"THERE is a purpose of marriage between William Burnes, Bachelor,
residing at Alloway, in the Parish of Ayr, and Agnes Brown, Spinster, residing
in Maybole, in the Parish of Maybole, of which proclamation is made .. ."
When these banns were "cried" in the old church at the foot of the Kirkwynd in
November, 1757, by the
Rev. James
McKnight (who in 1769 was Moderator of the General Assembly) none of the
douce Minniebolers in the congregation that day could possibly know they were
listening to the opening lines of a drama which would take its place in Scottish
history. The menfolk in the congregation would, as usual, listen to the
proclamation without actually hearing it and the bonnets of the goodwives would
nod together as much as to say "A' well' she's got a man at last," it being
common knowledge that Agnes Brown had broken off a seven yeais' engagement with
a local ploughman, William Nelson, only a year earlier and now, at the age of
twenty six, she was about to be married to an older man of thirty six from the
neighbouring parish.
was in Maybole that the
parents of
Robert Burns met, courted and married and therefore the old town can claim a
connection with him. Much has been written about his birthplace at Alloway, his
father, William Burnes, originally from Kircardineshire (Clockenhill in the
Means district) and his life from birth at Alloway to death in Dumfries but
little has been mentioned about his connections with the old Capital of Carrick.
Burns' mother lived in Maybole for most of her unmarried life and one of his
greatest schoolboy friends, William Niven, lived in Maybole where Burns often
visited him.
Early in the eighteenth century a William
Rennie (or Rainy), who was a baker in Ayr, decided to start
a business in Maybole and he and his wife set up a small
bakery in the town. On 7th May, 1731, their daughter Agnes
married Gilbert Brown (born 1708) who was the son of John
Brown, a farmer in Craigenton near Kirkoswald and a tenant
of the Earl of Cassillis. |
At the time of his marriage Gilbert Brown was working as a forester on the
estates of the Earl of Cassillis and it is said he set up house with his bride
at Whitestone at Culzean and local tradition has it that their daughter Agnes
was born there on 17th March, 1732. Whitestone was situated about two hundred yards south of Balchriston Gate Lodge
at the entrance to the former Main Avenue to Culzean Castle. The gate lodge has
completely gone now and only part of the gable of Whitestone stands in the
wood-land at the south end of where the highway was straightened in 1965 to
improve an awkward corner near the entrance to the Wrack Road which leads to
Maybole shore. Shortly afterwards Gilbert Brown became joint tenant with his
father in Craigenton Farm and Agnes Brown lived on the farm until she was about
12 years of age. She was the eldest of the family and had four brothers and
three sisters when her mother died in 1742. Although then only ten years of age
she took over the running of her father's house and she was helped in this
difficult task by another girl, Ann Gillespie, who was only a year older than
her and who became the wife of John Davidson, the immortal "Soutar Johnnie". Her
mother on her deathbed had remarked to her sister, who had come to visit her as
she lay dying, that she was not sorry to be going from the trials of this world
and place at Alloway, his father, William Burnes, originally from
Kircardineshire (Clockenhill in the Mearns district) and his life from birth at
Alloway to death in Dumfries but little has been mentioned about his connections
with the old Capital of Carrick. Burns' mother lived in Maybole for most of her
unmarried life and one of his greatest schoolboy friends, William Niven, lived
in Maybole where Burns often visited him.
Early in the eighteenth century a William Rennie (or Rainy), who was a baker in
Ayr, decided to start a business in Maybole and he and his wife set up a small
bakery in the town. On 7th May, 1731, their daughter Agnes married Gilbert Brown
(born 1708) who was the son of John Brown, a farmer in Craigenton near
Kirkoswald and a tenant of the Earl of Cassillis. At the time of his marriage
Gilbert Brown was working as a forester on the estates of the Earl of Cassillis
and it is said he set up house she was leaving her children to the care of God
as her husband Gilbert would soon get another wife. This prophecy was soon
fulfilled for two years after his first wife's death, Gilbert Brown married
again, and indeed after the death of his second wife married for the third
the marriage of her father to his second wife, Agnes, who had worked so hard to
keep the family together, was no longer needed at Craigenton and she left and
went to stay with her grandmother, Mrs. Rennie, in Maybole, which became her
hometown for the next thirteen years. Prior to her mother'.; death Agnes had
been taught to read a little by a weaver in Kirkoswald but never received any
tuition in the other two R's and knew nothing about arithmetic and could never
write even her own name. This accounts for the fact there are no relies of any
letter by Burns' mother but it is strange that such an inveterate writer as her
son should never have written to her (at least there are no records of any such
letters) or written a single line of poetry mentioning her. Neither is there any
record of Burns ever visiting his maternal grandfather at Craigenton Farm
although he lived in Kirkoswald for a time when he went to school there in his
seventeenth year and Craigenton is only about two miles from the village.
