April 2010
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April 2010

A double-headed steam train travelled along the Stranraer to Ayr line for the first time since 1967. The special trip was on Saturday, April 10, 2010 as part of the Railway Touring Company’s (RTC) Great Britain III rail tour. Larger image   More on the engines and line.  This picture evoked a few memories from former Maybole resident and railway employee Jim McAlpine. more

The first meeting of Maybole Community Council’s new three year term of office was chaired by Alison Wales, of South Ayrshire Council, until new office bearers could be elected. They are David Kiltie, Chairman; Mark Fletcher, Vice Chairman; Anne Walker, secretary; and Gillian Durant, Treasurer. Mr Kiltie welcomed new members and thanked those who had not stood again for their past services. more

“You have a special place in my heart and I assure you of my prayers.” That was Fr Stephen McGrattan’s parting words to parishioners at Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole as he celebrated Mass on Easter Sunday. Fr McGrattan is now moving to be parish priest at Cumnock, Auchinleck and Muirkirk In his homily, Fr McGrattan said, “There’s a buzz when you walk through the doors of this church to worship - something often remarked on by the visitors who come to worship here.” more

This year’s ecumenical church service at Crossraguel Abbey will be held on Sunday June 13 at 2pm. The service is organised by Maybole Council of Churches and is the opening event for Maybole’s annual Gala Week. There is also a particular interest in Crossraguel Abbey this year, as it is part of the 1,100th year celebrations of Cluny Abbey in France. Cluny gave rise to Paisley Abbey, under whose care Crossraguel was founded. There will be many visitors from France and others on the 'Cluniac trail' this year which will include Paisley and Crossraguel. The gala day will be Sunday June 20 at Glebe Park.  

Summation of the views of local residents on a proposal to build a children's residential unit at Queen's Terrace, Maybole which they are sending to South Ayrshire Council.  One person at the public meeting said he moved out of Coylton because of problems at the unit there and he said he couldn't put up with it. more

Following the recent public meeting held in Maybole Town Hall Maybole Community has a few questions it wanted to raise with South Ayrshire Council.  more

Photograph taken at a recent Car Boot Sale in the community centre, Dailly.

The sum raised was £230.48 which has been forwarded by cheque to the charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

Carol McAdam, club secretary, throws the first jack at the start of the 2010 season at Maybole Bowling Club. This year’s president is Hugh Paterson, right.

Throwing the first jack at the opening of Maybole Memorial Park Bowling Club’s season is Georgia Wallace Club President this year is Winnie McCulloch (to the right)

Prizewinners Maybole Indoor Bowling 2009-10

League Round Table Shield          Frank Potter

Ladies Championship     Sadie Scobie r/u helen Sloan

Gents Championship      Tommy Lucas r/u Geff Smith

David Knox Trophy          Tommy Lucas r/u Ian Kidd

John Wallace Cup             Ian Sloan r/u Geff Smith

Peter McEwan Cup         Ian Kidd r/u Frank Potter

Interpak Shield                Elspeth Kidd r/u Geff Smith

Charlie Donnelly Cup      Cathie Kerr/ Geff Smith r/u Elspeth Kidd/ David Goddall

The 15th annual Robin Speirs Memorial golf competition was played at Maybole golf course on Easter Sunday, April 4. Around 25 golfers turned out to play, before retiring to the Maybole Arms for some hospitality laid on by the proprietors Callum and Lesley McKelvie. Winner was Kevan McCrorie with a scratch 82 net 66, 2nd Scott McCahill 70 net 68, 3rd 2009 winner Alan Brownlee 73 net 69, longest drive Bert Urie and nearest the pin Alan Campbell. Prizes donated by regulars and golfers were raffled and raised £187 for the British Heart Foundation. In the photo: Kevan McCrorie (left) receives the trophy from last year’s winner Alan Brownlee (right) with Robin’s mum Robina Campbell (centre).

The Ladies Section of Maybole Golf Club opened their season last Friday evening, April 2. Teeing off were life member Mrs Ria McCulloch, and Nathan Green, son of the Gent’s Section captain Bobby Green. Ruth Donnan, this year’s Ladies Captain, welcomed old and new members and wished them all a good and happy golfing season.

