October 2008
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October 2008

Some Carrick Academy pupils recently had a sneak preview of a new DVD which traces the history behind their school badge. Now they are preparing to show everyone else what they have created at a special showing of the DVD in Maybole Town Hall on Thursday, October 9 from 7-9pm. Entitled “Carrick Academy…its royal roots”, the production of the DVD was funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund....The badge was only created in the early 1950s and soon after some girls in IIIA made a school flag and they sewed their names into the seam. They were Sheena Walker, Jean McFarlane, Elizabeth McCrindle, Nancy Duncan, Anne Fraser, Betty Heath, Anne Watson, Jessie Campbell, Margaret McCulloch and Helen Kelly. (Last photo shows some of them a a reunion a few years ago. They are (left to right) Helen Smith, Jess Reid, Betty Challis and Jean Wilson. Man in the middle John McCulloch was in the same year (but not the same sewing class!) as the ladies. more

A film on the origins of Carrick Academy’s school badge was “premiered” in Maybole Town Hall last Thursday evening. Peter Walker of May-Tag welcomed everyone and thanks the Heritage Lottery Fund for providing £24,800 to fund the Young Roots project. He explained that the aim of Young Roots is to involve 13-25 year-olds in finding out about their heritage ...more

(Photo shows David Anderson front left with Bill Miller centre.) David Anderson, Chief Executive of South Ayrshire Council, met recently with the Board of Directors and the management committee of the proposed new Carrick Centre in Maybole. The meeting was held in Maybole One Stop Shop and Mr Anderson was given a presentation on the plans for the new centre which will also include a youth facility and a new church to replace the former Old and West churches in the town. more

Pearl Barton from Maybole has been nominated as a Good Neighbour in the 2008 West Sound and West FM Community Awards.  And her friend Marion Kennedy (on right of photo) asked WestSound’s Tommy Truesdale to present her with a bouquet of flowers when he played Carrick Sports Club recently.   Pearl’s nomination on the radio station’s web site it says, “Pearl works endlessly by raising money for the OAP, OIR and Diamond Clubs in her local neighbourhood. The money she raises gets them day trips in the summer months and the pantomime at Christmas. more

When friends asked Moira Sillars how she was going to celebrate becoming eligible for her bus pass, she replied, “I’m going to have a ball!” And Moira really meant it – she really did want to have a ball. She wanted the full works with ball gowns and bow ties and her family and friends rallied round to make her dream come true. Maybole Town Hall was booked, a stretch limo ordered and the evening dresses and suits looked out to make Moira’s 60th birthday a night to remember.

Maybole piper Bryce McCulloch has been nominated for an award, it is the VOWS award for product and service providers to the wedding industry in Scotland. There are 32 categories and Bryce has been short listed to five in the Music and Entertainment section. An award dinner will be held in the Hilton in Glasgow on Sunday 2nd November. The VOWS Awards are voted for by the public – by brides, grooms and members of the bridal party involved in a wedding over the past year  ...more

When Scott was involved in the local “Robert Burns… where it began” project he was introduced to the former president of The World Burns Federation Angus Middleton who advised that there were up and coming Burns Competitions through the Federation for Primary and secondary schools in early 2008. more

Three residents of Crosne Street shetered housing unit in Maybole have been busy knitting blankets for Third World countries. Mrs Elsie Campbell, Mrs Jean Jess and Mrs Jean Clark are photographed with warden Pat Docherty prior to the blankets being collected by Blythswood Care for distribution abroad.

While there other residents surprised Mrs Clark with a birthday cake, flowers and some sherry as she had celebrated her 90th birthday the day before.

A weel kent face at Maybole’s Carnegie library has now retired. Mary Turner was the last remaining member of staff who had worked in all three “versions” of the library. She had worked in the present building when the library was upstairs but when it was closed due to its condition Mary also worked in the new building in the High Street when the library was moved there during the 1980s. After a massive investment the Carnegie building was refurbished and the library was moved back to its original home although this time at ground level.. Photo shows Mary with past and present colleagues on Saturday afternoon when tea and cakes were laid on for everyone to drop in for a farewell chat to the popular librarian.

