June 2011
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June 2011

Fears of volcanic ash cancelling a trip to Scotland for 50 Italians were unfounded last week and the visitors from Arco arrived at Prestwick and stayed overnight in the Station Hotel Ayr. They were met the next morning by Margaret and Alex Davidson and David Kiltie, members of Maybole Town Twinning Association, before setting off on a whirlwind tour of the area. Their route took them past Burns Cottage, Dunure, the Electric Brae where they experienced the full effect if the optical illusion as their luxury coach freewheeled “uphill”, Turnberry, Kirkoswald, Crossraguel Abbey before reaching the Capital of Carrick. more

Maybole artist Gordon Cockburn is to exhibit a selection from his mining collection in the Midlothian Mining Museum, Newtongrange, during June and July.  The museum will display Gordon’s works showing miners at work and "play", their families’ environment and the actual mine workings to great effect. His forefathers have a history in mining stretching over two hundred years. In the photo with Gordon Cockburn is Ellie Swinbank, curator at the Mining Museum. more

Maybole branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland celebrated its 90th birthday with a drumhead service at Culzean Castle on Sunday June 19. Members had originally planned to mark the occasion on Sunday June 26 which would have been closer to the date the branch was formed on June 28, 1921. A few days earlier, Field Marshall Lord Haig was at Culzean on a visit to the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire, The Marquess of Ailsa to discuss setting up the British Legion and a public meeting was arranged in Maybole Coffee House on June 28. The branch claims this makes it the oldest branch in the United Kingdom. more

Fr Philip Kitchen, parish priest of Our Lady and St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole, had two surprise guests staying with him recently. They were Major Robin Alexander and John Parry who are on a project called “40 Days UK” which has the aim of raising awareness and funds for Help for Heroes and Cancer Research UK. With John as backup driver, Robin is cycling round Britain and he had a special interest in the Maybole area! more

Adam Ingram MSP recently met with members of Maybole Community Council and the Bypass Committee to discuss the way forward to find a cure for what he described as a “clogged artery”. He said the he wholeheartedly supported a bypass for Maybole and was delighted to read the remarks the First Minister Alex Salmond made recently when he revealed his dream to provide a bypass for Maybole. more  and other Bypass news

As part of Cairn Primary’s ‘Safety Week’ focus, P5 had a very enjoyable visit from the Galloway Mountain Rescue team. Not only did they talk about the important job they did, they also let pupils try out some of their equipment.  They had the opportunity to learn how to correctly stretcher an injured person and had the chance lying down on the stretcher more

The two cheeky monkeys- Mad Mental Mary and Loopy Libby - were back out in Maybole again at the town gala. This time they did a "throw a wet sponge at a monkey" to raise funds for Bonnie Babies and raised a total of £146. Mary Caldwell and Libby Kerr would like to thank everyone who threw sponges at them and donated towards Bonnie Babies, a national registered charity dedicated to helping “UK Special Babies”.

Maybole High Street is getting a facelift with a number of shops being repainted thanks to funding received by the Community Council from Carrick Futures. Empty premises are in line for having huge photographs of local events placed in their windows through funding from other sources such as LEADER and funds left from the Year of Homecoming . One of the shops which has been vacant for a number of years won’t need this, however, as it has been renovated and recently opened its doors to the public as Helios Holistic Therapy and Beauty. Photos show Newshop1 – Christine brown, right with her aunt, Ibby Taylor 2 – husband Tommy, fitness instructor, with a customer 3 - Carolyn Mellor, right, beauty therapist with Laura McDowall more

The Jean Falconer Literary Competition has been organised annually by Maybole Community Council since 1988 but it’s just about to change. The competition was set up in memory of the late Jean Falconer who was a founder member of Maybole Community Council in 1977, and played a key role in its formation over a number of years. When she tragically died far too young, members wanted to remember her in some way and it was felt that a literary competition would be the most suitable way. more

Maybole senior citizens, or recycled teenagers as Pearl Barton calls them, waiting for the buses to arrive on Saturday morning to take them on their annual outing. This year the venue was Largs with a stop at a garden centre first.

Maybole’s Pontoon Golf Club’s outing this year was to Dundee where they played Dunkeld Golf Club and Drumoig Golf Club

Results were

Overall Winner. Peter Conway

Second Kevin McKeown

Captains Prize Colin McIlwraith

Hole-in-one Kevin McKeown

Players in the Carrick Colts 97s team are very grateful for the generosity of Co-operative Funeralcare who recently decided to help with their running costs. Robert, right, is pictured with the boys after handing over a cheque for £200.

