October 2010
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October 2010

Signing the visitors’ book

Over a weekend of brilliant sunshine, four Maybole twinners recently celebrated 10 years of a special friendship with the Italian town of Arco which is situated at the top of Lake Garda. more

After the concluding church service
Map – Arco has a new map of Europe in its local park; the map has the names of several towns linked to the Italian town and Margaret Davidson points out the Capital of Carrick Having a break in the heat while listening to a young tour guide Margaret Kiltie, Alex and Margaret Davidson and a young Italian fly the saltire Even with his knees bent Jaroslav Kala, the Deputy Mayor of Rymarov, Czech Republic, towers above these two Maybole twinners. Jara, as he is known, is well over two metres tall TT presentation – Margaret Davidson, chair of Maybole Town Twinning Association presents a decanter and glasses engraved with Culzean Castle to Paolo Mattei, Mayor of Arco to mark 10 years of a special friendship

A limited edition book, charting the global celebration of Robert Burns’ 250th birthday has been presented to four local schools in Maybole by Provost Winifred Sloan on behalf of the organisers of the 2009 Year of Homecoming events.Published by the Robert Burns World Federation, a special 250th anniversary limited edition of the Burns Chronicle has over 700 pages and contains entries from many contributors including clubs, communities, academics and individuals, from all over the world. more

Rev Brian Hendrie took some time out to look at the site where his new church will be based – the new Carrick Centre where work has just started. Did you know the word “faith” is spelled “R-I-S-K?” These are the words of the Rev. Brian Hendrie who was inducted as the new minister for Crosshill and Maybole Parish Churches  more

Maybole Pipe band recently played at Culzean Castle and invited their friends in Arran Pipe Band to come over to guest with them. Maybole also had three new tenor drummers playing for their first - L to R Peter, Amanda and Naithen.

HANDS OFF our school! So say mums, angry that their kids' school has been earmarked for closure. Cairn Primary mums say they'll do all they can to fight the plan by South Ayrshire Council. Mum-of-two Gemma Callow rallied the community together to march in protest against the proposed merger with Gardenrose Primary.  Gemma's son Kieran is in P4 at Cairn, and the concerned 25-year-old wants her daughter Angel, 22 months, to attend the primary as well. more

Stevie Gibb exhibition in The Cockburn Gallery. Gordon Cockburn first heard of Stevie Gibb's work from a friend, the renowned artist Merlin Currie, about 18 months ago when she brought a selection of his works to the gallery. Gordon was suitably impressed and invited her to bring Stevie along with more of his studies. Stevie Gibb served in Northern Ireland, The Gulf and Belize. and suffers from combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder, undoubtedly related to his military experiences. He has been helped to address issues affecting himself and was given an array of support by Hollybush House and also the Gardening Leave Project, a UK wide organisation offering ex-military men and women therapeutic support via a variety of media, horticulture and arts projects alongside the day -today practical help and assistance. more

South Ayrshire Youth Forum’s petition to the Scottish Parliament to change the law to make sure Councils speak to young people before they make cuts! South Ayrshire Youth Forum (SAYF) has been working with the support of South Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Parliament to write their petition. At South Ayrshire’s Youth Conference in November last year young people said they needed access to youth work, leisure and cultural facilities. You can see the full petition & sign until 18th October @ http://epetitions.scottish.parliament.uk/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=416 

These seven young parishioners of St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole are working to raise funds to travel to Madrid next year for World Youth Day. Ali, Caoimhe, Meadhbh, Owen, Paige, Rhiain and Simone would like to thank everyone who helped out in any way in a recent supper evening they organised. A great night was had by all with the young people serving the meal and helping with the entertainment. After costs have been deducted they hope to have raised over £1000!! Also pictured is Steven McDowall who won a fantastic hamper donated by catering company Wild Thyme.

A cheque for £275 was presented to Breast Cancer Care Scotland last week in Crosshill. For the past three years members of Crosshill Bowling Club have been supporting the charity in memory of Elaine McVittie, daughter of local bowlers Jack and Margaret Hutchison. Tragically, Elaine died aged 37 and that year the club raised £450 and last year the total was £200. Elaine’s daughter, Jamie-Lee, and Margaret presented this year’s cheque to Lorna Simpson, of Breast Cancer Care Scotland who thanked the family and bowling club members for their generosity. more

Carrick RFC's first home game of the season was last Saturday in a cup game against Strathaven.
Match reports

Emirates Junior Cup First Round 02 Oct 10 Maybole Juniors F.C.  -  Shettleston F.C. Photo shows Juniors captain Paul Kerr accepting the match ball donated by sponsor Billy Galloway of Ladywell Cleaning Services, the property maintenance company which specialises in all types of cleaning.

