to those old themes is something that I shall long
remember. “From my position as narrator at the side of the
stage, I felt less of a performer and more of a conductor
leading a team of young people towards a new insight into
the Burns story, in which they were the new messengers
carrying his words and sounds into another era. |
HE’S at the top the tree and she’s a
new recruit. But John Geates and Megan Bryson have more than the
police in common. For they both grew up in Girvan. Assistant chief
constable Mr Geates took time out to congratulate PC Bryson when she
passed out at Tulliallen police college – where Mr Geates is
currently the director. She was one of 193 new recruits to join the
ranks of Scotland’s finest following the ceremony on Friday. PC
Bryson, 21, is a former pupil of St Cuthbert’s Primary in Maybole
and Queen Margaret Academy. She lived with her family in Maybole and
Girvan before moving to Ayr this year. And like her successful
colleague she will begin her career in her native Ayrshire. Mr
Geates was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal in the birthday honours
list earlier this year. He has held a range of senior positions
within Strathclyde Police during his 28 year career. |
Carrick Colts Under 10 team did a
sponsored walk up Straiton Hill on the morning of Saturday 3rd
October 2009. It was a very wet and windy day but both kids and
adults managed to the top - with a few red faces !! This was to
raise funds for new football kits and training gear. |
When Carrick Chess Club and Carrick Junior Chess Club said they were
looking for new and old members to join them they did not think that
one of their own members, Dr Kenny Brooksbank, would turn up at the
AGM with his 12 week old twins! The annual general meeting was
combined with the annual prizegiving ceremony when the Club
Championship was won jointly by Dr Kenny Brooksbank and Ali Roy.
more |
Alex Kelly has stepped up from vice
chair of Maybole Community Council to take over the chairperson’s
role. This follows the resignation last month of Peter Mason.
William Grant, a previous chairperson, takes over as vice chair.
They will hold their positions till next March when all community
councillors in the South Ayrshire Council area have to stand down.
Maybole Community Council held an
open consultation evening in Maybole Town Hall last Thursday
evening. It was arranged so that local people could find out more
about various projects and initiatives which may have a significant
impact on the town. Alex Kelly, chairperson of the community council
welcomed everyone and said that the format for the evening allowed
everyone to circulate round the various projects and discuss them
with representatives from groups involved. Also present were MSPs
Adam Ingram and Cathy Jamieson as well as local councillors local
authority officers and a good number of local folk.
more |
Eric Low, of Myeloma UK, visited Maybole last week to pick up a
cheque for £410 from Rea Ramage in memory of her late husband, John.
He dropped in to Memorial Park Bowling Club’s premises where John
was a past president and club champion as well as serving behind the
bar and being a keen member. John, 67, had suffered from rheumatoid
arthritis for many years and then developed a rare form of myeloma.
At John’s funeral service, Rev Arrick Wilkinson commented, “I was
told of the time when he was told he would never walk again, but he
did; of his willpower, and I built up in my own mind a picture of a
man with some of that strength that only comes from experience.
“That empathy for others that can only come from having been in
their shoes, or at least being able to imagine well where the shoes
hurt most." more |
Maybole Bowling Club held their annual
Presentation Dance on Friday October 23. Club President Dorothy
McGarrie presented the trophies to the winners. Photo at right is
club president Dorothy McGarrie with two grandchildren who were
prizewinners Shannon McGarrie and Lee McCulloch Keeping it in the
family! more |
Residents and staff at Crosene
Sheltered housing unit have an early Hallowe’en treat! |
Friday, October 30 was “wear it pink”
day and staff at the Maybole branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland
did just that to raise awareness of the Breast Cancer Campaign to
fund innovative, world-class research throughout the UK and Ireland
to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved
diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure. The charity currently
supports around 130 projects worth £15million in 43 centres across
the UK and Ireland and last year raised £3.5 million which helped to
fund projects like Dr Ingunn Holen's award-winning research which
found that if two drugs were given in a particular order at specific
time intervals, breast tumours were almost completely destroyed.
more |
The Mountain Rescue Team lead a
workshop at Gardenrose Primary School for the
Primary 7s as part of their Junior Achievement
Award. The team demonstrated how to use the
equipment, some of their safety procedures and the
phonetic alphabet which can be used as part of their
communication. Pupils had the opportunity to look at
the vehicle used for mountain rescue and ask
individual questions about the volunteers. Pupils
gained a great deal from these sessions which
contribute to the community section of their Junior
Achievement Award. The Mountain Rescue team, which
is run entirely by volunteers will be fundraising in
Ayr, outside Marks and Spenser on Saturday the 28th
November from about 10.00 |
The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below. |
When Carrick Chess Club and
Carrick Junior Chess Club said they were looking for new
and old members to join them they did not think that one
of their own members, Dr Kenny Brooksbank, would turn up
at the AGM with his 12 week old twins! The annual
general meeting was combined with the annual prizegiving
ceremony when the Club Championship was won jointly by
Dr Kenny Brooksbank and Ali Roy.