June 18-26 was Team Green Britain Bike Week– a national celebration of cycling! It is the UK’s biggest mass participation cycling event – last year almost half a million people participated at events across the country. The aim is to get more people cycling, more often, and it the event offers something for everyone – from families, schools and companies, to seasoned cyclists and those who have never cycled before. more

All the children at Cairn Nursery took part in a sponsored cycle recently to raise funds for a Wii to use in the Nursery. The children had a great time cycling around the square.

The fantastic sum of £750 has been raised so far – and the school would like to say an enormous thank you to parents and friends of Cairn for their generous support.The children are now enjoying the Wii games and accessories bought with the funds and outdoor resources have also ordered which should arrive soon.

Carrick pupils tackle litter problem. Community-spirited youngsters from Carrick Academy set an an excellent example when they donned their high-viz jackets and took to the streets of Maybole to tackle some of the town's 'litter hot-spots'. more

Carrick Academy Football prize winners from left to right Ross Limond, Jamie Millar, John Fulton, Caitlin McNeish, Liam McQuade and Taylor Swan.

Jamie Millar Junior Player of the Year Swan Trophy, Ross Limond Most improved Junior Player Male Football Figure, Taylor Swan Senior Player of the Year Stewart Cup, Liam McQuade Most improved Senior Player Male Football Figure, Caitlin Alexander Female Player of the Year Female Football Figure, John Fulton Contribution to School Football Cannon Cup

Photo shows Adella with Mrs Renée Bell and Depute Head Jamie Wilson Congratulations go to Adella McCulloch, (nearly 16), who has recently been selected to be part of the Glasgow Under 18 Girl’s Rugby Player Development Programme this summer. At the end of the programme players of the appropriate age and ability will be recommended to trial for the Under-20 Scotland Women's squad. So the school staff and pupils will keep their fingers crossed! This is a tremendous personal achievement for Adella to be selected and for Carrick Academy.

Carrick Academy held their fourth annual rugby prize-giving on Friday 18th June. We were delighted to have Mr and Mrs Goodwin, Gordon Thomson (Stewartry Girls Coach), Mrs Johnstone and the Rev Brian Hendrie in attendance. Over 120 pupils were also at the event. Mr Brown welcomed everybody to the event and spoke about how much rugby is now part of school life at Carrick Academy. He stated that without everybody’s hard work we would not be one of very few schools in Scotland to receive the SRU Gold Award for Rugby Development for the third year in a row. more

Carrick’s Clean Sweep. Congratulations to Carrick Academy’s young orienteering team who swept the boards at the recent Ayrshire Orienteering Championships which took place at Auchencruive estate. The teams comprised of S1-S3 pupils and Carrick kids took the top three places in almost all categories. There were some outstanding individual performances as well which all added to the impressive haul of medals of all hues - gold, silver and bronze and a total of 5 team shields.

Our photos show P7 pupils from Saint Cuthbert’s Primary School and Cairn Primary School who worked throughout the session to learn new skills, work with others and have fun to achieve their Junior Achievement Award. It is a voluntary scheme and, with the support of family and teachers, the pupils undertake activities in four main areas - Service and community; Environmental Discovery; Hobbies; and Sports and Health. The pupils were presented with their awards in Maybole Town Hall last week.

“Cairn Primary School and Nursery held their annual prize giving ceremony this week. Mrs Tomlinson, the school’s P4/5 teacher, who will return to school after the summer was welcomed back after a long absence. Mrs Tomlinson presented the prizes.

The Nursery said farewell to Nursery Nurse, Mrs Smylie, who retires this term. We wish her well. A big thank you to the schools Parent Council for donating school ties for both Nursery going into P1 and P7’s moving up to Carrick. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our pupils, parents and friends of Cairn a very happy and sunny summer.”

“Primary 1 and 2 from Cairn Primary School had a fabulous day out at Ayr Farm Park for their summer trip – and believe it or not, the sun shone all day!! Many thanks to parent helpers and staff at the Park who helped make it such a fun day out.”

