Citizens of Maybole: Past and Present - Page Two
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This photo is believed to have been taken on the occasion of U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower's visit to Maybole, Saturday 5th of October, 1946. Click on the image for a full screen photo or here for a very large image.

In 2000 the Carrick Speakers Social Club (now Sports Club) celebrated its 25th anniversary. It was officially opened 17th June 1975 by Jim Sillars MP. Photo shows him with Tom Cook, club convener for over 20 years.

Local Fire Brigade Burns Supper about 1989. Contributed by Ian Hewitt who gave the Address to the Haggis. Ian is top left.

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Maybole Judo Club photo taken in 1961. Contributed by Bill McCubbin. Click on the image or here  for the full page.

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William and Kay Cuthbert Citizens of the Year 1995 and 1994

The official opening of the 1000th house built by Maybole Town Council in the early 1970s. Jim Sillars MP (standing) is handing over the keys of the house to the lucky couple. Seated are l-r Peter Milroy Margaret Milroy (his wife) Provost William Cuthbert and Nan Sillars (Jim's wife)

Danny Macneill  was a Kyle and Carrick Councillor for the Maybole ward and for part of the time was provost

Evelyn & Linda Nelson, and Senga Fergusson, first Maybole girls to receive Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, November 1981 Holyrood Place.

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Gardenrose local schools swimming champions about1984/85. Back l-r Karen Wallace, Sarah Holland, Allan McFarlane, Stuart Millar, Suzanne Campbell, Lisa Rorison, Karen Hill, Gayle Millar, Ginny Brown, Billy Hunter, Steven Meek, David Morrison front l-r Garry Toye, Andrew Ferguson, David Blane, Lee Brown, Christopher Kerr, Morag McBlane, David Holland. The adult is Jack Rodger , who was coach of Maybole Amateur Swimming Club who organized the competition.

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"This is an old photo of my father and a friend taken at a scout camp in Ireland in the early 1930's. My father was Albert Ruscoe and he was born and bred in Maybole. He worked in the shoemaking industry until it died out in the 1960's when he moved to the whisky industry and worked in the warehouses at a distillery in Girvan. He was well known in the town, and was a very keen fisherman. In his later years he was an honorary member of the Maybole fishing club. He later (after the death of my mother) took up bowling - green bowling. His friend was Stuart Roy, also well known in the town.; They were at school together and finished up neighbours for many years when I was still living at home. Most of Stuart Roy's family are still either in the town of in the district" Heather Wotherspoon.

Left: Stuart Roy 
Right: Albert Ruscoe

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