Other prizewinners were:
President’s Trophy Steell McFadzean
League Shield Eric MacKinnon
Junior Club Champion Peter Edwards
Junior Blitz Champion Zak Roy
Office Bearers are:
President Steell McFadzean
Treasurer Eric MacKinnon
Secretary Ann Roy
Team Captain Dr Kenny Brooksbank
Winners of the Ayrshire Chess League were Greenwood
Gambits with runners up being Prestwick A Team. Irvine B
team were relegated to Division 2 while Carrick remain
in Division1. Anyone interested in joining Carrick Chess
Club or Carrick Junior Chess Club is invited to go along
on a Wednesday evening to Maybole Town Hall between 7pm
and 10pm. Junior Beginners are welcome to go along
between 7pm and 8pm.
Community Council held an open consultation evening
in Maybole Town Hall last Thursday evening.
It was arranged so that local
people could find out more about various projects
and initiatives which may have a significant impact
on the town. Alex Kelly, chairperson of the
community council welcomed everyone and said that
the format for the evening allowed everyone to
circulate round the various projects and discuss
them with representatives from groups involved. Also
present were MSPs Adam Ingram and Cathy Jamieson as
well as local councillors local authority officers
and a good number of local folk.
Projects include:
Maybole Bypass, whose
committee is continuing to take action to press
the Scottish Government for a start date to
build a bypass for the town.
Maybole Town Centre
Regeneration, a bid has been submitted to the
Scottish Government for funding to enhance the
High Street and improve the Town Hall.
Maybole Pathfinder Project
which is an initiative to consider the
feasibility of local people taking ownership of
resources such as the Town Hall, golf course,
swimming pool, sports pitches and library.
The Carrick Centre which is
a project looking to establish a community
centre and church adjacent to the railway
Maybole/Carrick Biosphere
Project which is campaigning for a network of
special places for people and nature.
Maybole Castle Trust which
is planning to develop Maybole Castle as a
community resource centre for local history and
Pleased with the excellent
turnout, Alex Kelly said afterwards, “It was great
to see so many members of the public attend our
consultation exercise. “On behalf of Maybole
Community Council I would like to thank those people
who attended for taking the time to come along. “I
would also like to thank our local MSPs, councillors
and officials of South Ayrshire Council and the
facilitators who manned the stands.
“We will, in due course, evaluate
the questionnaires people filled in, and make known
the results of these.” Cathy Jamieson MSP said, "I
am pleased that so many people turned out for the
Maybole consultation event. This was an excellent
opportunity for local people to have their say about
how they want to see the local area improved.
“Maybole has a great community spirit, and involving
people in this way will pay off, and, of course,
local people reminded us that we need to keep up the
pressure for a Maybole Bypass, as well as looking at
regenerating the town."
Roddy MacDonald, South Ayrshire
Council’s Head of Community Development, was at the
Pathfinder table and introduced newly appointed
consultant Ian Hughes, managing director of Creation
Ltd who will carry out the consultation exercise for
the project to Alex Kelly.
Ian is a former winner of the
Ernst & Young UK Entrepreneur of the Year Award and
was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2008 for
services to Enterprise. He has some 20 years'
experience in economic and property development in
both the UK and overseas. He has experience at
directorate level with The World Bank, European
Union, and over 20 International Agencies. Mr
MacDonald added, “The evening was a great
opportunity to share with members of the Community
the ambitions for the Pathfinder Project and for
individuals to speak to the consultants who have
been appointed recently to take the Project
Friday, October 30 was
“wear it pink” day and staff at the Maybole branch
of the Royal Bank of Scotland did just that to raise
awareness of the Breast Cancer Campaign to fund
innovative, world-class research throughout the UK
and Ireland to understand how breast cancer
develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment,
prevention and cure. The charity currently supports
around 130 projects worth £15million in 43 centres
across the UK and Ireland and last year raised £3.5
million which helped to fund projects like Dr Ingunn
Holen's award-winning research which found that if
two drugs were given in a particular order at
specific time intervals, breast tumours were almost
completely destroyed. This discovery could
ultimately lead to improved chances of survival for
thousands of women undergoing treatment and bring us
a step closer to beating breast cancer. The staff
collected £58 and would like to thank everyone who
As part of Cairn Primary
P3/4’s local environment topic, Mrs Fyfe (Class
Teacher), Mrs McDougall (Head Teacher,) members of
the P3/4 class and their parents, braved the wind
and the rain on Saturday afternoon to climb up
Kildoon Hill to the monument so that they could
enjoy a panoramic view of Maybole and the
surrounding area. The group also enjoyed a visit to
Maybole Waterfall before making their way down from
the hill. Despite the fact that everyone got
completely soaked on the way back down, all agreed
it had been a fun afternoon and all who participated
came back with ‘rosy’ cheeks and a warm glow! A big
thank you and “Well Done” to everyone who took part.
Maybole Bowling Club held
their annual Presentation Dance on Friday October
23. Club President Dorothy McGarrie presented the
trophies to the winners.