The primary five pupils at Gardenrose were delighted when Mr Tony Begley, a representative of Mary’s Meals, visited their class on Tuesday 21st of June. Mr Begley talked to pupils about the work of Mary’s Meals, a charity which provides school meals for some of the world’s poorest children, and to receive the funds the primary five pupils had raised.  Mr Begley showed pictures and video clips of the children in Africa queuing for free school lunches. He explained how the poorest communities are supported by Mary’s Meals feeding programme, as all the resources and food used are sourced in the local area eliminating any transportation costs. more

Pupils and staff of St Cuthbert’s Primary School attended an end of year celebration Mass on the last day of term. During the service, Fr Philip “commissioned” the P7 pupils who were leaving and due to start at Queen Margaret Academy after the holidays. After Mass, the annual prizegiving ceremony was held and the main trophy winners (left to right in the left photo) were Patrick McCahill (Parent Council Trophy), Rebecca Campbell (Jean Falconer Award) and Brody Wright (James Gillespie Trophy).

The school community of Saint Cuthbert’s celebrated the opening of their eco garden by hosting a garden party for friends and families. A wonderful fun, food and family activity day was enjoyed by all and the magnificent sum of £805 was raised for Parent Council funds. Particular thanks go to the Rotary club and David McKay, butcher, for the donation of burgers and barbecue. Hopefully this will be an annual event in the school calendar for next session. Luckily, the rain stayed off – although a number of people got really wet including Fr Philip Kitchen who was one of those who “volunteered” to go into the stocks and have wet sponges thrown at them. One parent even offered to be auctioned to have two buckets of water thrown at him!

This year’s Summer Show by St Cuthbert’s Primary School was a fantastic production of “Little Red Riding Hood”. It was full of colour, song, music and humour and the appreciative audiences at two performances enthusiastically applauded the young pupils for their talent and hard work. A former Education Advisor, now retired commented afterwards, “As I told the head teacher, I have seen more than a few such shows and this one was right up there with the best. It was a great tribute to pupils and staff; not a missed cue, not a prompt needed and thoroughly well acted. The wolf could make a name for himself!” more


The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below.

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Fears of volcanic ash cancelling a trip to Scotland for 50 Italians were unfounded last week and the visitors from Arco arrived at Prestwick and stayed overnight in the Station Hotel Ayr. They were met the next morning by Margaret and Alex Davidson and David Kiltie, members of Maybole Town Twinning Association, before setting off on a whirlwind tour of the area. Their route took them past Burns Cottage, Dunure, the Electric Brae where they experienced the full effect if the optical illusion as their luxury coach freewheeled “uphill”, Turnberry, Kirkoswald, Crossraguel Abbey before reaching the Capital of Carrick.

Leading the tour was Lino Rosa who signed the original Friendship Agreement between Maybole and Arco in 2000. Trip courier was Allessandro Briscoli who speaks excellent English so could pass on the history of the area as recounted by the local twinners. Arco is twinned with Maybole’s German twin Schotten and Alessandro’s grandfather signed the original Twinning Agreement between the Italian and German towns in 1960.

Helen McAdam, chair of Maybole Historical Society, had opened Maybole Castle and the visitors viewed a photographic display of "Maybole Then and Now" and a display by the pupils of Gardenrose Primary 7 titled "Maybole in Living Memory ".

They then walked up the High Street to the Town Hall for a tour of the Council Chambers and the hall before heading for Carrick Sports Club for something to eat before setting off to Stirling and their tour round Scotland. While at the club, Lino presented bottles of something Italian to the Maybole twinners as a token of gratitude for what they had done. Margaret Davidson in thanking them for the gifts said she was sorry their visit was so brief and wished them an enjoyable holiday in Scotland and hoped they would return soon to spend more time in the local area.

Maybole artist Gordon Cockburn is to exhibit a selection from his mining collection in the Midlothian Mining Museum, Newtongrange, during June and July.  The museum will display Gordon’s works showing miners at work and "play", their families’ environment and the actual mine workings to great effect. His forefathers have a history in mining stretching over two hundred years.

Alongside the paintings are a personal selection of mining memorabilia of a bygone era. The mining museum, formerly the Lady Victoria Colliery, is one of Scotland's most popular visitor attractions and a visit there over the summer months would not be wasted. The museum has charitable status, they are delighted to show the studies of Gordon Cockburn which is a first for them in exhibiting art work. They hope that this exhibition will widen their visitor numbers with interest nationally.

Maybole branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland celebrated its 90th birthday with a drumhead service at Culzean Castle on Sunday June 19. Members had originally planned to mark the occasion on Sunday June 26 which would have been closer to the date the branch was formed on June 28, 1921.


