September 2008
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September 2008

There was an excellent turnout of representatives of local organizations at last week’s AGM of Maybole Community Association. Peter Mason gave an account of last year’s activities and thanked everyone involved. He made a specific plea for more engagement of community groups with a view to organising more events in the town. more

Oz has Kenny McClung (3rd left) and Paul Young (5th left) who now live in Australia with some of their former colleagues

It is 10 years since the employees of Clyde Gravure (Wace Clyde) of Maybole were made redundant and last Friday evening a number of them got together for a reunion. Main organiser of the evening was Campbell Hearton who was delighted with the response. A big surprise for everyone was when Kenny McClung and Paul Young turned up, they now live in Australia! more

Rugby in Carrick Academy is now playing a major part in school life. The school rugby, which was re-established five years ago ... more left to right Robert Dunsmuir, Rodger Stewart (head teacher) and Gordon Brown Robert Sykes is part of the Glasgow U16 side that toured France during the summer holidays. The S2 kit donated by the RAF 07 - Craig Davidson, Dave McGee (of Kirkland Stores) and Iain Coleman. Kirkland Stores are sponsoring the  1ST XV home kit for the season.
Sharron Gemmell and Sam Wallace (selected for the South/East Scotland Girls Squad) with Rodger Stewart and Isabel Johnstone Blair Jardine and John Dewar With Rodger Stewart and Isabel Johnstone (depute head teacher) The S1 rugby kit sponsored by the RAF Under 15 Girls strips donated by the RAF

The school rugby and football sections were successful with their Awards for All lottery bid (£7,750). This money will assist in the running of the school rugby and football for the next year. This money will also allow students to attend refereeing and coaching courses and help with the purchase of new equipment.

Maybole Memorial Park held their last open competition of the season on Saturday which was the Junior Open Pairs. A big thank you to the sponsors on the day who were.... Liz and Robert Reid of the DRUITHY BAR Ayr Alan Holmes of STRATHAYR FINANCIAL SERVICES Ayr John Jamieson of JAMIESON PLANT HIRE Maybole The tournament was a great success and was won by Calum Williamson (Irvine Park) and Liam Conlan (Port William) shown being presented with the trophy by president Janette Kincaid. The runners up were Thomas Handling (Sandhead) and Billy Bailly (Glenluce)

All Cairn P7 pupils gave a speech in front of the school at assembly last week to persuade the younger pupils why they should be voted in as house captains. All pupils voted and the results were announced at assembly last Friday. The photograph shows the captains and vice captains for Ailsa, Arran, Pladda and Sanda. Mrs McDougall, head teacher, congratulated the pupils on their appointments and looks forward to them being excellent role models for all pupils, displaying the schools values of respect, honesty, responsibility, tolerance and diligence.

Lucky pupils from St. Cuthbert’s Primary and Cairn Primary were treated to a visit from author Sam Enthoven in St. Cuthbert’s Primary on the afternoon of Wednesday 26th August. Sam spoke to the children about his new book “Tim Defender of the Earth” and about his life as an author. The visit was part of the Edinburgh International Book Festival outreach programme in association with the Scottish Book Trust which hopes to inspire and motivate children to read and perhaps even one day to think about being an author just like Sam. As you can see the children and Sam had a great afternoon.

Rebecca Graham and Liam Kennedy have been appointed as Cairn's Junior Road Safety Officers. Rebecca and Liam attended an Induction Day at Maybole Town Hall recently with pupils from surrounding schools. JRSOs are 'employed' by the school to help their local Road Safety Officer promote road safety issues within the school and local community. The job of a JRSO is very important job as they: Maintain a central notice board and make sure the road safety information on it is kept up-to-date Talk at assemblies and to classes on road safety topics Run competitions in the school and get prizes for the winners Hand out merit certificates Make sure that the school pupils are using 'Safety Street' CD-ROM

P1 pupils at St Cuthbert’s Primary School started full time this week and last Friday they had their first taste of what it is like to take your lunch at school.

Cairn Primary has received a grant for £2,320 from "Awards for All". This will go towards making the infant playground a great space to grow plants, sit and relax as well as play! Staff and pupils are looking forward to the huge changes which will take place between now and next September. (In the first photo above, Head teacher Mrs Fiona McDougall is on the right, on the left is Mrs Diane Owens; the other adults are members of BTCV who have been helping out with the Eco garden)

TKS Summer Camps 2008 Nether Auchendrane Girl Guides Outward Bound Centre was the backdrop for this year’s summer camps. The weather was very kind and everyone had a wonderful time. Weekend camps were a new venture this year and everyone had such fun and all want to go again next year. All of this wouldn’t have been possible without the help of some very patient and hardworking parents!! If you would like any information on the various activities and classes that TKS are involved with then please call Corinne on 01655 889977. TKS are in the process of offering free lessons at all the schools in the area so if your school is interested give them a call.