Maybole Golf Club’s Gents section had its opening night on Monday April 5. Ladies’ captain Ruth Donnan was joined by Ali Roy from the junior section, who struck the first ball of the season. Ali is the grand-daughter of Alistair McDowall a former captain of the club, who sadly passed away last year, and is missed by all who knew him. The opening night had a good attendance despite the terrible weather, with Colin McIlwraith winning the first competition of the year with John Wood following a close second. Anyone wishing to join Maybole Golf Club’s Gents section should go along on Monday nights around 5pm or make enquiries with the starter. Results for Opening Competition

Golfing Ace Wins Major Trophy. J Morrison of Ballochmyle won the prestigious Carrick Sports Club Trophy over Girvan golf course on Sunday 25th of April with a nett 61. But that is only half the story: he won it by acing the 18th hole to leave W McCluskie and A Copland (both Girvan) completely stunned into joint second by one shot! W McCulloch of the Speakers Club won the scratch trophy with a superb 66. Other major prize winners were ; 4th B Green (Maybole), 5th D Wilson (Girvan) and 6th,making a brave defence of his trophy, D McBride (Speakers Club). Thanks go to all sponsors, South Ayrshire Council for the courtesy of the course and Carrick Sports club for a very generous donation to the prize fund. Prizes were presented by Alex Meek, Convener of Carrick Sports Club, Maybole.

Schools swimming gala held at Maybole pool on Saturday April 24 After a close competition Gardenrose Primary finished as winners They also won the Boys Relay and Girls Relay Crosshill Primary won the Best Village competition The gala was organised by Maybole Amateur Swimming Club and eight schools took part Individual results are below.

Cairn Nursery and P1 enjoyed ‘Fabulous Fairyland Fun’ this term. They welcomed special friends Oscar the Dragon and Cinderella into school and children took turns to take them home every night. The school held an open afternoon on Wednesday 31st March to celebrate putting Fairyland back together again and returning all the Fairytale characters back to their homes. Parents and friends came and joined in the fun with their children icing cakes and competing in a treasure hunt. Everyone had a ‘Fairytastic time!’ Our Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Excellence topic was voted a great success.”

Pupils at Cairn primary School in Maybole were planning on holding their own version of the World Cup last week to raise funds for CLIC Sargent, the UK's leading children's cancer charity, supporting children and their families through cancer and leukaemia every step of the way. Unfortunately, due to the weather the matches planned for Glebe Park had to be cancelled and instead they trained indoors under the watchful eyes of some of Carrick Academy’s senior football team.

“Everyone at Cairn Primary School had a happy, healthy, fun fortnight leading up to the Easter holidays.! Activities varied from interactive dance mat boogies to Teambuilding activities with Active Schools. Every class took a turn at making a healthy snack for the whole school and each day was filled with lots of exciting opportunities to be fit and healthy. The fantastic football Fantasia on Thursday rounded off the fortnight with all staff and pupils taking part in the event. Huge thanks to all our helpers for making Health Fortnight such a success and ensuring all our pupils learned lots about keeping themselves fit and well, ready for the Summer term!” more

Photos left to right. 1. P4-5 Cycling “Jill Tomlinson, Sports Coordinator, gets the P4/5’s on the right (cycling) track!” 2. Dance Moves “Pupils jiving on giant dance mats in the gym hall – a fun way to get fit!” 3. Shopping for ingredients “P1’s shop for ingredients at Somerfield to make Healthy Snacks for the school.” 4. P1 Fruit Salads “Some of the P1’s with their delicious fruit salad cups – yum!” 5. P4-5 golf1 “Mr Anderson shows the P4/5s how to get a grip!”