The rivalry between the USA and Europe on Sunday September 21 paled into insignificance as two Maybole golf teams staged their own version of the Ryder Cup on the same day. After some great golf the final score was Cassillis 4½ Maybole Arms 1½ and they all adjourned to the Maybole Arms to for some liquid refreshments.

Gardenrose Parent Council held its first fundraising race night last weekend and made approximately £950 which will go towards various activities and events for the pupils. The committee would like to thank the race sponsors Graham Services (Scotwest) Ltd; Interpak; Colin & Emma Broun, Minishant P.O.; Ian Urquart, Station Stores; Tom (The) Wason, Maybole Coachworks; Mr & Mrs J Cope, JC Catering; Mr & Mrs B Connolly, BDC Fuels Ltd; and A & J Plumbing & Heating, Engineers. Others they would like to thank include Ayrshire Race Services; Ian Coulter, disco; Louis Jardine & staff, Ayrshire Hospice; parents who supplied the buffet and everyone who donated raffle prizes.

(Left) The Maybole & Girvan Branch of Action Medical Research recently held a highly successful tea & coffee weekend at Corton Plants, Alloway which is run by the committee's treasurer, Alison Kerr. Almost £1400 was raised for Action Medical Research at the event and the committee wish to thank everyone for supporting them.           (Right)The Maybole & Girvan Branch of Action Medical Research held their Annual Ladies Lunch in Maybole Town Hall on Saturday 27th September. more

Members of Maybole Men's Health Forum were delighted to present a cheque to Headways Ayrshire last Thursday for £314. This was the remaining monies raised by the group completing the MHFS 10K event in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow earlier in the year. The group recently presented a cheque to "The Red Wheelies" charity organisation as well. Headways Ayrshire is a local support group, serving the population of Ayrshire and Arran regards improving the knowledge and understanding of brain/head injury. more

Last week Louis Jardine, of Ayrshire Hospice, travelled to his home town of Maybole to collect a cheque from kind-hearted residents of Crosne Street sheltered housing unit. The residents had collected their loose change over the past year and raised £450 which Louis said was a marvellous total which was much appreciated. Photo at right included Pat Docherty and Katy Kelly.

Pupils worked really hard at Gardenrose Primary on lots of activities for the Eco Schools programme last year and have now achieved their Silver Award. They have a brand new Eco Schools Council this session, made up of children from each stage of the school, staff and a parent. They would be glad to involve more parents/carers so please get in touch if you are interested. Hopefully this year go a long way towards achieving the Green Flag Award.

Maybole One Stop Shop recently ran a competition for local primary schools, for designs of butterflies to be placed in the Jock Barr Memorial Garden. The butterflies will be incorporated in a painted mural which will cover the exterior wall of the offices in School Vennel backing on to the garden. more


Alex Kelly, chairman of Carrick Crime Prevention Panel, presenting a new bicycle to Sgt John Hamilton (left) and Inspector Andy Clapperton (right) for use by community police officers.

Last night of the Maybole Kids Club Golf on a very wet and windy night!

Last Thursday, October 9, pupils from P3/4 of Cairn Primary gathered on the steps of Maybole Town Hall to celebrate National Poetry Day. Each child had chosen a poem to perform bringing “Poetry to the People of Maybole”. The children certainly enjoyed the public speaking experience even if they did compete with traffic thundering past!

Jeans for Genes Day An editorial contribution from Rhianna Hamilton and Erin Kennedy, Cairn Primary School, P7 class: On Friday the 3rd of October Cairn Primary’s P7 class organised Jeans for Genes day. Pupils Rhianna and Erin explained, “We made a PowerPoint presentation about what Jeans for Genes day was all about and presented it at Assembly to explain, educate and inform our fellow pupils. more

To celebrate the official handover of the Paralympic torch from China to Britain, children at Cairn Primary were involved in an Inclusive Games Afternoon. Children in P7 and P2/3 participated in Boccia, New Age Curling and Inclusive Football. Everyone had a great afternoon and the children became aware of the commitment, dedication and sheer hard work of Paralympians.

