Evaluation of May-Tag's community IT research/development project.
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The February 2001 edition of Maybole Community News carried a computer survey to help May-Tag in its efforts to become a Computing Learning Centre, using the local web site for Maybole, to attract interest and get more people participating. We want to let everybody in town have access to the Internet and know how to use it.

The following summarizes the current status of the progress made in meeting the three objectives of  May-Tag's community IT research/development project.  | 20 trainees   | 200 local site participants |   2000 made aware of the site  | 

[ This page last updated February 4th, 2002 ]

Updated Notes on Evaluation as of November 2001

Notes on Evaluation

Fifty three students have signed up for evening classes in computing since the project ended in May. Eighteen participated in Computing for the Terrified and were therefore totally new beginners. Most of them completed the course and want to move on to intermediate courses. Two or three felt the course was too hard for them or that they required more of the tutor's time and May-Tag is investigating an even simpler type of course 

Twenty four students signed up for the intermediate class at which a certificate can be obtained on completion. Classes last for ten weeks, so quite a big commitment is required. Two or three again dropped out but the majority have soldiered on and those who wish to be assessed will be able to take the test within the next week or two.

Eleven stalwarts signed up for the new European Driving Licence a course of some 26 minimum duration. The course involves seven modules with a test for each which candidates can re sit if they fail. Commitment is really tested here as the course requires quite a lot of home work as well as two and a half hours on Saturday mornings. The first two tests can be offered free because May-Tag comes into the voluntary sector, but further tests require a £10 per test commitment from students. This course is only for the determined, but signs are that employers are really taking a keen interest in applicants for jobs who have this qualification.

Twelve candidates have already passed Word Processing and three have even gained passes on Excel.

Computing for the Terrified Applicants

Patricia Miller

Martha Shearer

Elizabeth Aitken

Norma Gemmel

Jean McMaster

Allison Andrew

Elisabeth Ferguson

Betty Green

Sheena Erskine

Linda McQuiston

John Sloan

Anna Lymburn

Helen Sloan

Andrew Connelly

Margaret Kenny

John Andrew


Bert Green


Heather smith

CLAIT students

Francis Campbell

Sheena Brown

Edna Collie

Doreen Donald

Senga Fergusson

Ruth Donnan

William Gillespie

Elizabeth Eaglesham

Claire Hamilton

Irene Hewitt

Eileen Hamilton

Sheila McClure

Eileen Iannerelli

Jim McDermott

Margaret Kiltie

Helen McEwan

Robert Malone

Fiona Reid

Peter Mason    Colin Riddle
Elizabeth Meek

   Barbara Roberts

   Derek Walker
   Diane Shearer

European Computer Driving Licence Students

Cathie Barr

Grace Barrie

Deborah Creedy

William Grant

Ellen Hawkes

Christine Kennedy

Amy McNair

John Moore

Fiona Shields

James Shields

Margaret Ann Taylor

Maybole on-line with May-Tag

Summary and Objective.

The objective is to deliver a high profile project which will allow the community to engage with modern technology and methods of communication through the services of May-Tag.

This innovative demonstration project will deliver digital opportunities and bridge the digital divide. It will move the Maybole community, businesses and organisations towards web ownership and awareness, through targeted life long learning. The process will be inclusive and will begin to reduce social exclusion in the town.

The project will expand access to learning through the ongoing development of the Maybole web site.


 May-Tag will deliver the project by 11th May 2001, and it will be part of an ongoing project to create a new role for May-Tag as a community learning centre.

The specific goals to achieve the objective will be threefold.

1 . Making 2000 people of all ages in the community aware of the new approach by May-Tag to enable them to participate in ICT learning and develop a local web site by

  • a) extensive coverage of how to engage in the project, in the local community newsletter

  • b) a survey to be carried out locally, with entry to a prize draw on completion

  • c) telephoning in the evening

  • d) initial access to the site free of charge, with free CD of the site for those who have computers

  • e) free training session on how to use the internet for residents by exploring the Maybole site as an example.

2. Involving 200 local people in active participation in this web site

  •  a)Initiation of a cyberchase awareness session on the local site

  • b) Invitation to local groups to come and have a try, (with support available if required )and get on line.

  • c) Encouragement of regular participation of businesses, groups, schools, churches etc to engage in setting up a bank of services and opportunities - using the database of the Maybole Community Development Group

  • d) Introduction of the concept of local exchange trading

  • e) Encouragement of positive feedback from site users.