Photos left to right. 6. P4-5 golf2 “Learning the difference between a “chip” and a “putt” during their golf lesson” 7. Pupils secure their patient “Pupils learn what it takes to become a member of the Mountain Rescue Team” 8. All aboard “Our P4/5s all aboard in the Mountain Rescue vehicle” 9. Rugby “Despite the rain, children thoroughly enjoyed the mobile Rugby stand” 10. MUGA (Multi Use Games Area” “Children enjoyed the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) set up during Health Fortnight where they could play Unihock and football”

Photos left to right. 11. P1’s Class Moves “Mrs Newlands, P1 teacher, has her class moving to get everyone’s brains into gear.” 12. P4-5 Smoothies “The P4-5 class prepared delicious Smoothies for the school – Fruit-a-licious as well as healthy.” 17. P7s enjoying delicious sausage rolls 18. Phoning Mr McKay, butcher, to ask for a HUGE favour 19. Class teacher Mrs Fyfe and the P3-4s prepare their sausage rolls courtesy of J R Watson, Butchers of Maybole

“As part of our Healthy Fortnight activities, Somerfield supermarket visited the school with the most fabulous array of fresh fruit and vegetables for the children to taste. It was a truly spectacular display and we can’t thank Mr Ward, the Manager at Somerfield, and his staff enough for the great effort put into making the display so exciting for the children. A special thanks to David from Somerfield and retired employees Liz, Myra and Margaret for teaching pupils about some of the more exotic fruits and vegetables they may not have tasted before. We must also thank Somerfield for supplying Easter Eggs as competition prizes for each class on the day. It really was very generous of you – our grateful thanks!”

“Our P7s had a great morning cooking fabulous soup under the instruction of John Cairns from Ayr College."

 The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Under John’s direction, pupils made the soup, a lovely winter vegetable warmer, from start to finish and everyone was very impressed with the outcome. The whole school now have the recipe and with what seems the return of winter weather, we are sure it will be put to good use during the Easter holidays. A BIG thank you to John Cairns for his time and patience – we all appreciate it very much!”

“What a fun afternoon was had by all in Cairn Primary’s very own READY STEADY COOK competition. John Cairns from Ayr College and Tracey Capstick, the Cairn school cook, went head to head cooking up a storm much to the children’s delight. To keep the competition exciting both cooks bought each others ingredients and had £10 to spend. As you can see from the photographs a great time was had by all, some fantastic dishes were produced, and the voters went mad at the end – Tracey won by a head although John is still not convinced and felt the audience might have been a bit biased – NEVER John!!!”


The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follow below.

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The first meeting of Maybole Community Council’s new three year term of office was chaired by Alison Wales, of South Ayrshire Council, until new office bearers could be elected. They are David Kiltie, Chairman; Mark Fletcher, Vice Chairman; Anne walker, secretary; and Gillian Durant, Treasurer. Mr Kiltie welcomed new members and thanked those who had not stood again for their past services. Alan Murray, 4 Craigie Avenue, Maybole was co-opted onto the community council as a specialist co-optee and will be leading the Town Regeneration project. His appointment will be for the duration of the project but will be reviewed in a year. Anyone who wants to comment on this co-option should do so to the Secretary Anne Walker, 55 McAdam Way later than May 4. The community council’s AGM will be held on Tuesday May 4 at 7pm in the Town Hall and will be followed by the normal monthly meeting. Members were informed that the next meeting of the Pathfinder project would be held in the Town Hall on Monday April 26 at 7.30pm.

“You have a special place in my heart and I assure you of my prayers.” That was Fr Stephen McGrattan’s parting words to parishioners at Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole as he celebrated Mass on Easter Sunday. Fr McGrattan is now moving to be parish priest at Cumnock, Auchinleck and Muirkirk In his homily, Fr McGrattan said, “There’s a buzz when you walk through the doors of this church to worship - something often remarked on by the visitors who come to worship here.”

He continued, “When we share this community warmth every Sunday it can be easy to take it for granted. Remember that what we have is special. Keep your hearts set on God’s kingdom and we will be assured of a healthy community which continues to be very much alive. “Some weeks as I read the bulletin or I look in my diary I have to take a deep breath when I see how much goes on in our parish. The faith-centred activities and events could not be nearly as inspiring as they are without prayer and the very “hands-on” effort and commitment of many good people who love this parish.


“Our parish rota is so full we can’t fit anything else on the A3 page - that must be a happy problem to have in any parish “Parishioners often say how much they love coming to church. Here is where they meet friends. Here is a place to think about faith and find true space to reflect on life’s important questions. Here is where people can be themselves and be accepted for who they are. Here is where they find people they can depend on, who will be close in time of need.