Carrick Amateur FC held their second Sportsman Dinner on Saturday evening 23rd October. Their guests for the evening were professional after dinner speaker Scott Glynn and Scotland's own face of football and BBC Scotland's football reporter Chick Young. Scott was born in 1963 and brought up in a tiny fishing village on the east coast of Scotland called Port Seton. He now lives just a few miles away in the mining town of Tranent. Scott has starred alongside Tara Palmer-Tompkinson in an TV advert for Autotrader , played a tough guy on the popular Taggart television drama, and had a major role as The Bishop of Glasgow ...more

Photos from the Coop ribbon cutting. Manager Nicola MacKinnon, Provost Sloan and Minnie Gallacher Gordon Dickson, longest serving member of staff, cut a celebratory cake while customers are queuing to get in.

With work now having started on the Carrick Centre, the committee is looking to the future and planning to bury a time capsule within the grounds. This could be accessed at some time in the future and will goods and information which will tell future generations about what life is like in Maybole today. Ideas as to what could be put into the capsule would be welcomed and these suggestions can be posted on the Carrick Centre website at www.carrickcentre.co.uk 

Cairn Primary School recently marked the retirement of a much loved dinner lady, Elizabeth Tait. Elizabeth had worked at Cairn kitchen for 21 years and always welcomed children and staff with a cheery smile. The school hasn’t lost Elizabeth completely as she continues to work as one of Cairn’s cleaning team.

Cairn Primary School held a Jeans for Genes Assembly last week. The P6/7 class gave a talk about children affected by genetic disorders and the importance of research to find treatments for them. Jeans for Genes also aim to support services that make children's day to day lives easier and more enjoyable. Everyone at Cairn went to school wearing something denim and donated £1 towards the charity and over £130 was raised. Well done everyone and a big thank you to the P6/7 class.

Cairn Primary held a fundraising sponsored jog last week around the school grounds and every class took part including the Nursery class. Fortunately the weather was great and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Pupils have raised over £600 so far in sponsorships and donations and there is still money coming in. An enormous thank you to all parents and friends of the school who gave so generously – and of course to the children who ran their little hearts out on the day!

A team of S4 pupils from Carrick Academy in Maybole has reached the final of the SQA Big Experiment competition. They are one of only three teams in the final from all the schools in Scotland who were invited to enter. The winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on November 5 at the Glasgow Science Centre. Three teams worked on this project throughout the course of last year, both in class and in their own time. Unfortunately, only one team per school could enter and after much deliberation it was decided that “The Space cadets” would represent Carrick at this prestigious national competition. more

Maria Sledmere, from Carrick Academy in Maybole, was one of the four highest achieving candidates in the 2010 Higher Modern Studies SQA examination. To recognise the S6 pupil’s achievement, Maria and members of her family have been invited to the Modern Studies Association Conference which is being held in the Scottish Parliament on Saturday November 6 when she will be presented with the Higher Modern Trophy. more

Carrick Academy held its annual P7 Leadership Challenge Day on last Thursday, October 21. Around 100 pupils came together for the first time in a series of physical team challenges within the PE department with tasks such as Bucket Head, Hockey Dribble and Helium Stick. more


The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below.

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Over a weekend of brilliant sunshine, four Maybole twinners recently celebrated 10 years of a special friendship with the Italian town of Arco which is situated at the top of Lake Garda. It was during Millennium celebrations that Maybole signed an agreement with Arco at the same time as the official twinning agreement was signed with the German town of Schotten. Schotten and Arco have been twinned for 50 years and that was the main celebration over the weekend of September 24-26.

Margaret Davidson had signed the agreements 10 years ago and she and her husband Alex were accompanied by David and Margaret Kiltie on the trip to Italy. They arrived early in Arco, population, 16,500, and spent some time enjoying the sunshine as they toured the town and nearby Riva as well as a ferry journey on Lake Garda. On the Friday evening representatives from Germany, France, Czech Republic and Italy all gathered for the weekend and enjoyed a concert of choral singing.