A few days earlier, Field Marshall Lord Haig was at Culzean on a visit to the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire, The Marquess of Ailsa to discuss setting up the British Legion and a public meeting was arranged in Maybole Coffee House on June 28. The branch claims this makes it the oldest branch in the United Kingdom.


The drumhead service began with Maybole Pipe Band leading the parade from the Ruined Arch to the castle’s front lawn, overlooking the Fountain Court. Following the pipe band were members of the Maybole Branch, members of Ayr Branch, Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and the ATC. Parade Marshal was Alex Davidson.


Attending the service were Lt Col George Hay, Depute Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire; Provost Winifred Sloan; Lord David Kennedy whose great grandfather was the Marquess who met Lord Haig at Culzean in 1921; Sandra Osborne MP; Adam Ingram MSP; Chief Inspector Neil Kerr, Strathclyde Police Area Commander; Hugh Kerr, Area Commander Strathclyde Fire & Rescue; Lt Cdr David Reese RN, Executive Officer HMS “Gannett”; Janneta Rodger, Chair Maybole Women’s Branch RBLS, and other members; Councillor Brian Connolly; David Kiltie, Chair of Maybole Community Council; Bill Mullin, Ayr Sea Cadets, and Brian Wilson, ATC.


At the beginning of the service, Fr Philip Kitchen, Branch Chaplain welcomed everyone to Culzean Castle, which had played such a historic part in the creation of the branch in 1921.  Pipe band drummers were invited to carry their drums to form the altar on which Mark McEwan and Alex Gemmell laid the branch colours. Then a helicopter from HMS Gannet circled the castle and lawn in a ceremonial “fly pass”.


Afterwards the drummers collected their drums and returned to the band prior to the march past when the salute was taken by Col Hay. Everyone then adjourned to the Welltrees Inn, Maybole where a special birthday cake was cut by Provost Sloan and Col George Hay. Branch secretary Bill Wingate thanked both of them and other guests for all their assistance on such a historic occasion.

Fr Philip Kitchen, parish priest of Our Lady and St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole, had two surprise guests staying with him recently. They were Major Robin Alexander and John Parry who are on a project called “40 Days UK” which has the aim of raising awareness and funds for Help for Heroes and Cancer Research UK. With John as backup driver, Robin is cycling round Britain and he had a special interest in the Maybole area!


Robin started his trip on 5th May, and on Thursday, 26th May they dropped in to Maybole Police Station where local officers contacted Fr Philip who agreed to provide overnight accommodation. Robin said, “I attended Mass after which Fr Philip insisted in taking John and I out for dinner. We very much enjoyed his company and generous hospitality. Returning to his presbytery and with an invitation to join him for a wee dram, it was not to be an early night. We did eventually retire and hit the sack at midnight!”


The next morning, after breakfast, they made a slight detour to visit a cairn which had been constructed by Robin’s family during a previous visit on 28th May 1982. Robin told us, “My father's investigation of family genealogy had resulted in The Cairn of Drummochreen which marks the spot where an ancestor, Andrew MacAlexander of Drummochreen, was attacked and murdered by Hew Kennedy of Girvanmains in September 1599.


Robin, his father Col Graham Alexander, mother Janet, wife Pam, children Elizabeth, Jillian and Peter, sister Jennifer, her husband Andy Collins, their children Sarah and Charles had all been here in 1982. He added, “It was quite an emotional visit but after taking a few photos it was time to return to get back on the bike. A fond farewell and it was back onto the A77 to Cairnryan and a P&O sponsored crossing to Larne NI. En-route I managed to contact and call in to meet Gordon Clark in Girvan, an ex-policemen and now running a bookshop, who had kindly assisted my father during earlier visits to Ayrshire when he had been tracing the family genealogy.”


Sponsored by Halfords and Mercedes-Benz, Robin hopes that his efforts will inspire and encourage people he will meet along the way to further extend sponsorship and support for the tremendous work undertaken by both the chosen charities. For donations, please visit the links to www.bmycharity.com/40daysuk for Help for Heroes and www.justgiving.com/40daysuk for Cancer Research UK. Fr Philip said, “The visit proved to be one of those great blessings which come your way every once in a while. The phone call about Robin from Maybole police did catch me unawares, but both Robin and John proved to be the most congenial of guests and of course the story of ancestors murdered in these parts established an interesting basis for conversation.”