“Our young parishioners bring tremendous hope when we see them searching in faith for values that can be trusted, for justice that is lasting, and when we are encouraged by their

passion and energy.


“Young parishioners, your contributions in altar serving, reading, singing, passkeeping, the Junior Parish Council, our recent passion play, the Sunday morning news, and your very presence, just to name a few examples, reveal hearts that long for goodness. This goodness never runs out when our hearts are filled with God’s love. Please keep pouring your gifts and energy into our parish and remember that God blesses and multiplies every effort you make.


“This parish is steeped in earnest prayer. Continue nurturing prayerful hearts which bring God’s kingdom into the here and now of our lives. “The Church in Galloway diocese needs more priests! God has not stopped calling men to serve as priests in his Church. Please do all you can not to dampen or suffocate his call. If you hear his voice calling you to priesthood do not be afraid to dig deeper and discover God’s will for your life. Please pray for and support those called to serve the Church in this way.


He concluded, “It is now time for me to hand on the pastoral care of this community to Fr Philip Kitchen. “That’s not an easy thing for me to do because what I hand on is very precious to me. And yet it is only mine now to hand on because it was first given to me by the God who called me to serve him as a priest and who put me in your midst.


“You have a special place in my heart and I assure you of my prayers. I thank you for all you have given to the parish and to me. I thank you for all the kind words, good wishes, and gifts you have given me as I leave. I go now with Easter faith to minister among other communities, enriched by your ministry to me which I will freely share in the months and years ahead, and confident that God will bless the work he himself has begun.


On behalf of the parish, David Kiltie, chair of the Parish Pastoral Council, then thanked Fr McGrattan Fr Stephen for his service to Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s since 2004.


He recounted the achievements over the years such as the work of refurbishment of premises; youth activities culminating with their Good Friday dramatic depiction of the final events of Jesus’ life; successful links with staff and pupils of St Cuthbert’s primary; and Fr McGrattan’s spiritual leadership of the parish. The Redemptorist Mission, PPC and youth retreats, barbecues, annual pilgrimages, even as far as Rome last year, not forgetting World Youth Day in Sydney, and the recent very successful Lenten groups on Monday evenings deserved special mention.


Fr McGrattan has also been a very keen supporter of Maybole Council of Churches especially with the services at Crossraguel Abbey and ecumenical harvest suppers. In the wider community he has played a key role. His activity in the local community is well known and he has become a “weel kent" face. He was chairman of the group responsible for MOSS, Maybole One Stop Shop, and he has featured on TV. He was chaplain to the Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion, led services for Remembrance, Armistice and Holocaust Memorial Days.


He supported the activities the town put on for the Burns events in 2007 and Homecoming Scotland 2009 and much more. He will be missed, too, at deanery level, where he was instrumental in launching the very successful Galloway podcast project and for his work as chaplain to Queen Margaret Academy.


Mr Kiltie added, “Easter Sunday is a joyous occasion but today there is a tinge of sadness as we say goodbye to Fr Stephen. “No doubt we will be inviting him back for a special evening but meanwhile we offer our good wishes as he leaves for pastures new.

 “Fr Stephen, from all of us in the parish, please keeps us in your prayers. We will keep you in ours. “You have touched our lives and you will always have a special place in our hearts. From all of us, young and old, residents and visitors - thank you.”

This is a summation of the views of local residents on a proposal to build a children's residential unit at Queen's Terrace, Maybole which they are sending to South Ayrshire Council. They are continuing to distribute the consultation feedback forms and would like to remind everyone that the consultation ends on April 30. One person at the public meeting said he moved out of Coylton because of problems at the unit there and he said he couldn't put up with it.



Queens Terrace is a 1950s housing estate with narrow roads.  The Council removed a row of garages to allow access to this area of land and there are now cars parked on the pavement in this area.  Additional traffic will increase the danger to the many young children who live in this area.



This is an area with young families and the residential unit is not a suitable environment for the many young children who play in this area.  We do not know who will be staying in this unit and they will be allowed access to the local area and the young children who live in the area. There is a play area at the top of the hill and parents may be reluctant to allow their children to use that.