Last Friday, Gardenrose Primary pupils took part in their very own version of the Olympics. It was a sponsored event to raise funds for the school and all the pupils put all their energies in to the selection of challenges. Parents and carers were invited to go along to watch.

Gardenrose Primary School held its annual Teddy Bears' Picnic last Thursday, August 28. P1 pupils started full time on Monday of this week so last Thursday they had their first "taste" of school dinners and the routine involved. Their families and favourite teddy bears or other favourites were special guests as the young pupils learned how to queue, order and pay for their meals. Mrs Cuthbertson thanked everyone for their help with the wee ones getting to know the routine and specially thanked the catering staff for all they had done.


The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below.

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There was an excellent turnout of representatives of local organizations at last week’s AGM of Maybole Community Association. Peter Mason gave an account of last year’s activities and thanked everyone involved. He made a specific plea for more engagement of community groups with a view to organising more events in the town.


Office Bearers elected were:

Chair: Peter Mason

Vice Chair: William Grant

Secretary: Ellen Hawkes

Treasurer: Alex Kelly.

Committee: Pearl Barton, Gillian Durrant, Marianne McCreadie, Andrew Pollock, Carly Wilson, June Dunlop, Karen Thomson, Torrance Dempsey, Brian Robertson, David Kiltie.


Affiliation fees were agreed to remain at £5 per annum per group. Committee meetings were agreed to be open for inclusion of items on agenda or attendance by any groups. Peter Mason then informed groups of proposal to South Ayrshire Council for a community Leisure Trust to manage Maybole Community Assets. After discussion it was proposed that the Association agree to support further progression of the aims of the document with South Ayrshire Council. The next meeting will be held on Monday October 13th at 7.30pm in the Town Hall.

It is 10 years since the employees of Clyde Gravure (Wace Clyde) of Maybole were made redundant and last Friday evening a number of them got together for a reunion. Main organiser of the evening was Campbell Hearton who was delighted with the response. A big surprise for everyone was when Kenny McClung and Paul Young turned up – they now live in Australia!


For most who attended it was a great night of talking about the last 10 years and their time with the firm which at its peak had employed about 130 people. The company had set up in Maybole in 1968 after Maybole Town Council had purchased the former warehouses of John Lees & Co. Ltd., in Alloway Road. These buildings had escaped damage when a disastrous fire in 1962 destroyed the boot and shoe factory buildings. The Council sold them to a printing firm from Yorkshire who specialised in colour printing. This firm was formerly known as Northern Gravure Ltd., but became Clyde Gravure Ltd.

Please find below a list of the latest results for Carrick and District Homing Society.

The club would like to thank Urquhart Stores, The Cassillis Hotel and The Welltrees Inn for sponsoring the following races.


3rd North Road young bird race

Race Point: Cupar

1st Jamieson and Mc Whirter

2nd Jamieson and Mc Whirter

3rd Jamieson and Mc Whirter


3rd South Road young bird race

Race Point:Otterburn

1st A Lothian

2nd A Lothian

3rd A Lothian


4th North Road young bird race

Race Point: Arbroath

1st Jamieson and Mc Whirter

2nd Jamieson and Mc Whirter

3rd Cameron and Jamieson


4th South Road Young bird race

Race point Hawick

1st J Cannon

2nd H Gray

3rd  H Gray


5th South Road young bird race

Race Point: Otterburn2

1st A Lothian

2nd A Lothian

3rd J Cannon


6th South Road young bird race

Race Point: Tow Law

1st A Lothian

2nd A Lothian

Maybole Golf Club

Results for the McQuiston Cup


                                       Handicap       Nett

1st        Gavin Campbell            14        58

2nd        Tom Foster                  17        64

3rd        Gary McCulloch           6          67

4th        John Wood                  8          68

            Alan Brownlee  5          68

5th        Scott Anderson            12        71

6th        Malcolm McKay          11        72

7th        Tom Anderson 11        77


CSS 65

Latest golf scores for two of  the match play competitions held at Maybole.

