July 2008
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July 2008

On Tuesday evening of last week, members of Maybole Community Council had their first look at five mosaics which young people in the town have created. South Ayrshire Council had set aside funds for civic pride projects and Maybole Community Council had applied for money for the mosaics. Pupils at Carrick Academy and members of Maybole Youth Club and Dailly Road Youth Club were then encouraged to become involved. more

Carly McCoy, Kirsty Gallacher and Peter Mason look at the Maybole Community Council coat of arms

Peter Mason, Carly Wilson, Jodie McCoy, Andrew Pollock, Peter Lynn and Mark Fletcher

Peter Mason, Jodie McCoy, Andrew Pollock, Carly Wilson and Kirsty Gallacher

Carly, Andrew and Jodie

Andrew/Anne Walker Carrick Academy Coat of Arms.

Local rockabilly band The Peas entertained pupils of Carrick Academy recently at a concert in the school grounds. Jimmy Murdoch, bass, Gavin loch, drums, and Davie Anderson soon had the young people rocking to a sound first heard long before they were born. Staff also turned out to hear them and thoroughly enjoyed the beat.

Local postman Alex Gemmell walked the West Highland Way a few weeks ago and his sponsorships totalled £1,500. Alex would like to thank everyone who sponsored him with special thanks to the Old Comrades Association from Fusilier House and the Ayrshire Yeomanry. He asked Mr Harrigan to pass on £500 each to the Cardiac, Burns and Cancer units.

Maybole arms cheque shows Callum McKelvie, owner of the Maybole Arms, Kate Hutchison, manager, and Jim Harrigan of Yorkhill Hospital. Kate Hutchison and staff of the Maybole Arms had taken the Maybole Charity Shop for a week and raised £1,200 she asked for £400 to be passed to the Cardiac unit and £800 to the Meningitis ICU. She thanked everyone who had donated or bought from the shop and those who helped in any way to raise the funds. Mr Harriagan thanked Alex and Kate for thinking of the hospital and assured them that the funds would be well used to provide extras for patients.

On June 15, after months of intensive training, 10 members of the group completed the Men’s Health Forum for Scotland 10K event at Bellahouston Park. They were Thomas Cuthill, Peter Lynn, Charles McDermott, Michael McDermott, Stewart McDowall, Colin Munro, Alan Murray, Jim Paterson, Derek Robb, and Brian Robertson. more

Abba tribute band Abbamia were at Carrick Sports Club last Saturday evening. As well as treating the members and their guests to all the big hits by a band that many consider to have been one of the best in the world, the quartet were happy to pose for photographs. ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 with “Waterloo) and have sold more than 370 million records worldwide. The name "ABBA" is an acronym formed from the first letters of each of the group member's given name (Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid).

Photograph shows residents of Fairknowe trying the ramp for the first time, before settling down to watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Thanks to Mobility Aid Services in Troon, who have generously donated a mobile wheelchair ramp, MOSS will be able to open their movie club to more people. Previously access to the premises had been restrictive, but staff are looking forward to seeing more people going along to enjoy the blockbusters of yesteryear. more

  Members of Maybole St Crispin Burns Club attended the wreath laying ceremony at Burns Statue, Ayr in Sunday.

Photos from Ayr Burns Club: 1 shows Bill McCubbin, Secretary, with Grant Burns. 2 shows piper Scott Barrie from Maybole with Angus Middleton, left, Immediate Past President of the Robert Burns World Federation and President of the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs, and John Haining, President of the Robert Burns World Federation. Burns 3 shows Vice President Alistair Hastings and Grant Kidd Burns.

At the Rangers International Invitational Event held at Kelvinside Academy last weekend (Thursday to Sunday) Carrick Colts 19s beat Rangers 19s 3 – 0 in the final. Rangers had beaten them in the first game of the qualifying league.  Carrick Colts other results were: drew 1 – 1 with US Soccer Academy beat Haddington A 4 – 1 beat Haddington B 1 – 0. Rangers won all four of their league games to win the section with Carrick Colts runners-up. Carrick won 3 – 0 in the final.

A new addition to Memorial Park Bowling Clubs calendar this year was a knockout pairs competition sponsored by Allister Reid of Reid the Joiners , Jane’s Delicatessen, High Street Maybole and The Village Store, Dunure. The trophy was kindly donated by Carrick Crime Prevention Panel. more

In the photo: Lee McCulloch, Craig Cobbledick, Avril Reid, Alan McFadzean, and Steven Carlyle.

Left to right in photo Gary McCulloch, Colin Harvey and Scott McCahill


Maybole Bowling Club’s Open Pairs competition was won on Saturday by Avril and Alistair Reid. Runners up were Andy McDowall and Robert McCulloch in a final which went right to the last bowl. The prizes were presented by Brian Connolly, of J D Cameron who sponsor the competition.