Property Values

Many of us in this area have purchased our properties, at the encouragement of the Council.  Positioning a unit in the middle of an already established community will only push our property prices down.


Social problems

Close to the proposed unit is the largest estate in the town which has a history of social behavioural problems..  Council staff and the local police have been involved in many of these problems and you should be aware of them.  Acts of vandalism, violence amongst neighbouring youths, drug dealing and fire-raising are among a history of disorder.  This unit will be a magnet for local troublemakers. Why has no social impact assessment been carried out in relation to this proposal?



The additional demands on the police can only make it more difficult for them to continue to do their jobs.  The reported call-outs to the Coylton residential unit will continue and the Maybole unit will simply add to the time taken dealing with the problems.


Call out figures for Coylton as far as we understand the situation are:

1/4/2008 - 31/3/2009 - 111 calls to the Police

1/4/2009 - 31/3/2010 - 158 calls to the Police


Why would you put a second unit in the same police area?  This would appear to us to be a completely irrational decision and we are simply stunned that the Council are even considering this.


Maybole was the location of a residential school for 35 years until the Council closed it approximately four years ago.  We feel that the town has carried its share of the burden and the Council should be looking for a site to the north, probably in the Ayr/Prestwick/Troon areas, where the majority of the residents come from.

Consultation on Children’s Home at Queen’s Terrace, Maybole


Following the recent public meeting held in Maybole Town Hall on Wednesday March 3 Maybole Community has a few questions it wanted to raise with South Ayrshire Council.


A letter was sent off and last week community councillors met to consider the reply. They also agreed to hold a meeting with anyone concerned about the development to discuss the way forward. This will be held in the Town Hall on Monday April 12 at 7.30pm.


Q1 - Over the past year, what is the numbers and percentage of children in child care residential units from all wards


The figures over the past 12 months show 55% of children accommodated were from Ayr, 30% were from Prestwick and Troon and 15% were from Kyle and Carrick. The principle of maintaining familial and educational connections linked to a South Ayrshire community remains true. Ayr and Troon are still being pursued. Girvan is not given the increased expense of transporting children to their local school/area.


Q2 – It was mentioned that the children would be educated in their existing schools. Why is it proposed to place them in Maybole which, for the majority, will be some distance from their schools? How do the children get to school? Are the children escorted?


Maybole offers a community with good public transport links that can enable young people, where appropriate, to travel independently to schools and services in other localities.  


Those young people unable to travel independently will (as with other young people within South Ayrshire living at home with parents) be transported to/from school or their educational base.


Q3 – What are the amenities in Maybole for these children in the evenings and weekends? There are not enough facilities our own young people never mind youngsters with special needs.


It is not anticipated that 6 young people will only utilise Maybole resources or facilities. They will all have individual needs, and interests and have individual plans. Some of this will be facilitated by care/support staff, which will support young people to access appropriate leisure and recreational opportunities, either in the local area or elsewhere dependent on the activity. These could include uniform organisations, youth clubs and leisure facilities/clubs.


Q4 – Can we have a full list of ALL Council owned land and a full list of all the sites that were considered and ALL the reasons for rejecting them?


·         TARBOLTON, James Street – after investigation the community was considered too small.

·         AYR, Open Space at Caledonia Road – ruled out on Planning Grounds following consultation with Planning Service.

·         AYR, Open Space at Hayhill - ruled out on Planning Grounds following consultation with Planning Service.

·         MAYBOLE Queens Terrace – possible site for construction from technical and operational perspectives. No planning issues and no issues with other services who would be consulted through the Planning process. Ayrshire Housing outline planning consent for the site not any constraint on Council’s ability to develop the site. Site investigation reports are positive.

·         AYR Dunlop Terrace - possible site for construction from technical and operational perspectives. No planning issues and no issues with other services who would be consulted through the Planning process. Site investigation reports are positive.

·         TROON, Buchan Road is currently, as agreed under re-consideration.   Established that a Unit will fit on this site. No site investigation has been undertaken and no view has been sought from the Planning Service although this will happen.

·         DUNDONALD, site of former David Lane Centre – initially Dundonald was not felt to be a suitable site for development due size of community – this will be re-investigated.