3. Starting 20 people on courses to gain skills in ICT

This will be done by offering access courses and drop in facilities at May-Tag's premises.


Because the time frame is tight, participation ratios are high, and staff time and resources are extensive, May-Tag requests a sum of money to enable it to initialise the project fast. Initial costings suggest a sum of £10,000 will be required by end of January and monthly payments of £5,000 in February and March.


costs include 50% management time of project leader, volunteer time of company directors, students, voluntary groups, press, marketing, and consultancy agencies.


If the project is not undertaken, the chances of the community, especially the socially excluded, to access life long learning are reduced, the digital divide remains and a small community based voluntary sector enterprise is unable to maximise its service to the community and create a modern role for its expertise.


Aggressive targets and time scales mean an accelerated approach to achieve outputs. The achievement of the pilot aims, however, will be an excellent foundation for the further development of the web site and the creation of a modern role for May-Tag..

May-Tag will deliver co-ordination of the many different local residents and groups to ensure coherent local support, wider consultation and better ability to reflect needs and aspirations. May-Tag can deliver a local survey of ICT awareness which will require a high ratio of volunteer time and involvement, to record participation and ensure the wide marketing and publicity required by the short time scale.

May-Tag will be able to provide informal learning opportunities by way of evening classes and drop in facilities and because of its existing structures offer further outlets and access to learning outcomes locally. Existing premises, equipment, staff expertise, volunteers, networking, and training accreditation enable May-Tag to obtain a response from the community within the time frame and a better chance to sustain it.

The existence of an initial rudimentary web site allows May-Tag duplication to CD, and facilitates Local Exchange Trading start up.

The company has a sound history in successful value for money projects e.g. Signposts, The Maybole Charity Shop, and The Maypole Community Development Group. The project will be managed and delivered to SQMS standards.


 Achievement of the set goals will allow further local learning engagement and expansion of ICT based projects, in particular the web site. The project would be an ideal training ground for those involved in IT coursework at May-Tag and further LETs.

Objective: 20 Trainees

Our target was to get 20 folks learning how to use computers and access the internet and in particular our own Maybole site. 4 people have completed training and we hope they will let us know through the web how they got on. Verbal feedback is that all four enjoyed the course and have lost their initial fear of computers. All four wish to continue further training when it is available. One has already signed up for a certificate course.

Evening classes for a further 20 people begin on Tuesday of this week.

If you want to join an evening class, just ring us at 01655 883765 and we'll set the ball rolling.

Name Training Period Training  |  Post training evaluation
1 Diane Shearer 25/01/01 - 22/02/01 Computing for the Terrified
2 Peter Mason 25/01/01 - 22/02/01 Computing for the Terrified
3 Alex Menzies 25/01/01 - 22/02/01 Computing for the Terrified
4 Derek Walker 25/01/01 - 22/02/01 Computing for the Terrified
5 Gillian Wilcox 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
6 Fiona Reid 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
7 Ruth Donnan 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
8 George Wales 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
9 Kerry Lothian 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
10 Donna McPherson 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
11 William McCubbin 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
12 Elizabeth Meek 13/03/01 - 17/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
13 Clare Hamilton 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
14 Eileen Hamilton 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
15 Lesley Grant 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
16 James McDermott 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
17 Barbara Roberts 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
18 John Cuthbert 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
19 Colin Riddle 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
20 Catherine Barr 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
21 Anonymous 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
22 Gillian Wilcox 15/03/01 - 19/04/01 Computing for the Terrified
23 William Gillespie 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified
24 Margaret Drummond 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified
25 Edna Collie 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified
26 Jane Brown 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified
27 Sheila McClure 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified
28 Doreen Donald 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified
29 Helen McEwan 8/5/01 - Computing for the Terrified

Objective 200 Participants:

We also aimed at getting 200 local people to give us news, views, articles, photos, memories, information or updates on services in the town to put on to the web site. So far we have over 100 snippets and articles. So if you have anything at all you would like to contribute, just hand it into the Castle, e-mail ellen@may-tag.com or david.kiltie@virgin.net

Name Participation on the site

Alistair Hastings

1917 Newspaper article
2 Fred Westcott

Set of photos

3 John Jamieson Photo of ginger beer bottle
4 Alexis Cran Assistance with inquiry from site visitor
5 Bobby Green Lodge No 11
6 Ellen Hawkes Prayer Group photos
7 Jim Millar