Photo shows l-r Willie Johnstone, club president Andy McDowall Robert McCulloch Brian Connolly Avril reid Alistair Reid Dorothy McGarrie, club vice president.

Maybole Bowling Club held its mixed pairs competition last Saturday, July 26. Winners were Ria McCulloch and William Johnstone who beat Rose McAuley and Robert McCulloch in a well contested final. The prizes were presented by Vi McAuley of The Ranch Holiday Park who sponsor the competition. Photo left to right: Ria McCulloch, William Johnstone, Vi McAuley, Dorothy McGarrie (Club vice president), Rose McAuley and Robert McCulloch.

Parishioners of Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church held a scavenge hunt followed by a barbecue on Sunday. After searching for about 40 items and solving various anagrams two teams drew on 42 ½ points Amazingly two teams tied on 42 points! Our photo at right shows Fr Stephen McGrattan with the two winning teams.

Three young parishioners of St Cuthbert’s Blair Kirkpatrick, Allison McGregor and Danielle Connolly undertook an experience of a lifetime as they joined with over half a million young people from the world’s nations in Sydney, Australia, for World Youth Day. They were accompanied by Fr Jim Hayes, former priest of St Cuthbert’s, Denise McCaffery, and Fr Stephen McGrattan, present priest. more

Councillor Brian Connolly, Adam Graham and his sister Jenny

Adam Graham, of Kirkoswald road, Maybole celebrated his 100th birthday last Saturday at a party in Carrick Sports Club when he was joined by family and friends from Scotland, England, Holland and the United States. Councillor Brian Connolly presented Adam with a card from the Queen, one from the Department of Works and Pensions, and a card and gift from South Ayrshire Council. Helped by a granddaughter Adam then cut his birthday cake before everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to him. more

Carly, Andrew and Jodie (volunteers)

Heather Hayley and Amy (Guitar Hero on the Playstation)

(Pool champion)

Caitlin (wheelbarrow race), Annie (3 legged race and 200metres) and Georgia (sack race and arts &crafts)

Kenneth (sack race, long jump, 200metres and football)

Maybole Youth Club members have been enjoying their summer programme which comes to an end next week. The young people joined in some action packed activities including sports and treasure hunts as well as arts & crafts. Trips planned included the Magnum, the Time capsule and Loudoun Castle which is next week. Our photographs show some of the winners from various competitions as well as some of the young volunteers who made the programme possible. The club hours were Monday 2-4pm which was open to all age ranges; Tuesday evening 6.30-8.30pm for P6/7; Wednesday evenings 6.30-9pm for S 1/2/3; and Thursdays for trips.


The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below.

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On Tuesday evening of last week, members of Maybole Community Council had their first look at five mosaics which young people in the town have created. South Ayrshire Council had set aside funds for civic pride projects and Maybole Community Council had applied for money for the mosaics. Pupils at Carrick Academy and members of Maybole Youth Club and Dailly Road Youth Club were then encouraged to become involved. Local artist Kirsty Gallacher assisted the young people in developing and making these local historical mosaics.


Carrick Academy pupils produced three of the mosaics; their schools badge, Maybole Castle, and a local former boot and shoe factory  Maybole Youth Club created a mosaic of Robert Burns whose parents met and married in the town. Dailly Road Youth Club produced one of the Maybole Coat of arms. Over 30 local youths took part in this innovative project and present on the night were Andrew Pollock, Carly Wilson and Jodie McCoy.


There will be a public exhibition of the mosaics on Wednesday August 6 and Thursday August 7 from 10am till 2 pm in the former Access office at 48/50 High Street. Everyone is invited to go along to view the mosaics and put forward ideas on where in the town the mosaics could be put on permanent display.


Peter Mason, chairman of the community council, said “On behalf of Maybole Community Council I would like to say how proud we are of the town’s young people who have taken pride in making these sosaics which will now be on display for the community of Maybole and visitors to view.”

Adam Graham, of Kirkoswald road, Maybole celebrated his 100th birthday last Saturday at a party in Carrick Sports Club when he was joined by family and friends from Scotland, England, Holland and the United States. Councillor Brian Connolly presented Adam with a card from the Queen, one from the Department of Works and Pensions, and a card and gift from South Ayrshire Council. Helped by a granddaughter Adam then cut his birthday cake before everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to him.


Adam was born on June 28, 1908 in the reign of King Edward VII when Herbert Asquith had just replaced Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman who had resigned. Teddy Roosevelt was the President of the United States and, in fact, Adam has lived in the times of 18 Presidents, 18 Prime Ministers, four kings and the present Queen.


Adam worked locally for P A McConnell before working in Ayr and then for the Sloans in Glasgow. David and John Sloan were the Maybole men who in 1938 donated the pavilion at Memorial Park to the town.  Married in May 1932 in Pitlochry, Adam and his wife Nett had two daughters and on Saturday five generations were present for the big day.


