Family Photos - Robb, Watson and Wilson
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My Watson family originally came from Dromore, County Down, Ireland  in the late 1840s ... and settled in Ayr for about 20 years .. then the boys worked in Kilmaurs & Tarbolton ... working in the mines ... until my great-grandfather moved to Maybole around 1889 to work as a shoemaker. Here are a few photos of my family and a little bit about each of them. Carol McLellan  (March 2005)  Click on the images below to view them full size. Postcards from Maybole to Canada - WWII

Catherine Wilson

Robb Family

 Maybole Football Team - "x" by my grandfather, John Robb

John Robb and his wife, Helen Watson

Robert Watson and Samuel Watson

Parade coming up Weaver Vennel

1.) Catherine Wilson (1833-1919) ... born at Balloney, Maybole - daughter of John Wilson and Anne Fergusson.- she married William Aird (1831 - 1859) - son of John Aird and Agnes Fergusson - in Maybole, December 14, 1855. 
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2.) Robb Family - 1887 - this is John Robb (1858-1939) - son of John Robb and Allison McKinstray (sister to Robert McKinstray the runner) and his wife, Annie Aird (1857-1911) -Catherine Wilson and William Aird's daughter. - the two children are: Left: my grandfather - John Robb (1885-1961) and his elder sister, Catherine Robb (1882-1903)
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3.) Football - someone has placed a small "x" by my grandfather, John Robb (1885-1961) and this would have been taken somewhere around 1905-1907.
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4.) John Robb (1885-1961) and his wife, Helen Watson (1886-1958) ... my grandparents - John Robb worked for John Gray & Co. - Ladywell Tannery and Shoe Factory and Helen Watson worked for James Ramsay Tanner Currier & Shoe Manufacturer.  I have both of their letters of recommendation they received from these factories when they prepared to emigrate. They had become engaged in Maybole ... and married a few months after they arrived in Canada - 1907.
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5.) Robert Watson (1890-1954) and Samuel Watson (1895-1915) - emigrated to British Columbia, Canada 1907 .... returned for World War I with the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
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6.) Masonic or Orange Parade - looks to me like it is coming up Weaver Vennel ... and that is where my Robb family lived. These row houses were built in around 1892. My great grandfather, John Robb (1858-1939), owned # 37 from day one. There are still Robb family/descendants in it today.  I am not sure of the date on this photo ... but your might be able to determine the date by the clothing ... or if someone recognizes someone in the parade.
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