Contributed old photos

8 Siegrun Macgilchrist

Carrick Chess update

9 Rev. Richard Martin

Baptist Church Newsletter

10 David Kiltie

Weekly News

11 James Brown

Historical Society Newsletter

12 Patricia and Danny Fisher

Fishers Chauffuer Drive/ Hannahs Taxis

13 Norman MacIntyre Article on Maybole Coffee House
14 David Hunter Article on McKinstrays and photos of ancestors
15 Glen Cuthbert

Maybole Amateur Results

16 Sarah Barber

Gardenrose Class Photo

17 Ronnie Shannon

Mochrum Fishing Club link

18 Peter Walker  MCDG 
19 Pearl Barton  OIR
20 Gillian Willcox  Elderly Forum
22 Marie Clark  SALVO
23 Isobel Seymour  Concert Party
24 Maggie Haston Carers' Forum
25 Ruth Donnan  Lady Golfers
26 John Graham

Maybole Lodge No. 11 photo names

27 Mrs Margaret Murray

Memories of a School Teacher

28 Ellen Hawkes

Business Forum Meeting Notes

29 John McIlwraith

Link request to Colmonell

30 Andy Hill

Personal Profiles

31 Rina Paterson

Personal Profiles

32 Bennett Ward

Personal Profile

33 Carrick Sports Club

Advertisement for Cabaret

34 Bill McCubbin

Speech Competition - Carrick Speaker Social Club

35 Ian Hewitt

Local Fire Brigade Burns Supper about 1989

36 Jean McCrindle

Tweedily Photograph

37 Dr. Edna Collie

Council of Churches Membership

38 Fr Jim Hayes

Parish Pastoral Council of Our Lady & St. Cuthbert's

39 Elizabeth Blair

Ladies on the roof top

40 John Dunn


41 Stella McEwan

Report for AGM of the Maybole Charity Shop

42 Students

Photos in Town Hall

43 Ellen Hawkes

Business Meeting photos

44 Deb Creedy

Maybole Community Association Committee

45 Roger Stewart Carrick Academy news
46 Bill McCubbin SNP
47 Norman MacIntyre OIR walkers
48 Pearl Barton OAP concert
49 Dead End Club Youth
50 Alistair Kidd New Zealand etc
51 Eleanor Jamieson Dinner ladies names
52 James Brown Historical Society
53 Maybole Community Association Gala Day
54 Elaine & Tom Anderson Wedding photo
55 Cairn nursery Nursery
56 Cairn Primary Art
57 St Cuthbert’s Primary Burns Supper
58 Gardenrose Primary Burns winners
59 Carrick Chess Club Chess
60 Carrick Sports Club Burns Supper
61 Dave Whiteman Charity shop
62 Carrick Academy Parliament visit
63 Gardenrose Primary Burns Supper/Chinese
64 Jim Shields Well
65 Maybole Community Association Ceilidh
66 St Cuthbert’s Church Christian Unity Week
67 David Killicoat Historical Society
68 Norman MacIntyre OIR
69 Christine Kennedy Reels
70 David Hunter British legion
71 Ellen Hawkes Alpha
72 Edna Collie St Oswald’s
73 Peter Walker MCDG
74 Tony Kerrigan Snow photos
75 Lodge No 11 Masons
76 John Barr Cassillis Hotel
77 David Law Link to aerial photos of Maybole
78 Glen Cuthbert Ayrshire Cup Photos
79 Eleanor Jamieson Coat of Arms photo from old town cross
80 David Galloway Photo from The Haze new CD cover
81 Chris Dempsey Link request to Maybole business websites
82 Elizabeth Meek