Adam Ingram MSP recently met with members of Maybole Community Council and the Bypass Committee to discuss the way forward to find a cure for what he described as a “clogged artery”. He said the he wholeheartedly supported a bypass for Maybole and was delighted to read the remarks the First Minister Alex Salmond made recently when he revealed his dream to provide a bypass for Maybole.


Mr Ingram also welcomed the recent comments made by South Ayrshire Council’s Leader, Councillor McIntosh, and Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, who have given their backing to the campaign He added, “I believe if we are to see the bypass come to fruition we must work together at a local and regional level to ensure we have a coherent and persuasive case to present to the Scottish Government.


“This must represent the interests of all the local communities who will benefit from the creation of the new bypass.” He continued, “Most importantly, we need to highlight the benefits to the Scottish economy as a whole from a significant improvement to the roads infrastructure between Scotland and Ireland. We need to push the Maybole bypass to the top of the priority list for strategic transport projects.


Given the First Minister’s determination to ensure that the Scottish Parliament and Government gains substantial borrowing powers for capital projects in the near future, we need to be ready to take full advantage of the opportunity this development will present.” Peter Mason, who chairs the Bypass Committee told us, “I thought it was a vey positive meeting and Adam came up with a few suggestions to try to raise the profile of the bypass to a new level.


“He also agreed to become an associate member of the committee and told us that he would do whatever possible to bring the need for a Maybole Bypass to the attention of the First Minister and any other government ministers he felt was appropriate.”

As part of Cairn Primary’s ‘Safety Week’ focus, P5 had a very enjoyable visit from the Galloway Mountain Rescue team. Not only did they talk about the important job they did, they also let pupils try out some of their equipment.  They had the opportunity to learn how to correctly stretcher an injured person and had the chance lying down on the stretcher while their friends and one of the Mountain Rescuers attached them safely to it before carrying them around the gym hall.


Pupils learned all about the NATO phonetic alphabet and had to decipher a message that led them to a missing person. One Mountain Rescuer showed them how they use the latest computer technology to track and locate climbers who have radioed for help. They discovered what each Mountain Rescuer keeps in his kit bag and some of them were allowed to carry it. With electronic equipment, waterproof notebooks, spare hats and gloves and even a ration box of chocolate, the bag was very heavy indeed.


The best part about the visit was when pupils got to see the Mountain Rescue jeep. They had a look at the supplies it carried, saw how the radio antenna was put up and then had the chance to sit in the driver’s seat. They had great fun turning on the siren and the flashing lights. The young people would like to thank the Galloway Mountain Rescue team for taking the time to visit Cairn. They learned something new that day and the visit made them appreciate what a difficult and demanding job the Mountain Rescue team have.

Maybole High Street is getting a facelift with a number of shops being repainted thanks to funding received by the Community Council from Carrick Futures. Empty premises are in line for having huge photographs of local events placed in their windows through funding from other sources such as LEADER and funds left from the Year of Homecoming .


One of the shops which has been vacant for a number of years won’t need this, however, as it has been renovated and recently opened its doors to the public as Helios Holistic Therapy and Beauty. The new salon at 76 High Street ,Maybole has a wide range of holistic therapies such as massage , reflexology, raiki, and hot stones to soothe, relax, de-stress and invigorate . There is also cosmetic spray tanning, body waxing, nail enhancement, facial treatments and two vibro-plate exercise toners where users have a consultation from a personal trainer .


Christine Brown , a local lass who heads up this new venture for the town. has also gathered together some unique ethnic jewellery and fashion accessories , hand crafted soaps , lotions and scents; some of which are used in treatment therapies .

The idea for the venture gelled when Christine returned to Maybole from a holiday in Greece where, after being laid low with a virus, she tried a holistic massage therapy which converted her to the benefits of holistic therapy to both feel and look well. She wanted others to share and enjoy in these beneficial treatments


Over the past two years, Christine has practised as a therapist and successfully completed all her accredited training with the Guild of Holistic Therapists to now offer her experience to the public .  On the first open day she took bookings and provided several free therapy consultations for massage, waxing services in the beauty therapy room and vibro-plate personal tuitions . The full range of services will be up and running in the coming weeks .


Christine is an active supporter of Target Ovarian Cancer, an organisation which lobbies for pro-active preventative screening of women to then access health services and combat what has become known as the silent killer. She has crafted a special massage with blended oils more suited to women and half the proceeds are donated directly to that organisation.