Adam was too young to be involved in the First World War, 1914-18, but he did serve his country during the Second World War. He was captured at Tobruk in North Africa and was held as a Prisoner of War in Italy and Czechoslovakia until the end of the war in 1945. After being demobbed Adam worked for various firms all over Britain and retired in the 1970s. He moved to live with his sister Jenny in 1995, ten years after his wife died. Jenny would like to thank everyone who attended the party and all who gave him cards and gifts.


(The year 1908 was the year David Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the Old Age Pensions Act; Robert Baden-Powell began the Boy Scout movement; the Olympics were held in London; and Henry Ford produced his first Model T automobile. Born in the same year were actors John Mills, Bette Davis, and James Stewart; James Bond author Ian Fleming; and Lyndon Johnson, who became President of the United States from 1963 to 1968.)

At the recent exams held in Ayr of the Royal Schools of Music (London), the following candidates were successful in piano: Grade 2 Katie Fleming Grade 4 Ali Roy Both are pupils of Miss J graham, 39 Kirkoswald Road, Maybole.

Maybole Youth Club members have been enjoying their summer programme which comes to an end next week.

The young people joined in some action packed activities including sports and treasure hunts as well as arts & crafts. Trips planned included the Magnum, the Time capsule and Loudoun Castle which is next week.

Our photographs show some of the winners from various competitions as well as some of the young volunteers who made the programme possible.

Caitlin (wheelbarrow race), Annie (3 legged race and 200metres) and Georgia (sack race and arts &crafts).

Kieran (Pool champion)

Kenneth (sack race, long jump, 200metres and football)

Carly, Andrew and Jodie (volunteers)

Heather Hayley and Amy (Guitar Hero game on the Playstation)

The club hours were Monday 2-4pm which was open to all age ranges; Tuesday evening 6.30-8.30pm for P6/7; Wednesday evenings 6.30-9pm for S 1/2/3; and Thursdays for trips.

Last week in Maybole, a grand total of £2,700 was handed over to Yorkhill Hospital. Jim Harrigan, head of the Audiology Department at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children (Yorkhill) visited the town to pick up two cheques for £1,200 and £1,500.


Local postman Alex Gemmell had walked the West Highland Way a few weeks ago and his sponsorships totalled £1,500. Alex would like to thank everyone who sponsored him with special thanks to the Old Comrades Association from Fusilier House and the Ayrshire Yeomanry. He asked Mr Harrigan to pass on £500 each to the Cardiac, Burns and Cancer units.


Kate Hutchison and staff of the Maybole Arms had taken the Maybole Charity Shop for a week and raised £1,200 she asked for £400 to be passed to the Cardiac unit and £800 to the Meningitis ICU. She thanked everyone who had donated or bought from the shop and those who helped in any way to raise the funds. Mr Harriagan thanked Alex and Kate for thinking of the hospital and assured them that the funds would be well used to provide extras for patients.


The Royal Hospital for Sick Children has 266 inpatient beds, 12 day case beds, and handles approximately 90,000 out-patients, 15,000 in-patients, 7,300 day cases and 35,000 A&E attendances every year. The hospital provides care for newborn babies right up to children around 13 years of age.

Maybole Men’s Health Forum has continued to meet regularly on a Thursday evening at Carrick Academy during term time over the past year. Members have continued with the popular yoga once a month and circuit training sessions.


The group continues to be involved in Maybole community events such as the Gala Day. In appreciation of the support given for its involvement in the ‘Robert Burns…where it began’ events in Maybole during 2007 the group were awarded a scroll presented by Maybole Community Council.


On June 15, after months of intensive training, 10 members of the group completed the Men’s Health Forum for Scotland 10K event at Bellahouston Park. They were Thomas Cuthill, Peter Lynn, Charles McDermott, Michael McDermott, Stewart McDowall, Colin Munro, Alan Murray, Jim Paterson, Derek Robb, and Brian Robertson.


Thomas Cuthill led the way as the first member of the Maybole group to complete. As well as doing themselves some good improving their fitness the members managed to raise over £600 through sponsorship for completing the event itself. The group’s intention is to donate the monies raised to two local charities: "The Red Wheelies" ( Reg. Charity No. SC030415 ) Ayrshire Wheelchair Dancing Association; and Headway Ayrshire ( Reg. Charity No SC013340 ).


At their AGM held on July 3, members were delighted to present the first cheque, for £300, to the “The Red Wheelies” Ayrshire Wheelchair Dancing Association.


The summer events organised last year proved to be very successful and again the group is running events over the summer months until August 18. Events in this year’s schedule include golf, walks, cycling, gymnasium and ten-pin bowling. The event schedule for 2008 is available again via the group’s website www.maybolehealthforum.org  Events are free and any person interested in joining the group are welcome to go along.