Meeting an Ambassador

83 Kate Murray Dunure Harbour
84 Linda Muir Adult Basic Education Services
85 Bryce McCulloch Personal Profile
86 Rodger Stewart Brief Statement about Carrick Academy
87 Jamie Wilson Carrick Academy - ICT Overview
88 Allan Murray Personal Statement
89 Mrs. Nell Samson Memories
90 Peter Cleave Italian Prisoner of War Camp in Maybole
91 Sandy Thorburn Pontoon Golf Club
92 Sam Campbell Old Invoices
93 Elizabeth Foulkes Photos of Maidens and Dunure
94 Martin Bone Update to Carrick Colts Boys Club
95 Arthur White Referral to aerial photos site
96 Carol George Community Education Service
97 Peter Scally Ladywell Gardens
98 David Waugh Email message of thanks as a native of Maybole
99 Alex Kelly Photo of himself as 1996 Citizen of the Year
100 Davie Anderson Excerpts from CD and Tape - Page Pending
101 Gerry Ferrara SignPosts information sheet
102 David Killicoat Kirkbride Churchyard Inscriptions - Pages Pendings
103 Rev. Don Cox Baptist Church Centenary Yearbook
104 James Brown Timothy Pont Map Scans of Carrick and Maybole
105 David Whiteman Maybole War Memorial Dedication - Pages Pending
106 Pearl Barton Photos of various Maybole organisations - To scan
107 Heather Wotherspoon Old Photo of Maybole Castle to be rescanned
108 Kirsten Newlands Appeal for assistance
109 Christine Kennedy Training Evaluation
110 Mrs E Park  Photo of Maybole Castle on fire
111 Ellen Hawkes More Learning Opportunities
112 Jim Shields Maybole Boys Brigade
113 Mrs. Jean Young Hayley Young 1985 Queen of Carrick
. . List of Contributions still to be collected as of May 2001

The list below is an update to the items above and contain contributions from May through November 2001.

114 Sandy Farr

Ayr and Girvan bus timetables

115 Jim Millar More photos of Carrick Academy
116 Susan Connolly Email about site
117 Andrew Spratt More castle reconstructions
118 Becky Fleming Funds appeal for Gardenrose
119 David Law News article on Carrick Academy Pupils vs Teachers 1964
120 Duncan Stewart Kirkoswald  School House
121 Andy Crockart Karate Club/ Photos Kirkoswald
122 Richard Martin Maybole Baptist Church Newsletter
123 Huw Pritchard Maybole Archives Updates
124 Alan McEwan Email regarding link to Wallace St. Hugh No. 1212
125 Keith Hall Maybole Fire Station Web Site
126 Archie Cuthbertson Maybole Ambulance Station
127 Richard McRonald Burgess Ticket
128 James Thomson Email re: Rangers playing at Ladywell Stadium
129 Peter Walker Regarding MCDG email change
130 Norman MacIntyre Old Photos of opening day - bowling
131 Fred Westcott Photos of Maybole British Legion
132 Ron Wade Compliments on Maybole site
133 Jim Shields Boys Brigade Page on Maybole site
134 Heather Wotherspoon Photos of Gala Day
135 Catherine Lucy Czerkawska Kirkoswald - Alan Lee website
136 Siegrun Macgilchrist Chess Page updates
137 E Hamilton Maybole Prayer Group Update
138 Ellen Hawkes Web article - Our Lady & St. Cuthbert's Parish Council
139 Brian Evans Photos of Pipe Band/Culzean
140 Glen Cuthbert Football Scores
141 Cathy Jamieson Email/website updates
142 John Stuart Sermon regard 9-11-2001
143 Eleanor Jamieson Photo of Bill Kenny former COTY
144 Bill McCubbin Photo of T. McQuater
145 Ian Hewitt Millennium Masters Photo - Golf
146 Les Newlands Carrick Speakers Golf Club article
147 Norman MacIntyre Memorial Park Bowling Club photos/ Old Maybole Football Club
148 Kay Watson Photos of Kay Watson as Queen Mary of Scots
149 David Hunter Photo / article regarding fire at Maybole Castle
150 Tackety Bit Hill Climbers Links exchanged with Club website
151 Dick Goudie Photos of the last shoemaker in Maybole
152 Janet Gibson Photo of Interpak employees
153 Pamela McGill Photo of Maybole Pipe Band at Girvan Harbour
154 Jim McDermott Photo of St. Cuthberts Pupils 1958
155 Tom Lucas Photos of Carrick Academy/High St.
156 George Shields Photo of The Gluepot
157 Fr Jim Hayes Information on times of Church Services
158 Kenny Brown Roll Call of Past Masters - Maybole Lodge No. 11.
159 Hugh White Update for business listing - Maybole Architect
160 Ruth Gray Update to James T. Gray book on site
161 Mrs Jean Young Queen of Carrick Photo - Hayley Young
162 Betty White    Article on Prison Alpha
163 Ellen Hawkes  Update on Ecumenical Prayer Group
164 Eileen Hamilton  Parish pastoral Council meeting of Our Lady & St. Cuthbert's

The list below is an update to the items above and contain contributions from November 2001 to February 2002