The Saturday was taken up with a tour of Arco, anniversary celebrations and a dinner with an exchange of gifts. Main speakers at the ceremony were the mayor of Arco Paolo Mattei and the mayor of Schotten, Susanne Schaab and afterwards a special visitors book was signed by everyone. This was followed by the unveiling of a map of Europe showing Arco and all the towns it has links with.

On Sunday, there was a church service before the final toast outside the church and everyone saying goodbye. Mrs Davidson said, “The twinning weekend was excellent. We met with our counterparts from all the various towns and these meetings are good in that it brings us all together and we can exchange ideas as to how we can increase our numbers for the future. “Arco is a beautiful town, it is so clean and its citizens obviously take great pride in it and look after it.

“The guides who provided the tour of the town were 16 and 17 year old language students who are studying for careers in the tourist industry. Their English was excellent and I was very impressed by how confident they were and how knowledgeable they were about the history of their town. “The school exchange between Schotten and Arco at the same time proves they have a solid base for the next 50 years. “I see that as the way forward here too.”

Stevie Gibb exhibition in The Cockburn Gallery. Gordon Cockburn first heard of Stevie Gibb's work from a friend, the renowned artist Merlin Currie, about 18 months ago when she brought a selection of his works to the gallery. Gordon was suitably impressed and invited her to bring Stevie along with more of his studies. Stevie Gibb served in Northern Ireland, The Gulf and Belize. and suffers from combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder, undoubtedly related to his military experiences.

He has been helped to address issues affecting himself and was given an array of support by Hollybush House and also the Gardening Leave Project, a UK wide organisation offering ex-military men and women therapeutic support via a variety of media, horticulture and arts projects alongside the day -today practical help and assistance.

After some persuasion, Stevie did visit the gallery about a year ago and took with him additional works. Gordon has always been keen to encourage and support up and coming artists and suggested that Stevie work towards a solo exhibition and offered him gallery space in the Cockburn Gallery. With some persuasion, Stevie agreed to this and, almost a year to the day, his first exhibition was held on October 4, sponsored by the Garnett Foundation, another UK organisation which works with private and corporate businesses again using the medium of the arts.

Gordon hopes that this exhibition for Stevie gives acknowledgment to his art and will be a springboard into the art world but also raise his confidence and sense of worth and purpose in himself as a person. Gordon has agreed to provide ongoing support and advice to Stevie, as well as other young artists, and he will be welcomed back to the gallery and the use of facilities in the future. Stevie has decided that any monies made via the sale of his works from this exhibition will be donated back to Gardening Leave. Gordon exhibited one of his works "The Soldiers War" inlayed with an authentic Falklands medal and a percentage of the achieved sale again will be donated to Gardening Leave. 

A cheque for £275 was presented to Breast Cancer Care Scotland last week in Crosshill. For the past three years members of Crosshill Bowling Club have been supporting the charity in memory of Elaine McVittie, daughter of local bowlers Jack and Margaret Hutchison. Tragically, Elaine died aged 37 and that year the club raised £450 and last year the total was £200. Elaine’s daughter, Jamie-Lee, and Margaret presented this year’s cheque to Lorna Simpson, of Breast Cancer Care Scotland who thanked the family and bowling club members for their generosity. The charity’s office in Glasgow offers support for anyone affected by breast cancer in Scotland and they run events in various locations throughout the year. Services available in Scotland include younger women's forums, information sessions, coping with hair loss, lingerie evenings, living with secondary breast cancer sessions, breast health promotion and one to one support.

A team of S4 pupils from Carrick Academy in Maybole has reached the final of the SQA Big Experiment competition. They are one of only three teams in the final from all the schools in Scotland who were invited to enter. The winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on November 5 at the Glasgow Science Centre. Three teams worked on this project throughout the course of last year, both in class and in their own time. Unfortunately, only one team per school could enter and after much deliberation it was decided that “The Space cadets” would represent Carrick at this prestigious national competition. Emily Douglas, Eilidh Herron, Emily Scobie and Daniel Smith are understandably very excited about reaching the final and will attend next month’s event with family members and project mentor Mr Murray. Head teacher Mr Webster is delighted with this recognition for the pupils and Mr Murray, adding, “I am very pleased that Carrick Academy is being recognised nationally for the academic achievements of its pupils.”

