Citizens of Maybole: Past and Present
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Here are two mums who are twins and their daughters. All 4 graduated from University of Paisley with the same degrees. The graduation ceremony was in Ayr Town Hall and they received Bachelor of Science degrees in Health Studies. Left to right they are Denise Piper, a nurse at Crosshouse Hospital, Jean Piper, a community sister with Coylton Primary Care Trust, Catherine Strannigan, a community sister with Bourtreehill Primary Care Trust in Irvine and Ashley Strannigan, a nurse at Crosshouse Hospital. Jean and Kay's (Catherine)  maiden name was Malone. At one time they lived at Crosshill Road, Maybole

Professor Alex MacLennan, assistant Principal and Director of University Campus Ayr said, "We are delighted at this success. It is quite something for two mums who are twins and their daughters to graduate on the same day with the same degree. We offer our sincerest congratulations."

Interpak employees circa 1970's at what looks like an annual dance. Guess which one is Pearl Barton. Contributed by Janet Gibson. Click on the image for a full size photo or here for a very large one.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Aka David Kiltie, Chairman of the Maybole Community Council and Dave Whiteman, minister, Maybole Old Church. The occasion was the Maybole Gala held in June 2001. More on the festivities see the news for the week of June 22, 2001. Contributed by Heather Wotherspoon.

For some years Canadian emigrant Tom Baird generously donated a sum of money to provide prizes for an annual competition for the "Old Boys" who frequented the domino tables at Maybole's Carnegie library.

Two competition were run and the winners this time were 1st competition 1 R Paul (bottle of whisky) 2 G McQuade 3 J McCulloch and R Crawford 2nd competition 1 R Watson 2 J McCulloch 3 J Davidson and A Kidd Photo shows back l-r J Davidson H Park A McKay R Cook W Carswell front l-r G Davidson J McCulloch R Paul R Watson

Two well known citizens: William Tweedily (left) and Andrew Wallace (right).

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This is a photo of my mother, Catherine Crosbie, taken on the day of her 100th birthday, 19 October 2000. As you can see she is holding the card from the Queen, which now replaces the redundant telegram! Mum was born in Maybole, as were her two brothers Peter and William Tweedily and her sister Elizabeth (Lizzie) who married Maybole businessman George Mulvein in the early 1930s. Uncle Peter, the eldest, died in 1974 aged about 77.  My uncle Bill, who was a stalwart member of the British Legion and the bowling club in Maybole died in Ayr aged 97 in 1995. Her sister, who will be 95 in February, lives near Bristol, so there is longevity in the family!     Lin Thomas  
For more about Catherine Crosbie click here or on the photo.

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Former Crossraguel Abbey custodian James Anderson and his wife Margaret, of Vicarlands, celebrated 60 years of marriage in August with a family part, and their greetings telegram from Her Majesty the Queen was delivered by James Hunter Blair, a Deputy Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran.

Mr. Alexander Taylor and his wife, Jane of Ashgrove Avenue also celebrated their Diamond Wedding recently. They are pictured in their home, receiving the Queen's greetings by telegram from Deputy Lieutenant Commander John Lorimer, DSO.

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