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A "Festival of Scottish Music and Dance" in the Fountain Court at Culzean Castle and Country Park. Taking part were Maybole Pipe Band; Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra; the Aileen Robertson School of Dancing; Ayr Branch of the Royal Country Dance Society; and Kenny Thomson and his Band. The MC was Eric Finley There was also piping , dancing and singing at the Visitor Centre. August 20, 2000. Photos by David Kiltie. Click on the images below for larger views. See also Culzean Castle and  Places of Interest about Maybole : Culzean Castle

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Dancers at Culzean Castle

Dancers at Culzean Castle

Culzean Castle Culzean Castle
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Maybole Pipe band at Culzean Castle Maybole Pipe band at Culzean Castle Culzean Castle View from Culzean with Maybole shore in the distance.

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