Floods due to heavy rainfall hit Ayrshire the first week of October. Homes in Kirkmichael, around the Kirkmichael Arms pub, sadly found themselves under a foot of water.


The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below.

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Some Carrick Academy pupils recently had a sneak preview of a new DVD which traces the history behind their school badge. Now they are preparing to show everyone else what they have created at a special showing of the DVD in Maybole Town Hall on Thursday, October 9 from 7-9pm. Entitled “Carrick Academy…its royal roots”, the production of the DVD was funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.


This allowed pupils to take part in a Young Roots project to research their badge which originates from the red chevron in a silver field, which is the coat of arms of Carrick. The blue lions with red claws and red tongue came from the coat of arms worn by the Bruce family. When Robert the Bruce, the Earl of Carrick, became King of Scots his title moved into the Scottish royal family and subsequently into the present royal family. Prince Charles is the current Earl of Carrick. Maybole is the ancient capital of Carrick which is the most southerly of the three historical divisions of Ayrshire.


The Kennedys of Cassillis, the principal land owners of Carrick and known as the “Kings of Carrick”, were in the main responsible for providing a school building and the schoolmaster's salary. In the badge, the black in the quills is taken from the black cross-crosslets in this family's coat of arms.


The book is the normal symbol used to indicate a school badge. The motto "Superbe Gerimus" was supplied by the Latin Department and means "We wear it proudly". The colours, blue and gold, were chosen because of their association with the Kennedy family. For distinguished service at Beugé in 1421, a member of the Kennedy family had been given the right to use the blue and gold colours of the royal family of France.


So Carrick has a badge which really has royal roots! As well as the pupils’ families, others invited to the special showing include South Ayrshire Provost Winifred Sloan, Cathy Jamieson MSP, Sandra Osborne MP and local councillors. There will also be an exhibition of the props and costumes that were all created by the young people and photographs that show the progress and participation of everyone involved.


The badge was only created in the early 1950s and soon after some girls in IIIA made a school flag and they sewed their names into the seam. They were Sheena Walker, Jean McFarlane, Elizabeth McCrindle, Nancy Duncan, Anne Fraser, Betty Heath, Anne Watson, Jessie Campbell, Margaret McCulloch and Helen Kelly. If anyone knows where they are now they should contact Peter Walker at 01655 883765. The school staff and pupils would be delighted to see them on the night.

Maybole piper Bryce McCulloch has been nominated for an award, it is the VOWS award for product and service providers to the wedding industry in Scotland. There are 32 categories and Bryce has been short listed to five in the Music and Entertainment section. An award dinner will be held in the Hilton in Glasgow on Sunday 2nd November. The VOWS Awards are voted for by the public – by brides, grooms and members of the bridal party involved in a wedding over the past year – who nominate their favourite wedding suppliers. A pre-requisite to becoming a VOWS finalist or winner therefore is to provide a consistent level of outstanding service to bridal clients. Couples, once married, are asked to nominate the best companies they have dealt with, in writing or online. Brig O Doon and Western house have also been nominated in their category of venues.

David Anderson, Chief Executive of South Ayrshire Council, met recently with the Board of Directors and the management committee of the proposed new Carrick Centre in Maybole. The meeting was held in Maybole One Stop Shop and Mr Anderson was given a presentation on the plans for the new centre which will also include a youth facility and a new church to replace the former Old and West churches in the town.


The Board put forward proposals on possible partnerships with South Ayrshire Council in the areas of Social Work, Housing and Youth which they feel would bring cost savings to the council and sustainability to the Carrick Centre. With no funding available from the National Lottery for the current plans progress has been slow over the past few months.