165 Derek Walker    Indoor bowls winners
166 Margaret McGawn Maybole Amateur Swimming Club
167 James Anderson Obituary Mrs Anderson
168 James Brown


169 Siegrun Macgilchrist       Chess update
170 Keith Hall Retiral photo
171 Tackety Bits Report
172 Maybole Comm Association King & Queen names
173 D Kiltie  Community Council AGM
174 MCA     Gala news
175 Angela Bissett Maybole Majorettes
176 Diane Shearer Cairn PS photos
177 Fr Jim Hayes St Cuthbert's First Communion
178 Leigh Kirkpatrick


179 John Cuthbert Maybole Amateurs
180 Fred Westcott OAP photos
181 Dance Factory Annual Concert
182 D Kiltie Charlie Dimmock at Culzean
183 Council of Churches Crossraguel Abbey event
184 Tony Kerrigan

Gala Day photos

185 David Hunter RBLS 80th anniversary
186 MCA Pet show
187 Kenny Crawford Rangers info
188 Gerry Kelly Birthday party
189 Pat Webster Home Helps retiral
190 Susan Whiteman Tiddlers & Tadpoles
191 Peter Mason Jean Falconer Literary Competition
192 Ellen Hawkes

May-Tag update

193 Sandy Campbell Charity donation
194 Harry Wright Charity donation
195 Rev Bogle Minister swap
196 Peter Mason

Horse skeleton

197 Netta Robertson Swimathon
198 Peter Walker Free Laptop offer
199 Jim McDermott 150 Club
200 Tackety Bits update
201 John Ward Horse Skeleton
202 Ellen Hawkes Cyber Prizes
203 Rev Jones

Obituary Sam Davidson

204 D Kiltie

Library fire

205 Dennis McCaffery

St Cuthbert's outing photo

206 Yvonne Kiltie Summer Playscheme
207 Ellen McAdam Historical Society
208 Carrick Housing


209 Derek Walker Line dancing
210 Pearl Barton OIR
211 Fr Hayes Bishop Taylor's visit
212 Primary schools P1 photos
213 Carrick 800

Culzean event

214 George Wallace Par 5 Gowf Club
215 David Hunter


216 Diane Shearer Over the Rainbow
217 Isabel Seymour Concert Party
218 Alan Murray Carrick Academy crossing
219 David Killicoat

Historical Society

220 David Whiteman Old Church fete
221 Peter Walker Hanging baskets
222 D Kiltie Crosne 20th anniversary
223 Tackety Bits


224 Pearl Barton OIR/OAP
225 Ian Hewitt

Carrick Sports Club

226 Yvonne Kiltie Youth Club
227 Les Newlands CSSC Golf Club
228 Andy Crockart  

Karate Club

229 Estella McEwan

Charity shop update

230 Peter Walker    

MCDG booklet

231 Dave Whiteman

Obituary F Strachan

232 Ellen Hawkes May-Tag award
233 Diane Shearer    Cairn PS fundraising
234 Ruth Donnan

Ladies Golf Club

235 Janet Gillespie OXFAM fundraising
236 Yvonne Simister Health Day
237 Christine Kennedy


238 A Murray Gardenrose Tenants Assoc
239 Alan Taylor

Carrick Sports Club

240 Archie Cuthbertson

Romanian doctor visit

241 David Law

Ragged school minutes scan

242 John Hempkin    Band photos
243 W Grant

Town Twinning visit

244 M Hay Cancer Research
245 Les Newlands

CSSC Golf update

246 Margaret Hutchison RBOS photo
247 D Killicoat Hist Soc newsletter
248 B Mc Cubbin W McDowall tribute
249 Tony Kerrigan   

Remembrance photos

250 Joanne Andrew

School photo

251 A Kelly

Christmas lights

252 Peter Walker Social Firm
253 Jean Clarke BOS photo

Objective: 2,000 people informed about site.

So we aimed at letting 2000 people know. How did we do this?

We asked people to fill in our survey form and get a chance to win £100 and to nominate a local group which could win a computer worth £800!!!

Every house in the town got the Maybole Community News delivered by local Scouts; community groups got a letter from Maybole Community Development Group to make members aware of the opportunity to get involved; and survey forms were distributed around town. So far we have 160 responses to the survey and we are making some phone calls and face to face interviews to gain more information. So if you haven’t taken part yet, get a form from the Castle or from the Maybole Community Development Group, 48/50 High Street