Dates are:

10th July Walk

17th July Citadel Fitness Suite, Ayr

24th July Golf @ Maybole Golf Course

31st July Cycling -> Kirkoswald

7th August Walk 

14th August Ten-Pin Bowling-Ayr

Maybole One Stop Shop  has produced its second newsletter to keep members of the public up to date with developments at MOSS. Project Manager Gillian Anderson says, “Since we opened, the service has developed links with a number of agencies and outreach services. We want to make sure that as many people as possible are aware of what we have on offer and can refer clients.”


She continues, “Since Maybole One Stop Shop opened at the end of May 2007, we have -registered over 800 clients. -had over 3500 visits to the project, -generated £115,000 income for clients. -hosted 400 visits to outreach services, as well as created two new jobs and four volunteering positions.”


The project secured funding from Awards for All to employ a part time Seniors Support & Development Worker. Mel Balfour, who also works as a part time Support Worker, was appointed to the post. She will be working with local residents ensure that seniors have access to the services they need, and that they are well informed about the benefits available to them.


MOSS was able to secure some additional funding to extend Lynne Campbell's contract with the project. Lynne will be working with clients providing front line guidance on benefit issues and administration support to the project.


Gillian adds, “We are also very fortunate to have added the skills of Irene Moledina to our team. Irene is working with us as a volunteer welfare rights advisor. She has a wealth of experience and will be a valuable asset to us.”


Community Health Addiction Team (CHAT) now have nurses employed to expand the service they are providing from the outreach in Over the Rainbow building near to the MOSS office in School Vennel.


The service is a drop-in and incorporates a needle exchange with advice on hand from support staff and nurses able to test for blood borne viruses, give advice on wound site care, and refer to other support services.


Thanks to Mobility Aid Services in Troon, who have generously donated a mobile wheelchair ramp, MOSS will be able to open their movie club to more people. Previously access to the premises had been restrictive, but staff are looking forward to seeing more people going along to enjoy the blockbusters of yesteryear. The movies shown feature names like John Wayne, Cary Grant, James Stewart, Bette Davis and Greta Garbo and anyone living in Maybole or the North Carrick villages who is retired is welcome to go along.


Carrick Men’s Group, which began a few months ago to provide men with somewhere to chat and discuss health and other issues has moved forward. With the support of Colin

Balfour, who has volunteered his expert musical services, the group meets at 9:15 every Monday morning for a couple of hours of guitar playing and socialising.


All the staff at MOSS have now been to training sessions showing how to use alternative computer technologies. As part of the Switched on Communities Initiative, they have a bank of equipment and can assess anyone who is not able to use a “standard” computer setup, and make recommendations for equipment or software that might help them make the most of ICT to improve their quality of life.


At the project’s 1st birthday party a sensory garden, dedicated to Jock Barr, was officially opened for clients of the project to use. Mel Balfour has been co-ordinating the work and BTCV have supported the project, providing advice, labour and planning expertise.

Gillian says, “We have been absolutely overwhelmed at the generosity of local people and companies who have given donations of money and materials towards the project.


“The local primary and secondary schools have been involved and volunteers have worked hard to get the project moving. More details will be available on our website, where we will be keeping a record of developments, and everyone can see photos of the progress, but we want to say a big thank you to all of them. The project would not have been possible without their help.”


MOSS is looking for volunteers to help with more work in their new sensory garden.  They are working with BTCV and will be hosting a community event on Friday 25 July to pull together the work that has been done so far and put in place lots of plants and features, including raised flower beds and a pond.


Gillian says, “If you’re able to spare an hour or two this Friday, from 1pm, please come and join us.  BTCV staff will be supporting volunteers and there will be a chance to talk to them about getting involved with other horticulture projects they run in the area. “There will also be an opportunity to buy some fresh organic veggies that they will be bringing with them from their volunteers’ plots at Auchincruive.” For more information, contact Mel or Gillian on 01655 884032.


Last year advisors helped over 1200 South Ayrshire residents dig their way out of debt by helping them establish realistic repayment arrangements with creditors. Advisors can discuss the options available to clients, and you can make an appointment to see an advisor in Maybole every Monday by phoning 01292 616060 or drop in to the One Stop Shop and they’ll phone for you.


Gillian is also asking when she and her colleagues take the Maybole Charity Shop for the week beginning 8th August. If you’re having a clearout and would like to donate some goods, please hand them in to the office at any time, or if you would like to volunteer to help staff the shop, please phone Gillian. She says, “Anything we make will be put towards upgrading some of the equipment in the project so that we can provide a better service to our clients.


“If you can’t help this way, why not consider doing your shopping online through our web shop at www.buy.at/moss, where a percentage of anything you spend will be donated to us. It doesn’t cost you anything, and it helps us to raise a few extra pennies while you indulge in some retail therapy!” Are you getting all the benefits you are entitled to? If your circumstances have changed recently—a wedding, new baby, redundancy or divorce for example, you may not be aware of help that could be available to you.


From Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits to Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance, MOSS can run a quick check for you, that takes about 20 minutes, and can let you know if there is anything you are entitled to that you may not have realised. That’s not where it ends either—there are other agencies out there providing support to people depending on their circumstances—you might be able to get help buying new white goods for your home for example, or be entitled to a reduction in your rent or council tax.


Make an appointment with Mel or Irene, and find out what you’re missing.

Anything you tell MOSS staff is completely confidential.


Contact details are:

6-8 School Vennel, Maybole, KA19 7DQ Tel no. 01655 884032

onestopshop@may-tag.com www.may-tag.com


A new addition to Memorial Park Bowling Clubs calendar this year was a knockout pairs competition sponsored by Allister Reid of Reid the Joiners , Jane’s Delicatessen, High Street Maybole and The Village Store, Dunure. The trophy was kindly donated by Carrick Crime Prevention Panel.


The winners were Alan McFadzean, Coylton B.C. and Steven Carlyle, Memorial Park B.C.

Runners up were Lee McCulloch, Maybole B.C. and Craig Cobbledick, Coylton B.C.

The trophy and prize money was presented by Avril Reid on behalf of her son Allister.

 The following results from Maybole Golf Club (Gent’s Section) are from the Callaghan Cup, over two rounds, and the Captains Prize.


Callaghan Cup

Place                            nett       handicap

1st Gary  Steele            135      8

2nd Tom Anderson       138      13

3rd John Wood            147      8


The Captain’s Prize

Place                              nett       handicap

1st Alan Brownlee         63        6

2nd John Wood 63        8

3rd Michael Robb          66        16

4th Robbie Milligan       67        10

       Tom Anderson      67        13

5th Scott Campbell        68        5

       Kevin Nibloe         68        13

6th Colin Harvey           69        6

      Tom Foster            69        17

7th Gavin Campbell       70        16

8th Scott Anderson       72        13

9th Gary Steele 76        7

10th Drew Ferguson      78        13


Non-returns were Ricky Stevenson and Brian Boyd

CSS was 65


Monthly medal results from July 23


                                    nett       handicap

1st Gavin Campbell       62        16

2nd Robbie Milligan       63        10

3rd Scott Anderson       66        13

4th Tom Anderson        67        13

      Michael Robb         67        16

5th Gry Steele               68        8

6th John Wood             69        8

7th Alan Brownlee         70        6

8th Scott Campbell        71        5


Non- returns were Gary McCulloch and Brian Boyd

 Maybole Golf Club

June monthly medal results

1st        Tom Anderson (handicap 14) Net 63

2nd        Gareth Tait (11) 66

3rd        Jim Dunlop (15) 67

4th           Alan Brownlee ( 6) 69

5th           Peter McLelland (6) 71

            John Wood (10) 71

6th        Jim McCulloch (12) 74

7th        Drew Ferguson (13) 76

No returns - Brian Boyd, Tom Foster, Gary McCulloch, Kevin Doyle

Scores for the summer competition held onWednesday 25th of June at Maybole golf course.

                                                            nett score

1st        John  Wood (handicap 10) net 59

2nd        David (11) 63

3rd        Michael Thompson (10) 68

4th        Tom Foster (18) 69

5th        Tom  Anderson (13) 71

sss 66    css  66

No returns - Gareth Tait, Gary Steele, Alan Brownlee

The Maybole Open will be held this coming Sunday, July 6.



sponsored by


SUNDAY 6th – JULY – 2008.


VALSPAR TROPHY, Best Scratch   =          Scott McCahill (Maybole) 65

KIDD CUP, Best Nett                                   =          Stuart Maxwell (Brunston) 61

BEST NETT}  1st                                =          Colin Harvey (Maybole) 62

1st CLASS    }  2nd                               =          Scott Campbell (Maybole) 64 (BIH)

Scr – 9          } 3rd                                =          John Wood (Maybole) 64

BEST NETT } 1st                                =          Stuart Maxwell (Brunston) 61

2nd CLASS    } 2nd                               =          Billy Boyd (Speakers) 66

10 - 18           } 3rd                                =          Michael Thomson (Maybole) 67 (BIH)

1st HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        Maybole Golf Club

LONGEST DRIVE ON 1st FAIRWAY =          Garry McCulloch (Maybole)

2nd HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                       Ian Urquhart - Keystore Station Store

NEAREST PIN IN 2 SHOTS                           

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Paul Ferguson (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Billy Boyd (Speakers)

3rd HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                       John Jamieson–Jamieson Plant Hire&Equipment

NEAREST PIN IN 1 SHOT                             

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Scott McCahill (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Stuart Maxwell (Brunston)

4th HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        Maybole Golf Club