·         Several other sites in Ayr were considered. However, these are all in Lochside, Whitletts and Dalmilling and have been ruled out due to location being close to areas where most young people who are accommodated live.

·         Sites south of Maybole were not to be considered as the associated costs to maintain family/educational links would increase greatly.

·         An updated list of ALL Council owned sites is being developed and will be made available. Many of these are unsuitable for a number of reasons including location, size and existing use.

·         Bill Gray and Hugh Carswell are continuing to look at alternative sites.


Q5 – At the public consultation meeting, the Councils representatives kept repeating that the Maybole site was preferred because it “answered all our needs”. What is it about this site that is so special compared to all the other Council owned sites?


The primary issues which make Maybole suitable are: ownership; size of site; accessibility to site; that it is in a community of a reasonable size; it provides ready access to infrastructure which will allow young people to access South Ayrshire facilities and their local communities and the site has permission for residential development which would allow the unit to be fully integrated.


Q6 – At the consultative meeting a council representative said that the plans for the units had been prepared in-house. Can we have it confirmed in writing that the plans were not prepared by a private firm?


The response was incorrect. Whilst the plans for the units were commissioned by the Council they were drawn up by local architects firm, Robert Potter and Partners.


The designs have been agreed after a series of research visits to other authorities and consultation with Looked After young people.


Q7 – There are rumours in the town that contracts for the unit in Maybole have already been sent out for tender. Can we have it confirmed in writing that this is not the case?


No contracts for the unit at Maybole have been issued.


Q8 – Obviously over a period of time, South Ayrshire Council must have known the lifespan of the home at Coylton, so why not do something a bit sooner rather than waiting?


The new Directorate of Children and Community requested investment in the residential estate within its first year of operation in order to take a strategic approach to allowing young people to be accommodated locally and reducing the associated cost to South Ayrshire Council.


Q9 – Why does the Council mix disruptive children with mainstream children in schools?


South Ayrshire Council has a policy of inclusion for all children and young people, based on assessed needs. However where a child’s needs are best met in a specialist placement, South Ayrshire Council facilitates this.


This is in line with national policy initiatives and research which indicates that children and young people are best supported where possible in a mainstream setting.


This is supported by a range of additional school-based and centrally-managed resources as well as external placements.


Q10 – Can the Council not open up the consultation with no early closing date, why the rush to close the consultation?


Following further discussion between the Executive Director, Community Council and Ward Elected Members the consultation period will run until the end of April.



“Everyone at Cairn Primary School had a happy, healthy, fun fortnight leading up to the Easter holidays.!


Activities varied from interactive dance mat boogies to Teambuilding activities with Active Schools. Every class took a turn at making a healthy snack for the whole school and each day was filled with lots of exciting opportunities to be fit and healthy. The fantastic football Fantasia on Thursday rounded off the fortnight with all staff and pupils taking part in the event.


Huge thanks to all our helpers for making Health Fortnight such a success and ensuring all our pupils learned lots about keeping themselves fit and well, ready for the Summer term!”


A special thanks to the following individuals and groups for their kind support during Health Fortnight:


Alison Jones, School Nurse;

Tracey Capstick and her Team, Cairn School Kitchen

Active Schools Coordinators, Jill Tomlinson and Ryan Douglas;

Brian Jamieson and the Community Wardens;

Liz Kennedy, colleagues and staff, Somerfield Supermarket, Maybole;

Damien Kelly, Ayr Rugby Club;

The girls from the Carrick Coach Academy;

Mr Scott Anderson, Maybole Golf Club

Mr McKay of J.R. Watson Butchers, Maybole;

Mr McKay from Mountain Rescue;

Angela McDonald from NHS Oral Health Team;

William Ferguson and John Cairns, Ayr College;

The Jumpstart Team, NHS Ayrshire & Arran

Drongan Health Initiative for lending their fabulous Dance Mats


We couldn’t have done it without you all – many, many thanks.

