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thepump&stcuthbertsshoefactory.jpg (51639 bytes) mcquiston2.jpg (58736 bytes) h&tmcquistion.jpg (53860 bytes) mcquiston.JPG (58809 bytes) goatsgreen.jpg (33744 bytes)
St. Cuthberts Shoe Factory
Large Image
H & T McQuiston H & T McQuiston H & T McQuiston
Goats Green
highstreet.jpg (55034 bytes) postcardofmaybolecastle .jpg (54169 bytes) postcard-belmontterrace&whitehall.jpg (21808 bytes) AHillKids.jpg (54037 bytes) James Boyd.jpg (77942 bytes)
High Street
Large Image
Castle and High Street Belmont Terrace and Whitehall Children of Maybole circa 1942
Contributed by Jim Williamson

Tombstone of James Boyd & Jane Gibson
Contributed by Ian Heath

co-op.jpg (54829 bytes) oldvan.jpg (42148 bytes) cargillkincraig2.jpg (50486 bytes) cairnpupils.jpg (60376 bytes) cairnstaff.jpg (60179 bytes)
Maybole Co-op Two gentlemen with an old van Interior of Cargill-Kincraig Church Cairn School children from an earlier day Cairn School staff
MayboleAms1939.jpg (55742 bytes) mayboleamateurs.jpg (60080 bytes) mayboleamatuers1935.jpg (75931 bytes) greensidepostcard.jpg (54958 bytes) Cassillis Road and Maybole Old Church.jpg (23524 bytes)
Maybole Amateurs 
Ayrshire Cup Winners
Maybole Amateurs Postcard - 1935
from Tom Fowler
Details of 1935/6 team from back of card above Postcard of Greenside
Large image
Postcard of
Maybole Old Church
jamesconwaybaker.jpg (48682 bytes) robertwhitefordbaker.jpg (31298 bytes) ministerswan.jpg (29634 bytes) castleline.jpg (28931 bytes) maybolecastle1850.jpg (36684 bytes)
James Conway -Baker in Carrick St.
Contributed by Jean McCrindle
Robert Whiteford - Baker in St. Cuthbert's Road, opened 28th May 1891
Contributed by Jean McCrindle
Rev. Swan - choir outing. Ladies on right - Jean Whiteford & Lizzie McKie
Contributed by Jean McCrindle
Line drawing of Maybole Castle 1888

Maybole Castle
About the Sketch

Click here for large image

jamesconwaybakerdetail.jpg (53683 bytes) robertwhitefordbakerdetail2.jpg (49924 bytes) ministerswandetail.jpg (32015 bytes) Cairn Primary circa 1920 (1).jpg (98658 bytes) Maybole Town Provosts2.jpg (94820 bytes)
Detail from above Detail from above Detail from above Cairn Primary ca. 1920
Contributed by Heather Wotherspoon
Board of Provosts
contributed by Tony Kerrigan

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