Promoting good health and wellbeing is at the core of Christine’s ethos for Helios Holistic Therapy and Beauty. The treatments are available to men and women and a preliminary consultation is provided free of charge to validate and match treatments to specific needs and to encourage new customers to try the treatments available. Currently, Christine is offering reduced rates so it would be a good time to go along.

The Jean Falconer Literary Competition has been organised annually by Maybole Community Council since 1988 but it’s just about to change. The competition was set up in memory of the late Jean Falconer who was a founder member of Maybole Community Council in 1977, and played a key role in its formation over a number of years.


When she tragically died far too young, members wanted to remember her in some way and it was felt that a literary competition would be the most suitable way. Jean had a great interest in communication – she was editor of a local newspaper and was involved with West Sound radio station in its formative years. Now the competition is changing in a way that reflects Jean’s other involvement in the community and last week new trophies were presented to all four local schools.


Following discussions with the four head teachers, the award will now be presented to a pupil, or pupils, who have made a significant contribution to the well being of their community or individuals within their community. The award should be focused very much on the notion of good citizenship. This could be a pupil who is an unsung hero, one who quietly and steadily gets on with things, whose achievements are as significant and worthy as those of their higher profile peers but who does not get recognition because they do not seek or perhaps even shun the limelight.


Among the criteria which schools may take in to account are significant achievement by an individual; significant contribution to a project or activity which results in benefit to the school or wider community; involvement in activities which provide support for individuals in need such as carers, support for particular charities or good causes, active involvement in community support projects, environmental projects, or proactive involvement in the democratic process for example through pupil councils, youth parliament etc.  It will be for individual schools to decide on who should receive the award and the winners will hold the trophy for a year and retain a specially commissioned medal.


David Kiltie, chair of the community council added, “We are grateful for the continued support of our local schools and we thank all staff who assisted in the past with the literary competition. “Special thanks are offered to our judges for their time and expertise over the many years the Literary Competition was run. We would also like to thank everyone who entered the Jean Falconer Literary Competition over all these years.”


Photo shows head teachers Fiona McDougall, Cairn Primary; Keith Webster, Carrick Academy, Mary Scott, Gardenrose Primary; and Gemma Rooney, St Cuthbert’s Primary

June 18-26 was Team Green Britain Bike Week– a national celebration of cycling! It is the UK’s biggest mass participation cycling event – last year almost half a million people participated at events across the country. The aim is to get more people cycling, more often, and it the event offers something for everyone – from families, schools and companies, to seasoned cyclists and those who have never cycled before. Three young people in Maybole decided to take part in an unsual style – a tandem with add on. Sisters Emma, front, and Abi Baillie, at back, joined with friend Jodie Cooper to cycle to school and this involved quite an effort as the pedalled up Gardenrose Path to their primary school. Well done girls.

Carrick pupils tackle litter problem. Community-spirited youngsters from Carrick Academy set an an excellent example when they donned their high-viz jackets and took to the streets of Maybole to tackle some of the town's 'litter hot-spots'. Cooperation between Mrs Collins' Personal Development class and local resident Mark Fletcher helped identify six areas of the town in need of some environmental TLC. The pupils and staff volunteers were shocked at some of the mess they saw - empty beer cans strewn, construction site waste and even a dumped and unwanted trampoline! South Ayrshire Council Cleansing staff were also on hand to arrange for the uplift of bigger items and praised the pupils' efforts in tackling the problem. The pupils were delighted by the support and encouragement of many local residents who saw them hard at work. The pupils themselves suggested making this a regular event and want to invite local residents to join them on their next outing - working together for a better community.

Carrick Academy held their fourth annual rugby prize-giving on Friday 18th June. We were delighted to have Mr and Mrs Goodwin, Gordon Thomson (Stewartry Girls Coach), Mrs Johnstone and the Rev Brian Hendrie in attendance. Over 120 pupils were also at the event.


Mr Brown welcomed everybody to the event and spoke about how much rugby is now part of school life at Carrick Academy. He stated that without everybody’s hard work we would not be one of very few schools in Scotland to receive the SRU Gold Award for Rugby Development for the third year in a row. He also talked about some of the plans for next season. Everybody then watched photo clips of the past season that Mr Reilly had put together with background music. This was highly entertaining and everybody enjoyed this part of the event.