Event 1 - Boys Pr.5 Breaststroke

1          Jack Broun (GE)

2          Scott Jackson (CL)

3          Ryan Maxwell (CN)

4          Darra Murdoch (SC)


Event 2 - Girls Pr.5 Breaststroke

1          Heather Thom (KL)

2          Leah De Mey (MT)

3          Phoebe Young (CN)

4          Emma Baillie (GE)


Event 3 - Boys Pr.6 Breaststroke

1          Liam Cuthbert (CN)

2          Scott Jackson (CL)

3          Ryan Smith (MT)

4          Ewan Campbell (GE)


Event 4 - Girls Pr.6 Breaststroke

1          Heather Thom (KL)

2          Rebecca Campbell (SC)

3          Vicki Green (GE)

4          Louisa Davidson (MT)


Event 5 - Boys Pr. 7 Breaststroke

1          Ryan Jackson (CL)

2          Liam Cuthbert (CN)

3          Ronan McDowall (SC)

4          Liam Wyllie (GE)


Event 6 - Girls Pr. 7 Breaststroke

1          Phoebe Maitland (CL)

2          Ciera Campbell (SC)

3          Rosie De Mey (MT)

4          Ellis Bird (KL)


Event 7 - Boys Pr.5 Backstroke

1          Scott Jackson (CL)

2          Jack Connelly (CN)

3          Reece Adams (GE)

4          Aidan McQuillan (SC)


Event 8 - Girls Pr.5 Backstroke

1          Katie Eccles (GE)

2          Leah De Mey (MT)

3          Cara Mundell (KL)

4          Laura Paton (SN)


Event 9 - Boys Pr. 6 Backstroke

1          Kieran Robb (CN)

2          Scott Jackson (CL)

3          Ryan Smith (MT)

4          Ryan Speirs (GE)


Event 10  Girls Pr. 6 Backstroke

1          Rebecca Campbell (SC)

2          Hannah McSorley (GE)

3          Laura Paton (SN)

4          Phoebe Young (CN)


Event 11   Boys Pr.7 Backstroke

1          James MacAulay (GE)

2          Ryan Jackson (CL)

3          Kieran Robb (CN)

4          Ryan Smith (MT)


Event 12  Girls Pr.7 Backstroke

1          Phoebe Maitland (CL)

2          Rebecca Graham (CN)

3          Rosie De Mey (MT)

4          Courtney Blane (GE)


Event 13 Boys Pr.5 Freestyle

1          Scott Jackson (CL)

2          Ryan Harrop (GE)

3          Austin Wise (SN)

4          Ryan Maxwell (CN)


Event 14 Girls Pr.5 Freestyle 

1          Heather Thom (KL)

2          Phoebe Young (CN)

3          Xsara Meiklem (GE)

4          Macy Racle (MT)


Event 15 Boys Pr.6 Freestyle

1          Liam Cuthbert (CN)

2          Kyle Ward (GE)

3          Scott Jackson (CL)

4          Ryan Smith (MT)


Event 16 Girls Pr.6 Freestyle

1          Jacqui Gibson (GE)

2          Rebecca Campbell (SC)

3          Rebecca Cameron (CL)

4          Kayley Campbell (CN)


Event 17 Boys Pr.7 Freestyle

1          James MacAulay (GE)

2          Ryan Jackson (CL)

3          Kieran Robb (CN)

4          John Limond (KL)


Event 18 Girls Pr.7 Freestyle

1          Phoebe Maitland (CL)

2          Jodie Brownlie (SC)

3          Amy Graham (CN)

4          Helen McNair (KL)


Event 19 Boys Relay 4 x 25m

1          Gardenrose

2          Cairn

3          St. Cuthberts


Event 20 Girls Relay 4 x 25m

1          Gardenrose

2          Cairn

3          Kirkmichael


Results for the opening night, 5th of April, 9 hole non handicap

                                Nett Score
1. Colin McIlwraith        -        35.5
2. Kevin Nibloe                -        36
3. John Wood                -        36.5
4. Scott Campbell        -        38
    Gary Steele
6. Gavin Campbell        -        38.5
7. Ramsay Eccles        -        39
8. Billy Bissett                -        39.5
9. Kevin McKeown        -        41.5
    Kevin Doyle                
    Robert Green                
12. Drew Ferguson        -        42.5
      Tom Foster                
14. C. Hutchison                -        46.5
15. Kevin Ward                -        NR
      Scott Anderson

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