 Match play championship

1st     Scott McCahill

2nd    Gary McCulloch

3rd     Gary Steele


Colquhoun cup team match play

1st     Scott MCCahill and David Wallace

2nd   Robert Green  and  Scott Anderson

3rd     Alan Brownlee and Brian Boyd

           Jim McCulloch  and  Ricky Stevenson


The club is holding its annual dance on Saturday October 11 and tickets are available from Gary McCulloch , Bobby Green, Ramsay Eccles, Colin Harvey, Tom Foster, and Michael Thompson.

A recent Race Night raised a magnificent £1,368 for the parish funds of Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s church in Maybole.


The organisers would like to thank everyone who attended or helped in any way. They would specially like to thank the main sponsor Co=op Funeral Direct as well as other sponsors:

John Jamieson of Jamieson Plant Hire

Eric and Campbell of Alloway Road Motor Services

Brian Connolly of JD Cameron Jet Wash

Catriona Hastie of Robertson & Orr

Bryce and Jane McCulloch of Rosebank Fruiterers

Jim and Ann Hunter of Hunter’s Taxis

Bobby Shaw, Painter & Decorator

Billy Torbett of Welltrees Inn

John Cuthbert Groundworks

Michael Saloti of Primo’s Fish & Chicken Bar

Graziano Valdrighi of Graziano fish & Chip Bar

Colin Broun of Ayr Citadel Indoor Boot & Craft Sale

Jim Thomson of JD Thomson Builders

Eddie Morrell of Morrell Blacksmiths.


It was yet again a very successful evening combining both fundraising and socialising.

School of Rugby Ambition


Rugby in Carrick Academy is now playing a major part in school life. The school rugby, which was re-established five years ago by Mr G Brown and Mr J McComiskey, now boasts five boys sides and two girls sides.


Carrick can now claim to be in the top 1% of state schools in Scotland for pupils taking apart in school rugby. As the game has grown in the school so has the success.


Three Carrick pupils have been selected for the South/East Scotland Girls Squad. The girls are Sarah Sherry (not in photo), Sharron Gemmell, and Sam Wallace.


They have played three games so far and won them all with Sam scoring on her debut. This is a tremendous achievement as the girls have only been playing for a year. The girl’s rugby would not be possible without the hard work of Miss Johnstone and everyone hopes this is the first of many Carrick girls being involved in the national set up.


Three Carrick boys have also been selected for district honours. Robert Sykes has just returned from his trip in France with the Glasgow U16 Thistles Squad. This is well deserved as Robert was out for nearly all of last season with a shoulder injury that required an operation. The good news is that he will be ready to play again for the 1st XV come August.


Blair Jardine and John Dewar have been selected for the Kestrels U15 side. The Kestrels have won all four of their matches and both Carrick boys have played leading roles in these victories.


The school has also created fantastic links with outside businesses and organisations. Two of the main supporters recently have been the RAF and Kirkland Stores.


The RAF has supported the school rugby by donating three full sets of strips for the U13 and U14 boys sides and U15 girls side.


Sharron Carmichael from the RAF can be seen handing over the new strips in the photos.


Dave McGee from Kirkland Stores is also delighted to support the 1st XV. Not only does Dave support the team but helps coach them on a Wednesday after school.


Carrick Academy and Girvan Academy with the support of Ayr RFC have now got their own SVQ rugby student. Colin Sturgeon, who was the Carrick Academy 1st XV captain and is now in the Ayr RFC 1st Xv squad, started his new role two weeks ago. Colin will be in Carrick Academy and local primary schools every Tuesday and will coach the school Under 15 side.


Finally, the school are delighted to announce that the school rugby and football section have been successful in securing an ‘Awards for All’ lottery bid.  This bid will ensure that rugby and football in the school will receive financial support for the coming season.

Mr Brown said:


“We would like to thank the lottery for supporting our young people by awarding us the sum of £7,750. This will enable our teams to receive the best coaching available and best resources for all our sides. Running the school rugby and football is a big undertaking both in respect of time and money. The teachers and senior pupils give up their time to make all this happen and with the support Mr Stewart and all the teaching staff and in conjunction with the Awards for All and other sponsors such as the RAF, Kirkland Stores, Maybole Health Centre, Interpack, Reids Transport then this is why Carrick Academy can be very proud of what we are achieving in this area. We are a small school competing against far bigger schools but I am sure that with this support all our young people will gain from the experience of being part of a team and improving their own health by taking part in sporting activities.”

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