Mr Webster also spoke about how important the rugby sides were and how impressed he was by the standard of play and personal development that he has witnessed with many of the players .  The event was once again a great success and the hospitality that was organised afterwards just rounded off what was a great event.






Roy Alexander Cup - Player of the Year

Barnyard Boot – Most Improved

Alexander Howie

Oliver Beardsley


The J Marshall Trophy – P of the Y

The Interpak Trophy – M Improved

Ayrshire 10s Winners

Ross Limond

Peter McNair

Ross Limond


Player of the Year

Most improved Player

Calum Deboys

Douglas Veitch


Player of the Year

Isabel Johnstone Cup - Most Improved Player

Gordon Gregor

Marc Nisbet


Under 18 - Most improved player

Girls’ Rugby - Players’ Player

CfE Trophy for Girls Rugby

Melissa Scobie

Adella McCulloch

Chloe Coburn


The Mike Goodwin Trophy

The Reids Transport Players

Player of the Year

McComiskey Cup

Douglas Quaich (For services to Rugby)

Grant Ward

Robbie McCreath


John Dewar

Andy Clark

The primary five pupils at Gardenrose were delighted when Mr Tony Begley, a representative of Mary’s Meals, visited their class on Tuesday 21st of June. Mr Begley talked to pupils about the work of Mary’s Meals, a charity which provides school meals for some of the world’s poorest children, and to receive the funds the primary five pupils had raised.

Mr Begley showed pictures and video clips of the children in Africa queuing for free school lunches. He explained how the poorest communities are supported by Mary’s Meals feeding programme, as all the resources and food used are sourced in the local area eliminating any transportation costs. The pictures showed the mothers of the children cooking and serving the meals and Mr Begley explained that the mothers are not paid for this work, so staffing costs are kept down, allowing more of the money raised to be used to buy food.

The primary five children decided to raise funds for the Scottish based charity while comparing Malawi with Scotland, in the winter term. They were so moved by the plight of the poor children in Malawi that they not only raised funds for Mary’s Meals but also, over night, managed to pool their resources to fill shoe boxes as part of the Samaritans’ Purse Christmas Shoe Box appeal.

The primary five children were very proud of their enterprising achievements as they presented Mr Begley with the sum of £96. Mrs Ramsay, their teacher, agreed that the children had worked very hard to raise funds for the charity by making and selling gift wrapping paper and cards at the Gardenrose Christmas Fair in December, and collecting small change in saving boxes at home. The money raised will feed about sixteen Malawian children school dinners for a year.

This year’s Summer Show by St Cuthbert’s Primary School was a fantastic production of “Little Red Riding Hood”. It was full of colour, song, music and humour and the appreciative audiences at two performances enthusiastically applauded the young pupils for their talent and hard work.

A former Education Advisor, now retired commented afterwards, “As I told the head teacher, I have seen more than a few such shows and this one was right up there with the best. It was a great tribute to pupils and staff; not a missed cue, not a prompt needed and thoroughly well acted. The wolf could make a name for himself!”

Cast Narrators - Josh Malone, Dani Struthers, Blair Hannah Little Red Riding Hood Rebecca Campbell Grandma Patrick McCahill Fox Aidan McQuillan Wolf Jason Tomlinson Private Snort Brody Wright Spider Deaglán Hunter Blair Badger Dara Hunter Blair Owl Zara Cole Sniffy Jack Menzies Bat Cain Patrick Beetle Darra Murdoch Snake Darra Murdoch Lizard. Zak Tomlinson Squirrel Toni McLaughlin Sergeant Sue Jorja Macnab Private Squealer Ben McLaughlin Raven Finlay Wright Rabbit Millie Hannah Lady Bird Alex Sallens Fawn Lara Valdrighi Hedgehog Zoe Campbell A special thank you to Primary 1//2/3 for their performance of Eeny Meeny Minibeasts

Harry Campbell, Keira Flannighan, Maya Gayubas, Benedict Hunter,. Leyton Kilgour, Peter Kirkpatrick, Skye MacDonald, Abi Macleod, Quinn Struthers, Ethan Cole, Adam Collins, Ellie Orr, Kai McGregor, Christie Tomlinson, Victoria McDonald, Eilidh Welsh, Nina Boron, Greg Lawrie, P.J McQuillan, Reece Mitchell, Cole Struthers, Matthew McDonald.






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