NEAREST PIN IN 2 SHOTS                           

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Paul Ferguson (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Les Newlands (Speakers)

5th HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        SAS INTERNATIONAL

NEAREST PIN IN 2 SHOTS                           

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Garry McCulloch (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Alan Campbell (Pontoon)

6th HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        Paul Ferguson (Timber Kit Erectors)

NEAREST PIN IN 1 SHOT                             

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Scott McCahill (Maybole)         

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Craig Hutchison (Maybole)


7th HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        Colin Hume

NEAREST PIN IN 2 SHOTS                           

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Bobby Green (Maybole)                       

b) 2nd Class                                           =          -

8th HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        Gavin Campbell – Campbell Electrical Limited

NEAREST PIN IN 2 SHOTS                           

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Gary Steele (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Michael Thomson (Maybole)

9th HOLE,  SPONSORED BY                        Eric Flanagan & Campbell Milligan

Alloway Road Motor Services

NEAREST PIN IN 1 SHOT                             

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Scott McCahill (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Stuart Maxwell (Brunston)



a ) 1st Class                                           =          Scott Campbell (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Stuart Forbes (Braehead) (BIH)


a ) 1st Class                                           =          Scott McCahill (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Michael Thomson (Maybole) (Count Back)


BEST NETT SCORE, 9 HOLES                  

a ) 1st Class                                           =          Colin Harvey (Maybole)

b) 2nd Class                                           =          Stuart Maxwell (Brunston)


Special mention to:-

South Ayrshire Council, for the use of the Course on the day,

The green keeping staff, who had the Golf Course in an excellent condition,

All the Kitchen Staff, who provided the teas and snacks during the day,

All committee and club members, who helped in making the event a success.

Thank you to the following, for their generous “Sponsorships” / “Prizes” / “Donations”:-

John Cuthbert (Groundworks)

Ian Urquhart - Keystore Station Store

Colin Broun – Minishant Stores

John Jamieson – Jamieson Plant Hire & Equipment

SAS International

Paul Ferguson (Timber Kit Erectors)

Colin Hume

Gavin Campbell – Campbell Electrical Limited

Eric Flanagan & Campbell Milligan - Alloway Road Motor Services

Plus all club members and friends who donated prizes towards the raffle.

Three young parishioners of St Cuthbert’s Blair Kirkpatrick, Allison McGregor and Danielle Connolly are about to undertake an experience of a lifetime as they join with over half a million young people from the world’s nations in Sydney, Australia, for World Youth Day. They will be accompanied by Fr Jim Hayes, former priest of St Cuthbert’s, Denise McCaffery, and Fr Stephen McGrattan, present priest. Pope John Paul II, to demonstrate his commitment to the young people of the Church, launched World Youth Day in 1985, and the first International World Youth Day was in Buenos Aires in 1987.


The experience gives young people the opportunity to travel on pilgrimage and spend time learning more about and sharing their faith, first of all, with families whom they will live with in the host country.  The group then travels to the main venue, this time Sydney, for several days of workshops and catechesis from bishops throughout the world.  The Sacrament of Confession is given great importance at these events and there are frequent celebrations of the Eucharist.


The weeks come to a climax with the Papal event where the pilgrims camp out overnight on the Ranwick Racecourse site.  On the Saturday evening Pope Benedict will lead a prayer vigil.  Then, after spending the night there, young people will welcome the Pope once again and he will celebrate the Sunday Eucharist with them.


Blair said, “Thanks to all the parishioners for their support and fund-raising toward our WYD trip to meet hundreds of thousands of other young Catholics. We look forward to sharing and strengthening our faith with them.” Allison is excited and had lots to say: “G’day sports, just thought I’d get some practice in before we head off down under!


Can I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made this trip possible through fundraising, donations, etc. This will be an exciting and busy trip for us, and I am really looking forward to meeting and making new friends from other countries.  We have a full itinerary for our trip with the climax being Sunday 20th June when we gather to greet Pope Benedict, our Holy Father.  I think this will be a very moving and joyous occasion that I will remember for ever.”


Danielle has high hopes for the trip, and said, “Opportunities like the one I am about to embark on, to Australia, do not come around very often for a young group of people and so I would like to thank all who made this trip possible, with things such as fundraising, it is very much appreciated. The chance to be a part of a different culture and to mix with different nationalities from all over the world is a life changing experience and one I am very much looking forward to.


A trip like this might open our eyes to realise how lucky we are, where we are and what we have and if I have a chance to make a difference in someone's life for just one day, to make it easier for them, that is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Thanks again for all the help and hard work that was put in to make this possible.” During the event you can log into the official website at www.wyd2008.org  or follow the blog (diary) of the Scottish group at www.cyss.org.uk . Live coverage will be transmitted on EWTN.