“That does not mean work has not been effective,” said Bill Miller, board chairman. He continued, “There are two strands to the work being done. “One is to review the scope of the Carrick Centre project to see if it is being too ambitious and the other is to prepare the material for a new series of applications to other grant giving bodies.


Mr Miller added, “In addition to this there is a major effort in holding a St Andrew’s Day Concert on November 28. This does not happen without a lot of commitment from the team organising it and I hope people will go out of their way to support this by attending and donating prizes. “This is an essential part of justifying grants from outside bodies who expect to see applicants doing all they can to raise funds from their own members. “The Charity Shop will be taken by the committee on the week beginning November 17 and support for this would be much appreciated.”

Maybole One Stop Shop recently ran a competition for local primary schools, for designs of butterflies to be placed in the Jock Barr Memorial Garden. The butterflies will be incorporated in a painted mural which will cover the exterior wall of the offices in School Vennel backing on to the garden. The entries were of such a high standard, that local artist Michael Clark, and his evening class at the Carrick Buildings Learning Centre were invited to judge the entries. Mel Balfour and Lynne Campbell presented the prizes of Waterstones gift vouchers to the winners and runners-up at their schools. Cairn Primary: Winner- Jason Clarke (P4) Runners Up-Caitlin Niven (P4),Ryan Thompson (P4), Abbie Hunter(P4) Gardenrose Primary: Winner- Xsara Meiklem (P4) Runner up- Daniel James Gray( P4) The prize winners will be invited to see the finished art work at the opening of the garden when it is complete.

Jeans for Genes Day An editorial contribution from Rhianna Hamilton and Erin Kennedy, Cairn Primary School, P7 class: On Friday the 3rd of October Cairn Primary’s P7 class organised Jeans for Genes day. Pupils Rhianna and Erin explained, “We made a PowerPoint presentation about what Jeans for Genes day was all about and presented it at Assembly to explain, educate and inform our fellow pupils. We also added in a mad hair day for extra fun, so we made our hair mad (as did our teachers!) and everyone wore jeans. Our aim was to raise money for people with genetic disorders.” P7 pupils decided on the jobs that needed to be done to ensure a successful day, and everyone in the P7 class had a task to complete, for example: PowerPoint editors, readers, cash collectors and cash counters. The grand total raised was...£140.40 – our thanks go to parents and pupils who donated so generously! Well done P7!”

Pearl Barton from Maybole has been nominated as a Good Neighbour in the 2008 West Sound and West FM Community Awards.   And her friend Marion Kennedy (on right of photo) asked WestSound’s Tommy Truesdale to present her with a bouquet of flowers when he played Carrick Sports Club recently.   Pearl’s nomination on the radio station’s web site it says, “Pearl works endlessly by raising money for the OAP, OIR and Diamond Clubs in her local neighbourhood. The money she raises gets them day trips in the summer months and the pantomime at Christmas.  Once Christmas and New Year is past she organises a three course meal and an afternoon’s entertainment in the Maybole Town Hall.    She doesn’t hesitate to volunteer when neighbours or elderly friends need runs to the hospital. She even takes them as far as the Western Infirmary and Southern General Hospitals in Glasgow.   Pearl never stops and she will be 77 years old in November.”

The Maybole & Girvan Branch of Action Medical Research held their Annual Ladies Lunch in Maybole Town Hall on Saturday 27th September. There was a large turnout of ladies who enjoyed a two course buffet provided by the committee and were able to browse the various stalls displaying confectionery, gifts, make-up & jewellery. The committee is grateful to Threepwood Fayre, Inspirations gift shop, Virgin Vie and all who attended for helping to make the day a success and for their kind donations to the charity. Approximately £2000 was raised on the day which will go towards funding research projects throughout the country with the focus being on child health. Anyone interested in joining the fundraising committee can contact the secretary Sandra Stevenson Tel: 01292 571272.

