Friends Reunited 60 Years after RAF Service
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Temple Gardens at Kuala Lumpur. Ian Templeton on the left and John Lear at right

  John Lear left and Ian Templeton right

In touch again after 60 years, John Lear and Ian Templeton served in the RAF as wireless operators. John Lear recently sent us an email asking...

"In 1951 whilst serving in the R.A.F. in Malaya my close friend and working colleague was a son of Maybole. I recently re-discovered his address which he wrote in a book I was reading at the time. A great mate, six foot two and proudly Scottish.......I was only six feet tall! His name is Ian Templeton and address at that time was Vicarlands, Maybole. I would love to hear from him if he is still living in Maybole"

Following a few inquiries we located Ian who is still living in Ayrshire and have given John his address. John's response...

"Thank you so much for all your efforts on my behalf. I am so glad to know that Ian is thriving and would welcome a letter from me. I will be writing to him and bringing him up-to-date on my travels since 1951! "

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