The William Wilson Story
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A personal reflection on my grandfather,

Written by Ron L. Roberts,


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of him enlisting for World War 1.


In 1993 Pauline and I had finished a trip to Svalbard to see our son Jason for the first time in four years. Meandering slowly home we hired a car in London with the aim of driving to Scotland and visiting the Isle of Skye, home of Pauline’s maternal family, the Finlayson’s.

Slowly making our way back towards London we stopped at a B&B near Kilmarnock  (We remember vividly the Quiz Night in the local Pub) and perusing our map for possible routes south I came across the wee village of Maybole. “That’s the home of my ancestors on Bette’s side, the Wilsons,” I enthused.

Next morning as the mist was rising above the valley we entered Maybole. With a few memories but too little research beforehand, we found ourselves in the library and the cemetery. As we drove out of the village that evening, through the Scottish drizzle, there was a growing desire to know more of my forebears.

This little booklet is a result of that trip which stayed in the background until 2013.


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