Members of Maybole Men's Health Forum were delighted to present a cheque to Headways Ayrshire last Thursday for £314. This was the remaining monies raised by the group completing the MHFS 10K event in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow earlier in the year. The group recently presented a cheque to "The Red Wheelies" charity organisation as well. Headways Ayrshire is a local support group, serving the population of Ayrshire and Arran regards improving the knowledge and understanding of brain/head injury. Members of the Health Forum were delighted to be able to raise some money to help them in the good work that they do. The Men's Health Forum continues to run each Thursday evening from 7:30pm at Carrick Academy during school sessions. During non-school sessions other fitness activities are organised. New members are always welcome, so if you are at all interested feel free to get in contact with them or go along one Thursday. For more details visit the Maybole Mens Health Forum website at http://www.maybolehealthforum.org  or phone Peter Lynn on 01655 882857

When Scott Barrie was involved in the local “Robert Burns… where it began” project he was introduced to the former president of The World Burns Federation Angus Middleton who advised that there were up and coming Burns Competitions through the Federation for Primary and secondary schools in early 2008.


On the 24th of January 2008 Scott was invited to be the piper for the under 18s Burns supper held at The Brig o’ Doon hotel by Mrs Margaret Morrall and his sister Caitlin recited The Auld Trout, (through the Ayrshire Burns Club and John Haining the then president  of the World Burns Federation).


In due course Scott was sent an application form to compete (through his school Gardenrose Primary) in the regional qualifiers held in Irvine Royal Academy on 1st March 2008. Scott won first place, and received an invitation to compete in the finals on 10th May 2008 at Inverclyde Academy in Greenock. Scott won and became the World Burns Federation Primary Champion for Piping.


On the 20th July Scott performed at the annual Commemorative open air service at the Burns and Wallace Cairn at Legend Wood at Auchincruive, also on this day Caitlin Barrie recited The Auld Trout.


Due to the support of Mrs Margaret Morall, Mrs Margaret Skilling, Angus Middleton and John Haining and the support of all involved in the Maybole Project Scott was invited to play for First Minister Alex Salmond at Bute house in Edinburgh on 1st October 2008, to accompany the First Minister’s greeting on a DVD for Homecoming Scotland next year.


Due to circumstances on the day (Mr. Salmond was called to London and could not get back in time) the venue was moved to The Scottish Parliament building where Scott and the other children who were prizewinners last year at Inverclyde were invited to meet Alex Salmond in his private offices in the Parliament building where he spent time chatting to them all. The families of the children were also lucky enough to be invited to meet the First Minister (including Caitlin). After the personal greeting from Alex Salmond the children were asked to perform in the Parliament and were recorded for the DVD, Scott was filmed playing outside the Scottish Parliament. The DVD and press release should be early next year.)

Last Wednesday young Maybole piper Scott Barrie travelled to Edinburgh for a very special event. Scott and his parents John and Sandra as well as his sister Caitlin were at the Scottish Parliament where Scott was involved in the recording of a DVD to promote the Homecoming Scotland celebrations planned for next year. Homecoming Scotland 2009 celebrates the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns’ birth with a year-long programme of events across the country. There will also be events celebrating some of Scotland’s great contributions to the world: golf, whisky, great minds and innovations and Scotland’s rich culture and heritage. While at the Parliament building Scott presented First Minister Alex Salmond with a copy of the book and DVD made in Maybole last year to mark the 250th anniversary of Burns’ parents being married in the Capital of Carrick. After all, if Agnes Broun and William Burnes had not met and married in Maybole Robert may never have been born!