Probably the fact that his grand- father married again, and his mother was more
or less cast out to live with her grandmother in Maybole, embittered Burns
against the Browns. Differences between members of families were as common in
his day as they are nowadays.
Agnes Brown moved to Maybole in 1744 she lived with her grandmother for some
years and then became housekeeper to her paternal uncle, William Brown, who was
a widower and who also lived in the town. Her grandfather, as well as being a
baker, worked a small piece of ground near Maybole, (which was a common practice
at that time) and had a man, William Nelson, to do the ploughing and odd work on
the land. Agnes became acquainted with William Nelson and in 1749 they became
engaged to be married. The engagement dragged on for seven years, which was an
unusually long time in those days, but possibly Agnes did not wish to leave her
widowed uncle to fend for himself. The seven years' engagement proved too much
of a strain on William and in 1756 he became involved with another local girl
who had his child and Agnes broke off her engagement. Shortly afterwards at the
annual fair in Maybole she met her future husband William Burnes and the
traditional site of this meeting is marked by a bust of the poet over a building
near the bottom of Maybole High Street where it is said the fair booth stood at
which they met. At this time William Burnes had been paying court to a girl at
Alloway Mill and it is believed he had written a letter to her proposing
marriage but had not plucked up enough courage to send it to her. After meeting
Agnes Brown he transferred his affection to her and burned the letter to the
Alloway Mill lass. After a few months' courtship, when no doubt William paid
many visits to Maybole, the couple became engaged and were married on the 15th
December, 1757, the bride being twenty six years old and the groom ten years
After the marriage the couple took up home at Alloway and from thereon their
life has been an open book to all, but few have mentioned that very probably
many visits were paid by them and their children to Maybole to visit Agnes'
grandmother with whom she had lived for so much of her unmarried life. It is
understandable she would not often visit her father's home where a stepmother
would probably not be too welcoming, but as Alloway is only five miles from
Maybole no doubt the proud mother would visit her granny and childhood friends
to show off her children, as all mothers do, and it can be assumed that Robert
Burns in his very youthful years was often brought to the old town.
When Robert Burns was seventeen years old his parents decided to send him to a
well-known school in Kirkoswald where the headmaster, Hugh Rodgers, was noted as
a teacher of trigonometry, land-mensuration and sun-dialling. Robert had shown a
great liking far education and his father was anxious that every opportunity
should be given him. The fact that he could send his son at the age of seventeen
years to a school to learn mensuration, etc., should surely explode the myth
that Robert Burns was a poor ploughman and his folks were in straitened
circumstances. At that time country boys usually started work about ten or
twelve years of age and whatever schooling they may have had was finished, and
probably forgotten, by the time they were seventeen.
During his son's formative years William Burns did everything possible to see
he was given as good a schooling as possible and indeed in May, 1765, along with
four neighbours started a school in Alloway, bringing a young lad of 18 years to
tutor their children. Robert Burns did not attend this school long enough to
gain much knowledge but undoubtedly he got his love of books and desire to
further his education from his first tutor. This love of learning came to Burns
not only from his father but from his father's father as he (Robert Burness)
joined with some neighbours to build a school and employ a tutor on the farm of
Clockenhill which is thought to have been the first school built in the Mearns
district. It is not surprising therefore, with such a father and grandfather,
that in the middle of the second half of the eighteenth century, when schooling
in country districts was practically negligible, that Robert Burns should be
sent to board at Kirkoswald and attend a school where such persons as the famous
physician Sir Gilbert Blane (who discovered the cure for scurvy) and Sir Andrew
Cathcart of Carlton were taught. The boarding of the poet at Kirkoswald was not
a difficult matter as his mother's brother, Samuel Brown, lived at Ballochneil
about a mile south of Kirkoswald Village and it was arranged Burns should stay
there during the summer of 1775 when attending Hugh Rodger's school. The cottage
in which Burns lodged is now a ruin with only part of the gables standing at the
rear of Ballochneil Farm Cottages, on the farm of Park, about a mile south of
Kirkoswald on the road to Turnberry.
the same day that Burns entered the school at Kirkoswald another pupil also
enrolled and a friendship sprang up between the two youths. The other pupil was
William Niven, who was born in Maybole in February, 1759, (a month after Burns'
birth) and he was the son of David Niven a well to'do merchant and Magistrate of
the town. William Niven had just completed a course of classical studies in one
of the schools in Maybole (of which there were quite a few at that time) but his
father felt he should learn more about arithmetic, etc., to help him when be
became a partner in his father's business in Maybole.