Maria Sledmere, from Carrick Academy in Maybole, was one of the four highest achieving candidates in the 2010 Higher Modern Studies SQA examination. To recognise the S6 pupil’s achievement, Maria and members of her family have been invited to the Modern Studies Association Conference which is being held in the Scottish Parliament on Saturday November 6 when she will be presented with the Higher Modern Trophy. Mr Webster, head teacher, told us, “Maria achieved 100% in the examination; a marvellous achievement which reflects very well on Maria herself, her teacher Mr Brown and Carrick Academy as a whole.”

Carrick Academy held its annual P7 Leadership Challenge Day on last Thursday, October 21. Around 100 pupils came together for the first time in a series of physical team challenges within the PE department with tasks such as Bucket Head, Hockey Dribble and Helium Stick. The pupils competed in teams with Group 8 coming out the eventual winners. The event was organised by Mr Dunsmuir, Mr Brown, Mr Rusk and Miss McBain with the help of over 30 senior pupils. Deputy Head Mr Rusk said: It was clear from the expressions on the P7s’ faces just how much effort, teamwork and enthusiasm they were putting in to all of the challenges. The day was a great success and we look forward to seeing the pupils again in June when they come for their three day visit to Carrick Academy.

Did you know the word “faith” is spelled “R-I-S-K?”

These are the words of the Rev. Brian Hendrie who was inducted as the new minister for Crosshill and Maybole Parish Churches on Tuesday 28th September in a service at Maybole Baptist Church.

Rev Hendrie, his wife Yvonne, (also a Church of Scotland minister) and daughter Chloe were welcomed in a warm reception at Maybole Town Hall after the induction service. Both Brian and Yvonne spoke, the choirs of Crosshill and Maybole sang together, and Jim Stevens performed a rapturous rendition of “Granny Fraser's Flitting” in recognition that the Hendrie family has moved back to the area from their last residence in Banff.

In his speech, Mr. Hendrie also said, “You can take the man out of Ayrshire, but you can’t take Ayrshire out of the man!” He was referring to the fact that he was born and bred in Ayr, attending Braehead Primary and Ayr Academy. He worked as a travel agent at Scottish Express International in Ayr after leaving school, and was based for a while at Prestwick Airport. In 1985, he began studying theology at Glasgow University.

While there, he met his wife, Yvonne, who was born in Stranraer, and they married in Portpatrick in 1989. They began married life in a mobile home in Crofthead Caravan Park, during the final year of their studies. Their first posts were in Hawick, where Mr. Hendrie was minister of Wilton and Teviothead parish churches, and Mrs. Hendrie was part-time pastor at the local Congregational Church until the birth of their daughter, Chloe, who is now 13.

For the last few years, the Hendries have lived in Whitehills near Banff. Brian was called to two local churches there in 2005, while Yvonne was inducted as minister of three churches further along the coast at the beginning of 2009, having served as a healthcare chaplain while raising Chloe. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with the debilitating condition fibromyalgia a few months ago, and coming on top of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, which she developed at a young age, it was the final blow to her career. However, as Mr. Hendrie said at the induction social, it means that they have been able to move back to Ayrshire, closer to family and life-long friends.

Rev. Hendrie says he read about the plan for the new church centre in Maybole earlier this year, and just couldn’t get it out of his head. He has always firmly believed that there should be no barriers between church and community, and that’s what made the new project so appealing to him. In some respects, the project is a huge risk to take, but, as far as the congregation is concerned, it’s a giant leap of faith – hence Rev Hendrie’s comment that the word “faith” ought to be spelt R.I.S.K!

Just days after the induction, on Monday 4th October, work began on the new Maybole Parish church building on Culzean Road, within yards of Maybole Railway Station. This new building will be the first major investment in Maybole in over 100 years, driven by the congregation of the Church.

At a time when Church membership is decreasing significantly across the UK, the congregation in Maybole believes that the Church must be active in the community, and ‘walk its talk’ to be credible now and in the future.

Maybole Parish took a leap of faith, loaded with risk, and took on a project of Biblical proportions that has taken 10 years to come to fruition. It sold two of its old church buildings, and raised funds to pay for a new church building that will better meet the needs of the whole community.