From the Galloway Diocese pilgrimage blog

What a day of travel it has been. We all arrived well on time at Glasgow Airport-in fact Fr Jim was the last to arrive! After checking in we boarded our flight to London Heathrow T5. On arrival across London with the weather being so clear and bright our plane made a wonderful swoop east across the city one side of the Thames before turning west back up the river for another great fly-over before landing. We transferred easily across the vast airport-it is like a small town all on its own! We checked in for Qantas flight QF2 for Sydney via Bangkok. The flight wasn't as bad as we were expecting and the in-flight entertainment kept us going and if that didn't Trisha's chatting did! On arrival at Bangkok our pilot aborted his first attempt at landing because of a storm that had just swept over the airport. As he came in for landing the second time he left us in no doubt we were on the ground-with a hefty thud - making sure the side winds and rain gave us no further trouble. As the plane was re-fuelling we had to disembark and so we welcomed the chance to have a good walk after the 10 hour flight. Most of us took the chance to freshen up and have a cool drink before we re-boarded for the final part of our journey.

As if another 10 hours to Sydney wasn't enough, for some unknown reason-that has yet to be told-we had 4 hours added to the flight time, this got us into Sydney at around 9.30am rather than the expected 5.30am arrival. Once we checked through the Immigration desks we picked up our luggage at the baggage conveyor belt - well when we say we all picked-up our baggage that would not be quite right as the airline decided to keep a hold of Blair's case just for another night!!

So we've checked through Immigration, claimed our bags and next we had the Customs and what a nice bunch of officers came along to take care of this rather serious part of our entry as they had us line up all our bags to allow the sniffer dogs among them. The dogs having done their job and passed all our bags then disappeared just as quickly as they had appeared leaving us all a little bewildered at the whole affair.

At last we stepped out of the airport on to Ozzie Terra Firma!!

We snaked our way through the crowds of waiting pilgrims who had arrived on other flights for WYD to our coach which was waiting to take us the further few hours journey to our hosts in the Diocese of Wollongong to Holy Spirit, Vincentia in the parish of Nowra.

We arrived a couple of hours later in the beautiful Shoalhaven parish of Holy Spirit, Vincentia where their pastor, Fr Leo Duck, and parishioners were ready with great big smiles and our first Ozzie Barbie!! We weren't half ready to tuck into the goodies on offer, including an Ozzie delicacy-Vegamite-Delicious!

Our stay in the parish of Holy Spirit was absolutely wonderful, the people and place are beautiful and we will remember their kindnesses for a very long time to come.

Our Sunday picnic followed the parish Sunday morning Mass where our group had been invited and were delighted to participate in by reading, processing, singing and playing the keyboard and guitar. At the end of the Mass Fr Jim thanked Fr Leo and the Holy Spirit parishioners for their love and generosity of welcome by presenting them with three stones from the beach at Whithorn in our own Diocese the site of St Ninian's Cave. Fr Stephen presented the parishioners with a quaich getting them to pronounce the name after him to everyone's amusement.

Then Denise presented the two parish co-ordinators for our trip, Maryann and Carolynn with a letter opener in the shape of St Ninian's Cross. Then all of the Galloway group stood and applauded the parishioners as a show of thanks for all they had done to make our visit so memorable. The evening before, the young people themselves thanked their Homestay host with a wee gift from Scotland.

Wollongong Festival Day

On Saturday we headed off to the city of Wollongong where the Diocesan Cathedral is situated. There we enjoyed an afternoon of display tents, food tents and side-shows: bumper cars were particularly enjoyed! The culmination of the day was a Mass in the local WIN Arena centre led by Bishop Peter of Wollongong whose excitement and pride in how well his diocese had hosted pilgrims from all over the world was so tangible. He encouraged all of us as we headed for Sydney for the WYD itself.

Dolphin Cruise

Our experience in the Diocese of Wollongong ended with a leisurely cruise through the waters of Jervis Bay. Earlier in the day, a lively mass, animated by the Galloway youth, was celebrated by the pilgrims and the host families. Lunch was graciously provided by various families from the local diocese and was consumed in the local park while enjoying a bit of Aussie sports.

After spotting many dolphins on our cruise we were entertained by a visit to the local maritime museum. Here the group tried out their didgeridoo skills. The fascinating museum was a fantastic end to a brilliant week. However the trip was just beginning!

Leaving Vincentia for Sydney

We said farewell to our host families and the parish priest Fr Leo. We were all sad to leave the people of Vincentia. They kindly welcomed us into their homes and community. After a 3 hour coach journey to Sydney we settled into our luxury apartments complete with swimming pool and jacuzzi!!

That night we travelled over the Harbour Bridge to the Opera house where we all posed on the steps.

Sydney and the youth of the world!

Sydney is a city that takes your breath away. The harbour area with the iconic Opera House and Bridge is a sight to behold. It is a place we Scots feel at home in and can quite literally all fit in it as we are told there are just over 5 million inhabitants in this great city-just a little more than the population of Scotland!!