During his schooling at Kirkoswald it is believed that Burns went nearly every
weekend with Niven to his home in Maybole and stayed there from Saturday till
Monday morning when they would both walk the four miles to Kirkoswald before
school began. Burns therefore must have known Maybole well at this period of his
life but naturally the townsfolk would never dream that the young lad who was
such a constant friend of Bailie Niven's son, and who would be in many ploys in
the town, as all young men were in these days as well as nowadays, would after
his death, a short 20 years later, be immortalised as Scotland's National Poet.
After Burns left the school at Kirkoswald he corresponded with his schoolmate
for the rest of his shbrt life. Indeed it is said that his "Epistle to a Young
Friend" was originally addressed to William Niven but as the Poet had become
aware that "his early companion was pervaded with the single idea of how to
become rich (or rather remain rich and become richer) he changed his original
intention of connecting the effusion with the name of Niven." The two men were
so opposite in nature it is understandable that, although Burns always retained
a certain amount of friendship for his schoolmate, in later years he had
certainly no deep affection for him and undoubtedly Niven's love of wealth was
the cause of their drifting apart.
Poet and William Niven, however, regularly corresponded after their schooldays
and when the first edition of Burns' poems was printed by John Wilson in
Kilmamock in 1786 Niven undertook to sell some copies among his Maybole friends.
The cost of a copy (3/-) was quite a lot to pay for a book of poetry in those
days (about half a week's wages) but Niven managed to sell seven copies,
presumably to some townspeople, and it is unfortunate for the descendants of the
purchasers that none of the copies seem to have survived as they would fetch a
great price today. Perhaps some fortunate Minnieboler may yet unearth a copy
among the old and forgotten things so often stored away in the attics of the
older houses in the town. In August, 1786, Burns came to Maybole from Mossgiel to
collect the money for the seven copies of his poems and stayed the night with
Niven's parents. A party of the poet's admirers (probably the purchasers of the
books, among them being Hugh Rodger his old Kirkoswald schoolmaster) met in the
Kings Arms Hotel that evening and spent a most convivial night.
following morning Burns hired a riding horse to take him back to Mossgiel and it
would seem he had arrived in Maybole the previous day on foot or had begged a
lift from some carrier taking goods to the town. As William Niven's father had
carriers bringing merchandise to his shop in Maybole from all districts of
Ayrshire, it is probable Burns arranged his visit to fit in with a delivery of
goods from the Mauchline district. The hired horse must have been past its best
as Burns later described it as a beast that could only "hoyte and hobble and
wintle like a Sawmont cobble." At that time (and for decades afterwards) it was
a common practice for the Maybole men to say farewell to their visitors by
walking with them to the milestone near the top of the Lovers' Lane and Niven
and some other members of the party of the previous night arranged among
themselves to go to this milestone and wait on Burns as he rode to Ayr before
saying their goodbyes. Between them they composed a doggerel about the previous
night's carousel and when Burns appeared on the old horse they recited their
poem which Burns listened to with great patience. He was not greatly enamoured
with their effort, however, and when the long and lamentable farewell was
finished he remarked it would only have been necessary to say:
"Here comes Burns on Rosinate
She's damned puir, but he's damned canty."
is the last factual record of Burns visiting Maybole and on his returning to
Mossgiel he wrote to his friend William Niven on 20th August, 1786, thanking him
for the hospitality shown him and asking to be remembered to the people with
whom he had spent the evening. He referred to "spunky young Tammy" (Thomas
Piper, assistant to Dr. Hugh Logan in Maybole) also Mr. Dunn, a schoolmaster in
the town, and particularly to "the two worthy old gentlemen I had the honour of
being introduced to on Friday, although I am afraid the conduct you forced on me
may make them see me in a light I would fondly think I do not deserve." In the
letter he paid his respects to Mr. and Mrs. Niven who had been his hosts during
his visit and stated that he had been so busy on his return to Mossgiel that he
had not been able to fulfill a promise made to his school friend but asked
William to remember the old proverb: "The break o' a day's no the break o' a
bargain" and to have patience and the matter would be settled. What the promise
was and if it was ever carried out is unfortunately unknown. Burns went on to
write that every one of his Maybole friends was welcome to a copy of his songs
but they were not to be "blazed among the million as I would abhor every
prentice mouthing my poor performances in the street."
Although possibly the Poet would again visit Maybole from time to time (at least
before he went to Dumfries which was a distant part in those days) there is no
record of any such visits but it can be truly said that the old town has many
associations with our national poet and the chance meeting of William Burnes of
Alloway and Agnes Brown at the booth at the bottom of the High Street in 1756
was the real beginning of the immortal story of Robert Burns.
From the chapter on
Robert Burns' Association with Maybole in the book
Carrick's Capital by James T. Gray