Citizens of Maybole: Past and Present - Page Three
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Click here to view the photo full size and read the story of Monty the dog that saved his master.

This photo was contributed by Elizabeth Blair. It was taken on the flat roof of the Co-op bake house in 1944. Her mum had just left school and her job was a dispatch clerkess. The other ladies were hot plate bakers. There names are:Back row left to right: Betty Fulton, Mrs Nettie Kiltie, Mrs Hannah Blaikie, Mrs Maggie McColm, Mrs Jenny Kidd. Front row L to R: Miss Sarah Huston, Mrs Jessie Campbell, Miss Nancy Kennedy, Mrs Blair.


This photo is believed to have been taken in 1942. All the children have been identified as follows: -On the wall - Monty the Dog (Jess), Harry Anderson, Jim Milligan, Donald Harvey, Tom Henderson, Willie Milligan, Joe Brannan and Davie Murray. Standing - Isobel Milligan and she is holding Rosie Milligan, Ellen Ward with Rhoda Freda Price in front of her, Jan Murray, Jean Henderson, Myra Milligan, Andy Milligan, Margaret Henderson and she is holding Jackie Milligan. Contributed by Jim Williamson (our thanks to Eleanor Jamieson of Maybole for identifying these children).

On Wednesday April 29 1942 Robert Clark was presented with a hall clock from the people of Maybole in recognition of the honour he had brought to the town in gaining the award of the Distinguished Service Medal.

Provost McCulloch made the presentation and said he felt it was a very great honour to make the presentation as it was the first distinction to be won by a Maybole man in this war (World War 2).

Seaman Clark, educated at Carrick academy, had been in the Navy for about six years since he was 16. The award had been given for gallantry in action against enemy aircraft in the Mediterranean whilst convoying food and munitions to Malta, and also for special service, details of which could not be mentioned. He had also taken part in the raid on Vaagso in Norway with great credit.

The photograph on the left is believed to be of the donation of a vehicle to the Red Cross in 1943 by the people of Maybole.

Memorial Sloan Pavilion. The photograph below is dated Sept 2, 1938. Contributed by Jim Campbell

Maybole, August, 1897.

My Dear Friends,
I have much pleasure in presenting you this month with a memento of our Procession through the town on the 22nd of June ( the grandest ever seen in Maybole), in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of our Queen's reign. The procession was well arranged and proved a great success in every way, the children unanimously taking chief honours.

Rev. R. L. Lawson

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