Open all day, every day to the entire community, Maybole’s new building will bring together current Church and community activities under one roof, and welcome the disadvantaged and socially excluded. Rev Hendrie, 48, said of this innovative approach to community and Church involvement, “It’s a bit like in the Martini advert – any time, any place, anywhere.”

There is scope for providing activities from crèches to conferences, cinema, local history and genealogy. There will also be an integrated, purpose built youth centre to provide activities for the young people of the town.

The Church of Scotland will own the building which will house the Church sanctuary, several multi-purpose halls of different sizes, a café and bookshop, day centre, soft play area and an information centre.

A management company called the Carrick Centre Ltd. will rent the building from the Church and manage its day-to-day administration.

Designed by the architect for Bankfoot Church in Perthshire, the building incorporates many of the same ecological concepts. See more at www.bankfootchurch.org.uk. It will be heated by burning wood pellets which can be sourced locally and the structure is built using almost all renewable sourced or recycled construction materials.

Carrick Amateurs FC - Sportsman Dinner 

Carrick Amateur FC held their second Sportsman Dinner on Saturday evening 23rd October. Their guests for the evening were professional after dinner speaker Scott Glynn and Scotland's own face of football and BBC Scotland's football reporter Chick Young.

Scott was born in 1963 and brought up in a tiny fishing village on the east coast of Scotland called Port Seton. He now lives just a few miles away in the mining town of Tranent. Scott has starred alongside Tara Palmer-Tompkinson in an TV advert for Autotrader , played a tough guy on the popular Taggart television drama, and had a major role as The Bishop of Glasgow in the acclaimed BBC documentary The History of Scotland.

Charles "Chick" Young, a professional association football pundit, who regularly appears for BBC Scotland on programmes such as Sportscene and Sportsound was born in Govan, Glasgow, His trademark laugh and speech patterns have made him a popular target for lampooning on programs like Only an Excuse a regular attraction on Hogmanay evenings.

The Management and Committee of Carrick AFC would like to thank all those who attended the evening. Particular thanks are extended to John Cuthbert, Cuthbert Groundworks; George Logan, Raithhill Farm Ayr; the players and friends of Carrick AFC who once again supported the club; Kenny McCahill and players of Carrick Rugby Club; and Peter Leonard and players of Maybole Juniors. They will agree they were well entertained by the guest speakers.

The club would also like to acknowledge the work and excellent dining provided by David of AlloutCatering; to thank Kirsty and her staff of the Cassillis Hotel, who ran a fully stocked bar with table service; Ewan Grant and Turnberry Hotel; and also to thank those who donated raffle prizes and articles of sporting memorabilia that were auctioned during the event. 

Carrick Amateurs FC Match Reports

Squad: Simon Mcgregor; Scott Alexander; David Templeton; Paul Reid; Michael Paton; Willie Deans; Grant Alexander; Willie Wylie; Scott Shearlaw; Euan McGregor; Ewan Alexander; J. McVittie; Nick Rossi; Ross Knight; Fraser Thomson. Subs: Lucas Henderson; Kenny McAhill.


Match Report: Carrick v. Strathaven


Carrick welcomed Strathaven to the school field for their first home game of the season in a Regional Bowl clash. The home side enjoyed much of the early possession, parking themselves deep inside the Strathaven half. The deadlock was eventually broken midway through the first period by Nick Rossi who returned to try-scoring form by breaking through the Strathaven line to score under the posts. Euan McGregor converted. Euan McGregor then put Carrick further ahead with a well struck drop goal and penalty, with Strahaven managing to keep in touch with two unconverted tries.


Half time score Carrick 13 - 10 Strathaven


In the second half Strathaven had the wind at their back and they used this to good effect binding Carrick in their own half in the early stages and managing to sneak two more unconverted tries. Carrick then took the game to Strathaven with some aggressive fast flowing rugby which led to a great run down the wing and try by Ross Knight which was disallowed for a foot in touch. Eventually good pressure from the Carrick scrum half Scott Shearlaw forced his opposite number into a misdirected pass at the back of the scrum on the Strathaven 22 metre line which was pounced on by Nick Rossi who scored his second try of the match underneath the posts. This brought the match to a 20-20 deadlock at full time so the match was taken to extra time.