Club Champion (Wm Gray
Trophy) Lee McCulloch r/u Peter McArthur
President’s Cup Tom
Lucas r/u William Johnstone
Vice President’s Cup Hugh
Paterson r/u Lee McCulloch
Novice Robert
Senior Trophy John
Carlyle r/u hugh Paterson
Matthew Reid Pairs Robert
Mattless & Derek Walker r/u Hugh Paterson & John
SBA Rink William Young,
Ronnie Wilson, William Kennedy & Lee McCulloch
SBA Triples (Robert Turner
Trophy) William Young, Hugh Paterson
& William
Kennedy r/u Ronnie Wilson, Alex Davidson
& Lee McCulloch
SBA Pairs (John Conkie Memorial
Cup) Lee McCulloch and Andy Clark r/u
Johnstone and John Carlyle
Andy Clark & William
Kennedy r/u Jim McGarrie & Lee McCulloch
Nominated Mixed Pairs (SBA)
(Shield) Betty Hannah & Peter McArthur
r/u Shannon
McGarrie and John Carlyle
Mixed Two Bowl Pairs (Hannah
trophy) Anne Walker & Ian Sloan r/u Isabel
& Alex Davidson
Mixed Pairs (William Reid
Memorial Cup) Sarah Chapman & John Carlyle
r/u Christine
Malone & Lee McCulloch
Mixed Triples Margaret
McCulloch & Peter Ogg r/u Betty Falconer, Sarah
Chapman & Frank
Peter McEwan Shield Sandra
Clark & william Young r/u Anne Walker & William
Peggy Kilpatrick Trophy (Senior
nominated mixed pairs) Isabel Johnstone &
Johnstone r/u Margaret
McCulloch & Derek Walkerr
Tom Hind Memorial Cup
Lee McCulloc r/u Pat Webster
The William Bulloch Trophy (Mixed
singles) Alex Davidson r/u Geoff Smith
Marble Bowl Derek Walker r/u
Frank Potter
Memorial Park Cup (Mixed
singles) Lee McCulloch r/u William Johnstone
League Trophy
(Cassillis) Derek Walker
Club Champion (Ericson Rose
Bowl) Sarah Chapman r/u Pat Webster
President’s Cup Sarah
Chapman r/u Pat Webster
Vice President’s Cup Sheena
Brown r/u Anne Walker
Novice Shannon McGarrie r/u
Sandra Clark
Ladies Pairs (Flora Conkie
Trophy) Irene Wilson & Sheena Crawford r/u
sandra Clark &
Isabel Johnstone
Senior Ladies Pairs (Rose
Bowl) Bette Coulter & Margaret McCulloch
r/u Christine Malone & Sheena Crawford
Eric Low, of Myeloma UK,
visited Maybole last week to pick up a cheque
for £410 from Rea Ramage in memory of her late
husband, John. He dropped in to Memorial Park
Bowling Club’s premises where John was a past
president and club champion as well as serving
behind the bar and being a keen member. John,
67, had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for
many years and then developed a rare form of
At John’s funeral service, Rev Arrick Wilkinson
commented, “I was told of the time when he was
told he would never walk again, but he did; of
his willpower, and I built up in my own mind a
picture of a man with some of that strength that
only comes from experience. “That empathy for
others that can only come from having been in
their shoes, or at least being able to imagine
well where the shoes hurt most. That sense of
humour which again can only come from knowing
how impossible life can be without it.”
Using the quotation “This too, shall pass”, Rev
Wilkinson had said, “When John got his diagnosis
of myeloma, that was how he faced life. When he
was told that he only had months, or perhaps
weeks, until it took his life from him, that was
his philosophy. “He knew how to enjoy life, so
he fulfilled the passage we read from
Ecclesiastes, the one which talked about there
being a time for everything.”
After thanking Rea for her donation, Mr Low said
that Myeloma UK, registered as a charity in
1997, is the only organisation in the UK dealing
exclusively with myeloma and its related
disorders. He added, “Our broad and innovative
range of services cover every aspect of myeloma,
from information and support to improving
standards of treatment and care through
research, education, campaigning and raising
“Our strategy is to take an integrated approach
to address the barriers and challenges that are
slowing down myeloma research and the
development of, and access to, new treatments,
optimal care, information and support.” He
continued, “Myeloma UK works with patients,
carers and family members, to help them cope
with everything a diagnosis of myeloma brings.
“We work with doctors and GPs, to find better
ways of diagnosing and treating myeloma; with
nurses and other healthcare professionals, to
improve care for patients; with researchers, to
improve treatments, reduce side-effects and
develop preventative and curative strategies. We
also work with other charities, government and
the pharmaceutical industry, to ensure patients
have access to and receive the best possible
treatment and care when they need it.
“At Myeloma UK we are passionate and dedicated
about what we do and have a relentless
commitment to achieving our goals. We are
staffed by a small but effective team, managed
by an expert Board and guided by professional
advisory boards. “We receive no government
funding and rely almost entirely on voluntary
donations and fundraising activities; our
administration and running costs are kept to an
absolute minimum.” The Myeloma Infoline is at
0800 980 3332