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crossraguel.jpg (52247 bytes)

These photos of some buildings associated with Maybole's history were contributed by Fred Westcott. Crossraguel Abbey on the left dates to the 14th century. The Cargill Church, McCreath, and Minishant Cottages below are now gone. These pictures were taken just prior to their demolition. The Community Centre, although closed several years ago, is still standing. Click on the images for full sized photos.

cargill3.jpg (69411 bytes) cargill2.jpg (53156 bytes) cargill1.jpg (49860 bytes)
Cargill Church Cargill Church Cargill Church
cargill4.jpg (50910 bytes) McCreath1.jpg (35886 bytes) McCreath2.jpg (48185 bytes)
Cargill Church McCreath McCreath
McCreath3.jpg (43385 bytes) commcentre.jpg (39877 bytes) minishantcottages.jpg (46548 bytes)
McCreath Community Centre Minishant Cottages

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