Crossraguel Cup scratch competition

                                      handicap    score

1st   Gary  McCulloch       6              148

2nd  Gary Steele               8              154

3rd   Tom Foster              17             160

4th   Malcolm McKay     11             169

5th   Stephen Ferrol         21             190


Ranch Cup handicap

1st    Tom Foster              17              126

2nd  Gary McCulloch        6              136

3rd   Gary Steele               8              138

4th   Malcolm McKay      11             146

5th   Stephen Ferrol          21             148

Last results for the season - Maybole Golf Club

Colquhoun Cup

                           1st   Scott McCahill  and David Wallace

                           2nd  Robert Green  and Scott Anderson


Ramsay Cup   1st  Robbie  Milligan

                           2nd David  Wallace


Merchants Cup  1st  John  Wood

                              2nd Robbie  Milligan


Matchplay  Championship

                            1st  Scott Mc Cahill

                            2nd Gary MCCulloch

A film on the origins of Carrick Academy’s school badge was “premiered” in Maybole Town Hall last Thursday evening. Peter Walker of May-Tag welcomed everyone and thanks the Heritage Lottery Fund for providing £24,800 to fund the Young Roots project. He explained that the aim of Young Roots is to involve 13-25 year-olds in finding out about their heritage, developing skills, building confidence and promoting community involvement. Young Roots projects stem directly from young peoples' interests and ideas, harnessing their creativity and energy and helping them work with others in their local community.


The development of the project had been led by the pupils and supported by Kirsty Gallacher who has been assisted by a range of experts.  The pupils had been involved in the research and the production of a DVD, which they had called “Carrick Academy…its royal roots”, showing the historical background of their school badge. This led to them learning new skills from writing scripts, film make up, dress making in the form of period costumes, making film props, as well as using digital cameras and sound equipment.  Mr Walker concluded, “The legacy left by this innovative project is a DVD which will provide future pupils at Carrick Academy with a clearer understanding of the heritage and history of their school badge.


“I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the partnership and Carrick Academy in thanking Heritage Lottery for the funding that has enabled over 65 pupils at the school to take part in this project, and to the many external experts and supporters who have assisted them.” David Kiltie outlined some of the detail behind the school badge and then everyone viewed the DVD which was well received by everyone present, including some former pupils who had attended the school at the time of the badge being created by the Lord Lyon King of Arms.


The applause was long and loud as the young people were invited to the front of the hall and presented with scrolls of appreciation as were the adults who had been involved. Head Teacher Rodger Stewart was also presented with a framed DVD. Councillor Ann Galbraith, who presented certificates to those who took part in the project, congratulated the pupils on the professionalism of their work. She said she had not expected such a first class history lesson when invited to the ceremony.


“The DVD,” she said, “was of an exceptionally high standard and I’m sure the pupils all enjoyed working on it. It could even lead them to look at new career options as they have all learned skills they probably didn`t realise they have. “Looking into the history of the school badge has unearthed the area`s remarkable history,” she said, “which should make them doubly proud - of their school and of Carrick.”


The organising committee, made up of Maybole Community Council, Maybole Community Association, Maybole Historical Society, and May-Tag with Peter Mason as chairperson. At the end of the evening he said, “I would like to thank everyone involved in the production of the Young Roots DVD. “This proves, once again, the co-operation between Carrick Academy and the community as a whole. “The production was a testament to the youth of Carrick Academy, to the future well being of community involvement to the town and the population of Maybole in general.


“I would strongly urge anyone who has not had the opportunity to watch this DVD to do so, and learn of the history that is attached to the Academy badge.” Well done to the youth of Carrick, well done to all the production staff, and well done to the staff of Carrick Academy. You have done your Academy, and the town of Maybole proud.” Elizabeth Brunjes, Heritage Lottery Fund Development Officer , was unable to attend but sent an email saying, “Please accept my sincere apologies for not being able to join you on this special evening  to mark the launch of "Carrick Academy…its royal roots.


“Having been involved in this Young Roots application, I have always been aware of the level of commitment, hard work and, of course, talent that has gone into this production. “The Heritage Lottery Fund is delighted to support this project and hope that the young people of Maybole have enjoyed the opportunity to gain new skills and learn about their own rich heritage.


“I hope that you are proud of your contribution to ensuring that the story continues to be told. Good Luck this evening and I look forward to hearing about plans for your next application!” Cathy Jamieson MSP was unable to attend also, but sent an email Peter, saying she was disappointed that she couldn’t be there as it was geographically impossible for her to get to Maybole in time.

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