Extra Time


Both sides fought hard in the nail biting extra time periods with some excellent high intensity rugby on show but it was Strathaven who came out eventual victors with the match ending 32-20 to Strathaven.


Next week Carrick play Strathclyde Police at home Kick off 3pm. A good home support would be appreciated.

Match report for Carrick's game against Strathclyde Police

Carrick came away as victors against Strathclyde police on Saturday 27-10, tries were scored by Nick Rossi and Ross Knight with Euan MacGregor kicking conversions and penalties from all over the park. The match was played in typical Carrick style with some superb flowing backs play which should have led to a more impressive scoreline.

Match Sponsor RC Shearlaw+Son

Squad: D. Templeton; S. Alexander; J. McClung; M. Eaglesham; W. Wylie; S. Knowles; W. Deans; G. Alexander; S. Shearlaw; E. MacGregor; Ross Knight; N. Rossi; S. Birnie; L. Henderson; F. Thomson.


Match report for Carrick's away fixture against Jordanhill Phoenix.


Carrick travelled to Jordanhill Phoenix on Saturday looking to build upon last weeks victory against Strathclyde Police. The game got off to a bad start for carrick losing two early tries, one of which was converted giving the Phoenix side featuring two ex Carrick players Duncan McKellar and Ronnie Pitt a 12-0 lead. There was further dismay for Carrick as they went down to 14 men shortly thereafter for a high tackle - but the side fought back through a Nick Rossi try under the posts and conversion by Euan MacGregor. This gave Carrick a massive lift and taking the game by the scruff of the neck they scored another in the corner by prop Ewan McKay to pull level. 


HALF TIME 12-12.


The second half started as the first had finished with Carrick parking themselves deep in the Jordanhill half with flanker Grant Alexander stealing possession from the opposition at every opportunity. Carrick took the lead midway through the half with another Nick Rossi try in the corner making it 17-12 and this is how the match finished. Carrick are now 5th in the West 2 table and next week will welcome McLaren to the School Field, a good support would be appreciated.


Squad: J. Alexander; E. Mckay; D. Templeton; P. Reid; M. Eaglesham; W. Deans; G. Alexander; W. Wyllie; S. Shearlaw; E. MacGregor; A. Kerr; N. Rossi; S. Birnie; G. Steel; R. Knight. Subs: S. Knowles; S. Mcreath; K. McAhill.


Match report for Carrick home game against McLaren.


An injury struck Carrick welcomed McLaren to Maybole on Saturday looking to continue their winning form. Things started off well with Carrick on the scoresheet first through a Euan Mcgregor penalty. The early stages of the first half were very scrappy with Carrick enjoying most of the possession but unable to convert it into points. McLaren equalised with a well taken penalty mid way through the half and went ahead with a try ran in from their own half having picked up the ball dropped by the Carrick centres on the counter attack.


Just before half time the home side managed to pull a score back with Carrick old boys Kenny McAhill and Willie Wyllie showing their skills to allow McAhill to finish in the corner.


In the second half Carrick again spent the majority of the time deep in the opposition half but were unable to break the McLaren line for the most part and subsequently lost two more tries from the McLaren counter attack and one at short range from a McLaren penalty in the Carrick 22.


In the last 10 minutes carrick rallied with a long period of pressure prevailing to allow Willie Wyllie to score under the posts - Euan McGregor converted. Nick Rossi then burst through the McLaren line to score shortly afterwards and a Euan McGregor conversion brought Carrick within 6 points. A frantic last four minutes followed as Carrick desperately tried to steal the match from McLaren's grasps but it was to no avail with the match ending 21-27 to the away side.


Squad: Nick Rossi; K. McAhill; Stuart, Birnie; Ewan Alexander; Gary Steele; Euan McGregor; Scott Shearlaw; Willie Wyllie; Simson McReath; Willie Deans; Paul Reid; Michael Eaglesham; Ewan McKay; Scott Alexander; David Templeton. Subs: Jeff Banks; John Alexander; Connor Wyllie;


Next week Carrcik play Clydesdale away from home.

Scott Shearlaw
Club Secretary
Carrick RFC
Tel: +44 (0)7912 364550
E-mail: carrickrfc@gmail.com

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