Barrangaroo kick-off

After over 2 years of preparation we cannot believe it here we are at last at the opening ceremony of the 23rd World Youth Day in Barrangaroo on Sydney Harbour. All the fund-raising and preparation meetings, all the information gathering and registration system problems just do not prepare you nor take away from the wonderful experience of a WYD group reaching its destination! The Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal Pell led us in the Opening Mass, encouraging us in the power of the Holy Spirit to live our faith and to be prepared to share it with Pope Benedict whom we would meet in two days time.

One, holy, catholic and apostolic

On the mornings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we took part in our work-shops or Catechesis sessions in the Convention Centre in Darling Harbour. Each day we heard a talk from a Bishop, were led in reflection, prayer and song by an animation team from Canberra. It certainly showed us the universal Church in action-as one Bishop put it-one, holy, catholic and apostolic - quoting of course from The Creed. Our bishop catechists giving us words of encouragement and faith were Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, retired Archbishop of Washington DC, USA; Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto, Canada and the Archbishop of Canberra-Goulburn Mark Coleridge. All three bishops gave engaging and heart-felt talks to a gathering of 600-900 young people before leading us in the celebration of Mass concelebrated with Fr Jim and Fr Stephen and the 60 or so other priests in attendance. On the Friday 5 priests had managed to gain permission to leave China and join us for World Youth Day, Archbishop Coleridge made sure they knew how pleased we all were to know they had made such an effort to join us.

The Way of the Cross

Although we didn't have the best view of the drama of the final steps of Christ being re-enacted around the streets and harbour of the city it was clear that it was a stunning and well delivered production, touching the lives of millions of people tuning in from all over the world on their TV, internet or radio. We were able to see more when we returned home and watched the news - but we still were able to say-we were there!

Pilgrimage within a pilgrimage

One of the other activities of this WYD was the pilgrimage to St Mary's Cathedral, the principal church of the archdiocese of Sydney. It is a beautiful building but it is most beautiful inside where a lot of work had gone in to preparing it as a special place of pilgrimage where you were invited to consecrate (commit) your life to Christ through the intercession of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Help of Christians. It was also where the remains of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati had been transferred from their normal resting place in Turin, Italy as an inspiration to the young WYD pilgrims who could pray through his intercession for the same commitment to Christ as he showed in his young life. Blesssed Giorgio was only 24 years of age when he passed away in 1925. His life of faith was remarkable, marked out with his devotion to the holy eucharist and love of the poor and deprived. This area of the Cathedral was very special and deeply uplifting and inspiring.

Southern Cross Precinct- Walk, Camp, Vigil and Mass

On Saturday we headed from our hotel for the site of the Vigil and Final Mass with the Holy Father at Randwick Racecourse or Southern Cross precinct as it has been renamed for the WYD events.

The walk over was great, the staff at all the stations in great form, the volunteers directing us in fantastic humour, good natured and well informed on exactly what route we should be taking. Well done to all of them for a difficult job so very well done! Once we arrived at the correct spot we set up our tents much to everyone's admiration. We then spent the rest of the time saying hello to our neighbours and passers-by before the Holy Father arrived to lead us in the Evening Vigil of prayer and service of light.

Within sight and sound of the Pope

Our view of the stage area was quite good and nearby there was also a large screen on which we could see better those on the stage - the performers who sang and prayed with us and of course the Holy Father himself.

Once the Mass was over and we packed up our camp area we were ready to head back to our Hotel by 1pm. Now remember there were over 400,000 people wanting to move at the one time! Our walk to the railway station was done with complete ease due to the hard work and cheery nature of the police, stewards and WYD volunteers. These people did a great job in such a terrific manner that they are a credit to their organisation and church. We would like to express our thanks to all who worked and volunteered for WYD2008 - well done one and all. All 26 of us were back across Sydney and into our Hotel by 4.30pm that afternoon and not one of us had had our toes stood on!!

The Vigil with the Bishop of Rome was a beautiful ceremony of the Word of God, the Light of Christ and of course the teaching and encouragement of the Holy Father. With over 400,000 people present for the Vigil and Sunday Mass there were considered moments of deep peace and quiet which served to settle us all and allowed us to hear and let sink in the scripture and teaching we had heard. It also allowed us to go to that quiet place of our hearts and just think about where we are at with our faith, our level of personal commitment to a personal prayer life with God, our level of service and our great need for the grace of the Holy Spirit to be the active members of our Catholic community that we are all called to be. Once the Vigil was over many of us, with thousands of others managed to spend some quiet time in the tent of Adoration as well as walk around and meet and greet those from all over the world who had come on pilgrimage too. It was great and uplifting to hear from them and to breathe in their enthusiasm and love for their catholic faith and church.

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